by Steve Halbrook
(Other posts in this series: parts 1-4, part 5)
Vaccine history is a history of medical quackery, lies about vaccine safety and effectiveness, and slander of those who seek to expose these things. It is, in a word, a history of deceit.
Indeed, when one sincerely embarks upon a serious campaign to know the truth about vaccines, lie upon lie is unearthed. The rabbit hole gets deeper and darker. You really start seeing the depths of depravity of fallen humanity — and the lengths many will go to keep people in the dark, even at the expense of their health and life (which today is really the goal).
Christians really need to take this issue seriously. Most Christians know that the elites are hostile to Christianity, human life and dignity, and liberty.
And yet even though it is obvious that the elites cannot be trusted, many Christians — to their own detriment, and the detriment of their children — eagerly swallow the elite-fabricated vaccine narrative, and refuse to seriously consider another perspective.
In short, they (rightfully) reject much of what they hear from corporate media as “liberal bias” — and yet somehow consider it a trustworthy source about vaccines.
So when it comes to vaccination and lies, we have two issues: (1) the fact that the vaccine narrative is based on lies, and (2) the need to seriously investigate whether this is the case. It is obvious that lying is evil, and we all think that we take it seriously — but how seriously do we take the need to investigate whether something is a lie?
If we feel no need to investigate whether vaccination is based on lies, then the fact that it is based on lies won’t make any difference to us: we will continue to embrace the false vaccine narrative, no matter how obviously fraudulent and dangerous it might be.
But Christianity is about Truth, and so Christians must seek the truth about vaccination. The truth won’t necessarily fall into our laps. It may take a thorough research, sweat, and soul-searching. We can’t be lazy. Too much is at stake.
Not only are lies evil in and of themselves, but in the case of vaccination, lies result in death and destroyed lives: people are murdered or seriously injured, grieving their family and friends. The pro-vaccine narrative is a violation of the Eighth Commandment (“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”), but vaccination also results in a violation of the Sixth Commandment (“You shall not murder”).
Let’s explore this topic further in the following ways:
- We should desire to know the truth
- Vaccine history is a history of lies
- We are not to trust liars
- Historical examples
- Concluding thoughts
We should desire to know the truth
The vaccinators want us to be content with trusting whatever they say without honestly thinking about and researching vaccines on our own.
Here’s more or less the playbook:
“Are you a doctor? No. But I am [appeal to authority]. So shut up. The science is settled — vaccines are safe and effective [false fact]. The majority of doctors support vaccination [appeal to majority]. Don’t be a Google doc [appeal to stupidity]. Don’t ask questions based on conspiracy theories [appeal to emotion]. Censorship of anti-vaccine misinformation is necessary to save lives [appeal to pity].”
With such talking points, can it be more obvious that they are hiding something? Such logical fallacies, emotional manipulation, and aversion to us thinking for ourselves and doing our own research should be a red flag to anyone concerned with truth.
Christians are not to blindly accept something just because they are told that it is true – even by someone in “authority.” Since God is concerned with truth in all circumstances (and indeed, He hates lies), Christians, who are His followers, should be concerned with truth in all circumstances as well.
Concerning the truth of Scripture, the Bible says this of the Bereans:
Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. (Acts 17:11, ESV)
The Bereans did not blindly accept what they were told. They searched the Scriptures daily to see if what they were told was true. As such, they were more “noble” than certain others.
And what is very interesting is that they were verifying what they were told by Paul — the great Apostle, commissioned directly by God Himself. What position held by a human can be more prestigious or high-ranking than this?
And yet, they weren’t overstepping their bounds, but “noble.” While they came to full agreement with Paul, as he was indeed legitimate, there is no record of Paul flying off the handle for the truth of his claims being examined; he is not said to pull rank and complain,
“It is not your place to doubt me. Did you go to theology school? Are you some kind of conspiracy theorist? Every respectful Christian leader agrees with me, and that is because the theology is settled – there is no need to verify what I said. Trust me, I’m the expert. You’re not qualified to understand the Bible.”
Again, the Bereans would find Paul to be correct, since they confirmed his words via the infallible source of Truth – the Bible. And we have no reason to think that Paul didn’t handle this well, despite his great authority. He knew that we cannot blindly take one’s word for something, despite one’s status.
