Deception, Videos

Scamdemic’s “supernatural amount of coordination” can only be “a SATANIC attack on humanity” (Naomi Wolf)


Naomi Wolf is a liberal, but she discerns what too many Christians should, but do not: that the Scamdemic — with all the death and destruction it is globally waging on humanity (vaccines, medical murder, isolation, economic devastation, etc.) — is a Satanic attack on humanity.

Listen to her comments in the video below. Also, here are some of Naomi’s quotes accompanied with our own comments:

The sophistication in the coordination is against human nature

She makes a good point about the level of sophistication in the coordination. Even with the backing of Globalist money, it is incredible that virtually all of the elites in the countries around the world can pull this off. Naomi comments,

I’ve looked at this attack on us for the last two years from every level, and it is so global in scale and so well coordinated, it’s so kind of demonic in its imagination, so comprehensive; and I’ve also have studied politics and history my whole life. In no other circumstance, not even Nazi Germany’s ascent, have I seen such a supernatural amount of coordination. Like usually people fight, there’s rifts, you know there’s an in group and an outgroup, people betray each other, it’s human nature. Nothing like that for two years has happened.

Not only is the level of coordination incredible, but so is the level of compliance — even in the face of contrary evidence. How can this best be explained?

A supernatural explanation

According to Naomi,

And I can’t understand this without reference to non-human, non-material reality. In other words I actually think this is a Satanic attack on humanity. … I cannot understand … the sophistication and skill and complexity of this as attributable to just human politics; even bad politics, even bad people, it doesn’t make sense. It only makes sense on a metaphysical level …

I would say that behind all this is Satan and his demons at the top, the Globalist billionaires funding the Scamdemic in the middle, and those who carry out the Scamdemic (politicians, businessmen, doctors, etc.) at the bottom.

In light of such supernatural power, there is no hope outside of God

Naomi says,

If that’s the case, I don’t really think we have any hope, just us alone, but I do think if there is a metaphysics involved, maybe we have hope by prayer, or repentance … It could be principalities and powers that we don’t understand. Other cultures, other civilizations in the past have cleaned up their own act, and at least in the Western narrative, that helped them deter their worst enemies, their worst outcomes.

Jesus Christ is the answer. We need to turn to Him for salvation. Only through Him can we pray to God for protection. We also must confess to God our personal and national sins and repent. Perhaps God will grant us deliverance from these demonically-controlled Globalists.

God does not need a single man — politician or otherwise — to deliver us from evil. He can easily do it alone. Pharaoh and Egypt learned this the hard way.

We are utterly dependent on God, and regarding His people, God truly helps those who cannot help themselves.

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