Coronavirus, Ethics, Mass Murder

Is it okay for Politicians to PROMOTE Vaccines, as long as they don’t MANDATE Them?


“Voluntary” vaccination still allows the parent to force vaccination on his child.

by Steve Halbrook

A talking point that you’ve probably heard in defense of certain politicians who have promoted vaccines is, “It’s okay, because he didn’t mandate them.” (I wonder how often this has been used to defend Donald Trump, who was behind the murderous Operation Warp Speed.)

There is no logic to this. Murder is murder, whether by force, or by deceit. The mere act of politicians using their authority and influence to promote vaccination amounts to crimes against humanity. Whether such politicians act out of greed, malevolence, or simply ignorance, by their actions, countless lives are destroyed.

Would we apply this same logic about someone who offers you poisoned food and tells you that you should eat it — that it is good for your health? Would we say, “It’s okay — he didn’t try to force me to take it”? Of course not. More likely, we would suspect attempted murder.

Abortion is not mandated, either. But surely we know better than to say that it is okay. The mere permission to commit murder is inexcusable.

But abortion brings us to another point: politicians who promote vaccination without mandating it enable others to do so.

In abortion, while the government gives parents the option as to whether they can abort their child, the murdered child has no choice in the matter: the abortion is forced on him by his mother. And so voluntary abortion turns into mandated abortion for the child. For the slain child, it makes no difference whether the state or the mother forced it upon him: death is death.

This is exactly analogous to a parent who “voluntarily” vaccinates his child. The parent has the choice, but when the choice is to vaccinate, the child — unless he is old enough to escape — has no choice. Vaccination is mandated. All because politicians have promoted it — or even just allowed for it.

This is the kind of scenario we find with Trump’s Warp Speed. By releasing the COVID clot shot to the general public — which Trump says should be “voluntary” — Trump, whether intentional or not, passed the vaccine on to others to mandate: politicians on citizens, employers on employees, parents on children.

Some forms of mandates can be resisted, even if there will be major consequences, such as loss of income. But the infant is completely at the mercy of his parent’s wishes.

Sure, mandates are worse than recommendations; at least the latter gives me more of a choice. When vaccination is voluntary, at least those who understand that vaccines are a murderous scam can escape alive.

But what about the poor, deluded souls who do not know any better — those who believe in vaccination? Are we okay with them “voluntarily” offing themselves and their children? Is our mentality, “Oh well, as long as it’s not me”?

Indeed, if the injuries and deaths due to voluntary vaccination morally enrage us, then so should politicians who bring about such bloodshed via promoting vaccination.

Instead of promoting vaccines, politicians should warn people not to take them — and even seek the criminalization of this procedure, since one mark of a good, competent leader is to discourage murder. As Romans 13: 3, 4 makes clear, the sword of the state should be used to suppress — not to promote — evil.

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