Picture in William Rowley’s book, Cow-pox Inoculation No
Security against Small-pox Infection (1806)
See also:
A Biblical Critique of Vaccines: Part 4: Natural Food versus Unnatural Vaccine Ingredients
Animal DNA in Vaccines: What Could we be Creating?
The use of aborted baby tissue in vaccines is twisted on more than one level. But what about vaccination that uses animal matter?
Let’s think about it. God gave us animals to eat (Genesis 9:2, 3), not to inject. God made man and beast distinctively different beings, and separated them via moral and genetic boundaries.
Moreover, should we even imagine that we can improve on God’s design of the human immune system by contaminating it with the matter of beasts? Dare we think we are wiser than God?!
This brings us to the prohibition of the perverted practice of man mating with an animal (Leviticus 18:23). Can vaccination with animal matter be likened to it? Not, of course, in the sexual sense — but in the sense of an unlawful union between man and beast; a breaking down of barriers by the injection of animal matter into the blood of man.
Since God separated man and beast, is it not a sick perversion to comingle human blood with animal matter; to taint the human bloodstream with animal filth?
And what becomes of those who engage in such practice — are they, genetically-speaking, in one way or another, human/animal hybrids? What about their offspring? What is happening to the genetic code in each generation to families who practice animal inoculation?
Moreover, the fruit of the practice — as it is with any vaccination — is simply death and disease.
The likening of vaccination with animal matter to bestiality is present in early vaccine history. Here are some quotes regarding smallpox vaccination, which used matter from the cow:
1. The famous philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) referred to vaccination as an “inoculation of bestiality.”
William Wallace, Kant (Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1882), 89.
2. The following was published by The Eclectic Journal and Medical Free Press in 1868 regarding mandatory vaccination:
To The Editor Of The “courier.”
Sir,—Our legislators having, in the year of the great Reform Act, condescended to attempt the enforcement of bestiality, under the name of vaccination, upon the British people, against the stomach of their sense, it is necessary that the spirit of outraged freedom should make her quondam representatives understand that they have, in so acting, monstrously mistaken alike their duty and their power.
The Eclectic Journal and Medical Free Press, Volume II, 1868-9. (Leeds: British Eclectic Medical Publishing Company Limited), 120.
3. Dr. William Rowley writes the following in Cow-pox Inoculation No Security against Small-pox Infection in 1806:
It is God’s command, that man shall not lie with any manner of beast—not contaminate the form of the Creator with the brute creation. Whether vaccination be agreeable to the will and ordinances of God, is a question worthy of the consideration of the contemplative and learned ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ ; whether it be impious and profane to wrest out of the hands of the Almighty the divine dispensations of Providence?
William Rowley, Cow-pox Inoculation No Security against Small-pox Infection. With Above 500 Proofs of Failure. (London: J. Barfield, Wardour-Street, 1806), 9.

“Cow Poxed, Ox faced Boy” from William Rowley’s book, Cow-pox Inoculation
No Security against Small-pox Infection (1806)
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