Our friend Christopher Zechariah has released an excellent article called “Christians have no moral duty to take the Covid vaccine: A Response to David K. Vallance.”
The well-researched article thoroughly demolishes the false idea that Christians should get the COVID shot, as well as historical myths about vaccination. We highly recommend reading and sharing this article, as well as following his website, as it addresses vaccination from a Christian/biblical perspective (which is rare!).
Topics in this article include:
- Introduction
- Can You Trust Pfizer, Moderna and Other Vaccine Companies?
- A Scientific Definition of Vaccination
- What is a Pandemic?
- Did vaccines eradicate disease?
- A Closer Look at The Smallpox and Polio
- A Closer Look at Measles
- Vaccine Regulators – How High is the Bar?
- Are Unvaccinated People a Danger to Others? No!
- Exaggerations of Covid Fatality
- The False Charge of Misinformation
- The Reality of Corporate Corruption
- Romans 13 and The Government
- Conspiracy Theory: An insult and a pejorative phrase
- Denying the Ongoing Abortion Connection
- Science and Medical Therapy are Biblical but what about vaccines?
- Am I Peddling “Anti-Vaccination Pseudo-Science?”
- Vaccines and Risk
- Has The Vaccine Been Rushed?
- The Correlation Does Not Mean Causation Argument
- The Place of Expert Opinions and Peer Reviewed Studies
- Outrages Against Common Sense
- Love Your Neighbour
- Conclusion
More from Christopher Zechariah:
Are Masks, Vaccines and Lockdowns Necessary?
Series of articles on vaccination from a Biblical, ethical and historical perspective
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