Now, if one with Paul’s status can be questioned, how much more should everyone else? Doctors included. No mere man is infallible; people can be mistaken at best, dishonest at worst. It is a given, then, that we question what we are told about vaccination.
Vaccine history is a history of lies
In the previous section, the pro-vaccine talking points make it obvious that the vaccinators have something to hide. After all, when you have the truth, you appeal to the facts. When you don’t have the truth, you distract from the facts, which is what we have here.
This is because vaccination is based on lies — and it always has been:
- Contrary to what we are told, vaccination is not safe. Whether the COVID shot, or vaccines in general, vaccination is deadly — and has always been so — hence Christian opposition to vaccination throughout vaccine history. Vaccines are obviously today a tool of depopulation, and in earlier vaccine history may have been so as well.
- Not only, as we see today, is the danger of vaccination covered up via online censorship, but has historically been covered up via falsifying death certificates.
- We are lied to about antibody protection via vaccination. Getting vaccine-induced antibodies does not prove you will not get sick from what you are being vaccinated for. And there are also those with a condition that makes them unable to develop antibodies to infectious disease who can still develop immunity after exposure.
- Throughout vaccine history data has been manipulated to give vaccination the appearance of efficacy. For instance, with the smallpox vaccine, the polio vaccine, and now the COVID vaccine.
- We are told that when one is vaccinated, it protects others, and yet at least some vaccines can result in the one vaccinated spreading illness to others. This is why the smallpox vaccine was a self-spreading bioweapon, as is the case with the COVID shot.
Lies are evil. God hates lies. So should we. We should then hate and detest vaccination.
We are not to trust liars
If we take this Psalm seriously, then liars and deceivers should be a concern to us:
Deliver me, O LORD, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.
(Psalm 120:2, ESV)
As we have seen, throughout vaccine history the vaccine narrative has been shaped by lying deceivers. When someone assures you that you should be vaccinated — that vaccines are “safe and effective” — be assured that he is either a liar, or is ignorantly trusting liars.
As Christians, our priority should be the truth and thus we should not trust vaccine propagandists. The liars who shape the narrative are wicked and therefore our enemies:
The thoughts of the righteous are just; the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. (Proverbs 12:5, ESV)
We must, then, guard ourselves from such people:
Let everyone beware of his neighbor, and put no trust in any brother, for every brother is a deceiver, and every neighbor goes about as a slanderer. (Jeremiah 9:4, ESV)
This was written about a particular time in history, but the principle remains: we are not to trust deceivers. When it comes to vaccination, it may cost us our health and even our life.
“But wait! My doctor is sincere about vaccines! He wouldn’t try to deceive me!”
Maybe. Maybe not. You might be surprised about how skilled some are in the art of deception. But yes, there are some doctors who are just ignorant.
But trusting them makes no practical difference; for they themselves believe what they do about vaccines by trusting deceivers. Thus you would be trusting in those who trust deceivers, and would be the blind following the blind into a pit.
Given the abundance of lies the vaccinators continually feed us, you just can’t take their word on anything. Remember,
One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. (Luke 16:10, ESV)
And note, as was shown, vaccine propagandists are dishonest in more than just a very little.
And so the wise course of action is to not trust liars who want you to inject poisons into your body, and the bodies of your children. It is best not to learn our lesson about vaccines until it is too late:
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. (Proverbs 27:12)
Historical examples
Some examples of the dangers of trusting lying deceivers:
In the Old Testament, Ahab, King of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, discuss an alliance to defeat Syria. After Jehoshaphat requested that they inquire of God, Ahab sought out around 400 false prophets, or “experts,” who “legitimized” going to battle.
The “experts” were all deluded by a lying spirit. Micaiah even exposed them as frauds right before Ahab, but Ahab would not listen. He chose to heed liars, and paid the price, dying in combat (1 Kings 22).
Sometimes we heed lies because we are ignorant, and maybe too trusting. Other times, because we want to believe them. Ahab seems to be an example of the latter: he heeded the false prophets because he wanted to believe their lies. Many who vaccinate are the same: to their detriment, they want to believe the vaccine narrative for whatever reason.
