Coronavirus, Videos

WATCH: Doctor Convicted by Conscience Exposes Vaccine Lies, CALLS OUT Vaccinators at Conference


Below is a powerful video about an Australian doctor, William Bay, who stopped going along with the genocidal COVID vaccine program. It is a testimony to the power our God-given conscience has to convict us of evil, to admit we were wrong, and to spur us to combat evil.

Watch as Dr. Bay discusses being willing to lose his medical license out of love for his neighbor. Early in the video there is footage of Dr. Bay calling out vaccinators at an AMA conference. Excerpts:

“I’m here today to ask you to join with the people of Australia and stop forcing these vaccines on people who are getting killed by them.”

“Dr. Professor Paul Kelly is a liar, he is gaslighting all of you …”

“All GPs, all doctors of Australia you are on notice by the people of Queensland.”

“This is the Queensland People’s Protest and you have been warned.”

While fear is contagious, so can courage be. Perhaps this is a spark that will ignite the conscience of others complicit in the vaccine genocide to oppose and expose the narrative. I pray for God’s protection of Dr. Bay and that he will be a driving force to demolish this genocidal agenda.

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