Abortion, Mass Murder

“Roe vs. Wade” has Ended — but the Work to End the Slaughter is NOT Over


by Steve Halbrook

While it was good to see the end of Roe v. Wade, if you are waiting to see the end of the slaughter of the unborn, don’t hold your breath. It’s more of a first step — at best. Some lives may be saved by this (praise God!), but much more reform needs to be done. Evil never rests.

After hearing about the end of Roe, about the first thing that came to my mind was, “Why would a Globalist-controlled Court do this? What is the Globalists’ scheme? How might they benefit from this?”

Perhaps in these ways:

1) To further destabilize the country by using this (like with George Floyd) as an opportunity for violence and riots — which have already begun. Die-hard pro-abortionists are bloodthirsty murderers. “If I can’t kill babies, I’ll kill you” is the mindset. Destabilization can serve the Globalist agenda — as can police-state “emergency powers” that might be used in the name of stopping the chaos (which will probably be blamed on pro-lifers), but might be — just like the “War on Terror” — be used on conservatives. Out of chaos, order — totalitarian order.

2) Hopium for us while the Globalists continue their genocide of humanity, whether by vaccination, murder via COVID treatment protocols, war, man-made famine, etc. The sacrifice of Roe — as important as it has been to the Globalists — may seem like an acceptable loss to them if it distracts us from their campaign of mass murdering people of all ages — preborn and born alike.

3) The states now have complete say in abortion policy. In liberal states, it could get much worse; even expanding the murder to newborns.

In addition to all of this, let us note that we are a godless nation under God’s judgment. Without national repentance, should we expect any long-term liberty and justice?

Here’s the elephant in the room: do we really think Republicans, as a whole, will follow through and enact any serious legislation to protect the life of the pre-born? The same Republican party that was never serious all these years? The same Republican party that continues, as we speak, to engage in mass murder via the COVID scam, vaccination, and policies causing famine? This party is not serious about life.

Serious pro-life legislation is not a small fine — or punishing only the doctors. South Dakota’s Republican Governor Kristi Noem, who says doctors may be prosecuted for abortion, also says:

I don’t believe women should ever be prosecuted. … I don’t believe there should be any punishment for women, ever, that are in a crisis situation or have an unplanned pregnancy.

What favoritism! What injustice! So — for this Republican Governor, in this case it’s okay for someone to seek to murder a child, as long as she’s the mother and not an M.D. providing assistance.

But not surprising — that is Republicans for you. Controlled opposition.

I can imagine a scenario where abortion pills become widely used — where mothers can easily pull off child-murder without the need for doctors.

Biblically, the government is required to apply the death penalty to all participants in murder:

Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image. (Genesis 9:6, ESV)

Yes, mothers are not exempted — even when part of a feministic society.

Biblical capital punishment has a “hear and fear” effect that deters others from the same crime (e.g., Deuteronomy 21:21). The state is not to use the sword (an instrument of execution) in vain, but use it –when necessary — to terrorize evildoers (Romans 13: 3, 4).

The Republican Party, of course, is too cowardly and immoral to propose such legislation. But beyond legislation, there’s the matter of enforcement. Even if there is serious legislation, would it be enforced? I doubt it. And if so, for how long? About as long as the spine of the typical Republican politician?

Moreover, even if the Republicans are, or appear to be, serious about enforcing pro-life policies, the other half of the Globalist political establishment, the Democrats, may undermine their efforts, via activist judges and so forth.

What can we do?

This is all to say, while I’m thankful for Roe being overturned as a first step, there is much more work to do. We need to continue to work to end abortion on the state level (including raising up candidates who really do care), and be aware of the Globalist schemes. Remember that in the midst of this, the Globalist Controllers continue their genocide of humanity in other ways.

Speaking of which, let’s not forget about vaccination. Vaccination is a means by the Globalists to murder both the born and unborn alike. Many who oppose abortion are unwittingly murdering their own children via vaccination. To be consistently pro-life, we must not only work to ban abortion, but vaccination as well.

Christians should not limit their opposition to vaccination to vaccines that use aborted baby tissue. It is not just a matter of, as in those particular vaccines, whether murder was committed in order to create a vaccine. It is the fact that all vaccines can result in murder. Only opposing certain vaccinations is as inconsistent as only opposing certain abortions.

How to end this mountain of bloodshed? Salt and light! Those who are Christians need to continue to work for national reform, pray for national repentance, and share the Gospel (which, by God’s blessing, truly changes hearts and nations). We must push for the crown-rights of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

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