Debate, Videos

DEBATE: Is Russia working FOR or AGAINST Globalism?


In alternative media, there are two clashing narratives regarding Putin’s Russia and the War in Ukraine: that Russia is fighting against the evil Globalist system, or that Russia is actually supporting it. We believe it is the latter, and have made our case in the article Are Russia and its “Enemies” Really on the Same Team – to Wage War on Us?

For a debate on which perspective is correct, see the video above. From the description:

OffGuardian has teamed up with Unlimited Hangout to host our first-ever panel discussion: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”

Is the war in Ukraine an “extension of Covid by other means”? Is Putin’s Russia opposed to globalism or actively supporting it? Is the east-west clash between the US-EU and Russia-China a genuine struggle of ideas, or squabbling over the best seats at the table?

Moderators Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb discuss all this and more with their guest panellists Tom Luongo, Matthew Ehret, Iain Davis and Riley Waggaman. For show notes, including panellist bios and social media links, click here:

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