Everyone should know the story: Delilah kept badgering Samson about the secret of his strength; eventually, a deluded Samson gave in and revealed how he might become weakened — even though he had all the evidence in the world that he shouldn’t trust her. Delilah capitalized on this, enabling the Philistines to capture him. Samson would ultimately kill himself in order to destroy his oppressive captors (Judges 16).
The Delilah tactic is what our wicked society does regarding vaccines. It keeps harassing us to get vaccinated, in hopes that we give in. Some, disregarding dangers that they know or suspect might result, succumb to delusion and yield to the pressure — and pay the price.
Concluding thoughts
Christianity is a religion of truth, and as such, we should seek truth wherever it leads. This includes the matter of vaccination — which too many Christians have refused to seriously investigate.
Investigating the truth about the vaccine narrative is important because the fact that it is based on lies makes it evil in and of itself; a violation of the Eighth Commandment. And this sin results in another sin, the destruction of health and murder of the innocent — a violation of the Sixth Commandment.
While censorship is making things increasingly harder to research vaccination, the information showing that vaccination is based on a mountain of lies is out there — if you dig diligently enough. (We have included sufficient info in the links of this article alone.)
In addition, if you inquire among your peers, you may find some who can testify to the dangers of vaccines firsthand.
If you refuse to take this seriously, then the only other option is to continue to recklessly trust the vaccinators with your life and the lives of your children.
Vaccination is just a repacking of the Satanic lie from the Serpent in the Garden of Eden: “Ye shall not surely die”. The propagandists assure us that vaccines are safe, when in reality, they are a mass killer, as evidenced by countless witnesses throughout vaccine history.
And so if you give murderous liars and their blind acolytes carte blanche over your bloodstream — or that of your children — then don’t expect it to end well.
Seeking truth, and obedience to God, is the safe course.
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I appreciate your post. You made some excellent points. I don’t trust anything we’ve been told about the Covid injection, which is not a vaccine. I also have issues with other vaccines such as Gardasil, which has been horribly destructive. However, I don’t believe I have enough info. to assume that ALL vaccines are bad. Haven’t we been able to eradicate polio, small pox, rubella and measles through vaccines? I follow The Highwire with Del Bigtree and Children’s Health Defense and have learned so much from them!
Having said this, I don’t trust the drug companies at all! It is astounding how much they have lied to the public, and the CDC, FDA, WHO, etc., are all complicit. It amazes me that so many people have been deceived over the past few years. And it’s not just vaccines; they lie about all the other drugs they are pushing! You can’t even watch a TV show for an hour without seeing ads for a drug company. They rush through all the potential side effects. It’s scary!
I haven’t been Covid jabbed and will never get it, because I did my own research when it first came out. Something didn’t smell right with the rush to market and the “95% effective” claims. However, my entire extended family have all had multiple injections. My husband and I are the only holdouts, and they all think we’re crazy. Interestingly, we are also the only Christians in the family.
I sent my (Catholic) sister data from VAERS and some other info. She said she and her family were “healthy and boosted” (an oxymoron) and I should mind my own business.
But even a few of my Christian friends have bought into all the fear-mongering media lies about Covid and have gotten jabbed multiple times. If I try to warn them, they get really upset. What stuns me is how effective the media has been at not only whitewashing the truth about Covid and the injections, but completely removing all data that is counter to its claims. So there is this huge segment of the population that is ignorant about all of this stuff!
What you said about truth is spot-on! I wrote a post about it three years ago, before Covid. I’m attaching it below because I believe it is even more relevant now.
I want to watch and read more from your site!
Hi Leener! Thanks for your comments.
Agreed about Gardasil — really bad.
Regarding vaccines and diseases in history: I used to also believe vaccination eradicated disease, but found over time that they do not. They have always been a killer, and data is manipulated to make them look effective. See the links in this post for more.
Vaccination is one of the biggest cons ever perpetuated against humanity. The topic is really a rabbit hole where as you research, you discover one deception after another.
But for those who still believe in some vaccinations, what I would say is that, what is evident from the COVID shot, you can’t trust that vaccine ingredients are safe: you never know what poisons have been put in them.
The brainwashing is indeed amazing. My hope is that the Lord opens the eyes of His people so that they will see vaccines for the evil that they are and influence this procedure to end …
Thanks for being salt and light! In time, Lord willing, your family will see and understand.