
“Salvation” Army Pushes Vaccination — even though Co-founder called it a “MONSTROUS SYSTEM”


Catherine Booth (1829-1890), co-founder of the Salvation Army and
strong opponent of vaccination, which she referred to as a “monstrous system.”

First, a disclaimer. We do not endorse the false Gospel as officially promoted by the Salvation Army. The official Salvation Army creed makes this heretical statement:

We believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ.

Sadly, this has been part of the Salvation Army’s official creed since its early days. (The organization began in 1865; this doctrine was official in 1878.)

However, salvation is free forever secured through faith alone by grace alone in Jesus Christ and His saving work. He is salvation — not man’s ability to forever maintain “obedient faith” — whatever this means. Scripture is clear on this (e.g., Galatians 3:1-6). Christ is the perfect Savior, Who atones for all sin — past, present, and future.

Having said all this, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are many true Christians who work for the Salvation Army who do not adhere to the organization’s doctrine of conditional salvation. But I thought the disclaimer was appropriate.

The Salvation Army Complicit in COVID-19 Vaccine Genocide

The so-called Salvation Army is complicit in COVID-19 vaccine genocide.

In a March 2021 article on the Salvation Army’s website, the head of the organization, “General” Brian Peddle, states:

We urge you to get [the vaccination] when it becomes available in your country, as you’re invited to do so. We believe that getting the vaccine is a way for all of us to show our love for each other, keep each other safe, and then, together, we can beat COVID-19.

But the organization is not only complicit in mass murder by endorsing the death shot. It is also complicit in actively providing the shot — and to some extent mandating it on employees.

For example, the “Mobile Clinic” in June 2021 in Illinois providing the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. And the death operation in the African country of Ghana early in March 2021.

A Salvation Army branch in Canada also tried to impose the shot on its own employees — but thankfully ended up losing 80 percent of its volunteers over it.

Salvation Army Co-founder Catherine Booth on the evils of Vaccination

The Salvation Army was founded in the 1800s by William Booth and his wife, Catherine. As many did during her day, Catherine strongly opposed vaccination and recognized the evils that it caused.

In a letter to a friend in 1868 regarding vaccination and a pamphlet about it that she sent her, Catherine:

  • Calls the pro-vaccine doctors prejudiced towards this practice
  • Says she would rather pay fines for not vaccinating children
  • Refers to vaccination as a “monstrous system”
  • Compares vaccination with blood-letting
  • Says getting out the true info about vaccination will doom the system
  • Asks how many have suffered owing to Edward Jenner, who popularized the smallpox vaccine
  • Notes that it is better to fall into God’s hands (by naturally catching smallpox) than man’s (by getting vaccinated for it)
  • Says that vaccination sows the seeds of all manners of diseases in healthy children
  • Vaccination makes smallpox more dangerous [this is not an exaggeration — see, for example, here and here]

Compare all of this to the current genocidal pro-vaccine position of the so-called Salvation Army — or should we call it the Vaccination Army.

Here is the actual letter from Catherine Booth in 1868:

“I send by this post a pamphlet on vaccination. Do read it, if only for the exhibition it gives of the prejudice of the ‘profession.’ It seems as though all advance in the right treatment of the disease has to be in the first instance largely in spite of the doctors, instead of their leading the way. And as it was in the beginning it is now, in many respects. I should sooner pawn my watch to pay the fines, and my bed, too, for the matter of that, than have any more children vaccinated. The monstrous system is as surely doomed as blood-letting was. This is one of the boons we shall get by waiting and enlightening.

“Who knows how much some of us have suffered through life owing to the ‘immortal Jenner’? Let us fall into the hands of God, and not of man. There is nothing worse in this pamphlet than several cases I have come across personally. But these were the direct effects. It is the indirect I dread most. The latent seeds of all manner of diseases are doubtless sown in thousands of healthy children. It has only been the stupid treatment which has made small-pox so fatal. Mrs. Smedley (of the Hydropathic Institute) says, in her last manual, that they have nursed numbers of bad cases, and never lost one. M. was one of the worst cases.

She was very delicate, had never been vaccinated, and was in her seventh year, which is supposed to be the most fatal time. Yet she recovered, and has been much better in her general health since. I do hope you will succeed in converting the parents.”

Frederick St. George De Lautour Booth-Tucker, The Life of Catherine Booth: The Mother of the Salvation Army, Volume 1 (Fleming H. Revell Company, 1892), 630.

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2 thoughts on ““Salvation” Army Pushes Vaccination — even though Co-founder called it a “MONSTROUS SYSTEM”

  1. Good post (as always). I am sad that the Salvation Army are going down this route. I also heard of a UK based mission which has apparently mandated the Covid jab upon volunteers (if you don’t get the vaccine, you can’t come on the evangelism team). If any volunteer is injured or dies as a result of this policy, the leaders of that organisation have blood on their hands and God will hold them responsible. I am tired of hearing this “love your neighbour” statement being abused.

  2. Christopher,
    Yes, definitely a perversion of the command to love one’s neighbor.
    I wonder if any large evangelism organizations will come right out and say that the shots are genocide …

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