Coronavirus, Injuries, Videos

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (Documentary on COVID Vaccine Injuries)


This is a sobering documentary (focused in the UK) on the torments that many suffer who are injured by the COVID shot. Many of those who do not die from the vaccine have had their health, livelihood, and social life destroyed by this bioweapon.

Many lack support, and some are driven to suicide.

This is a snapshot of what the Globalists and their acolytes will do to you if you trust them: they will throw you under the bus and leave you to die. They are vicious, ravenous wolves.

If you are a Christian, pray for these people — that those who do not know the Lord will come to Him for salvation; and that those who already know Him will have unwavering faith.

The documentary also covers the withhunt and bigotry against those who refuse the COVID death shot.

Disclaimer: there are favorable comments on traditional, or non-COVID vaccines; we of course disagree with this, as all vaccines are deadly (although the COVID shot is more obviously so).

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