History, Paganism

Satire on the Religion of Vaccination (1878)


For many, vaccination is more than a “medical procedure.” It is an idolatrous, false religion, and has long been recognized to be so. The following sarcastic critique of the vaccine religion and its imposition in Faringdon, England, was published in 1878:

From The National Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Reporter (February 1, 1878)

The following remarkable proclamation has been forwarded to us. Whoever may be its author he is evidently well acquainted with the modus operandi of the Faringdon Board of Guardians:

Whereas, it is expedient that all children should be baptized by the baptism of Jenner, and marked with “the mark of the beast,” and that fees should flow into the pockets of doctors, prosecuting solicitors, and others, We, the Faringdon Board of Guardians, of our good-will and pleasure, have since March, 1876, issued seventeen summonses against our well beloved parishioner, Joseph Abel, and, aided by our paternal chairman and other justices, fined him £24 10s. 6d. And, whereas, the said Joseph Abel doth still refuse to bow down and worship the vaccine image which a medical priesthood has set up, or submit his child to their blood-polluting rites, we have directed further proceedings to be taken against him. One child has recently been killed by vaccination at Stanford, and three at Sheffield, showing vaccination to be legalised murder, whilst out of ten cases of smallpox, which have occurred in Faringdon, all in vaccinated and some in re-vaccinated persons, five died, clearly demonstrating the impotence of vaccination, either to prevent or mitigate the disease. But to murder by vaccination, and to plunder by persecution, is the law, and “the law must be obeyed,” to which, we, its willing tools humbly say,—Amen .”

The National Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Reporter, Vol. II, No. 5 (February 1, 1878), in The National Anti-compulsory-vaccination Reporter: Published Monthly, Volume 2, from October 1877-September 1878, 99.

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