Reverend John Williams (1664-1729), a Puritan minister
in New England and critic of the murderous
practice of smallpox inoculation.
We previously posted an excerpt from Reverend Edmund Massey’s 1722 sermon against smallpox variolation titled Against the Dangerous and Sinful Practice of Inoculation. While Massey was a leading voice against this practice in England, Reverend John Williams was a leading voice against it in America.
(As noted before, variolation is technically the forerunner to vaccination, but in essence it is the beginning of vaccination; vaccination in all but name. Both variolation and vaccination can be referred to as “inoculation”.)
While Rev. Williams’ writings against smallpox variolation/inoculation (in 1721 and 1722 — see at the end of the article) are three centuries old, they are very relevant for today, since arguments against smallpox variolation also generally apply to vaccination in general.
One area that Williams touches on is the fact that promoting the murderous procedure of inoculation brings reproach upon the church; it hurts its witness. (See quotes below.)
This has been an ongoing problem to this day, where we see many churches enthusiastically pushing vaccines, including the deadly COVID clot shot. Such churches, along with churches that are silent on the issue and thus neglect to warn their members about the dangers of vaccines, has brought serious reproach upon the church.
Granted — churches that promote vaccination are presumably ignorant as to the dangers of vaccines. But that doesn’t change the fact that they are contributing, however unwittingly, to deception and genocide. Moreover, it makes those who are aware of vaccine dangers and take the time to do serious research on vaccines wonder why so many church leaders don’t appear to do the same.
Such actions surely give many the impression that churches are not serious about God, because they aren’t, in the case of vaccines, standing against lies and murder. It also sows divisions within churches — and tempts some Christians to forever abandon churches because of such a scandal. (But there are still solid churches out there! Never give up seeking for a good conservative, biblical church!)
By repenting regarding the matter of vaccination, churches that have promoted, or have been silent on, vaccination can take important steps towards gaining moral credibility and thus become a better witness to the world.
Reverend John Williams’ comments directed towards a pro-inoculation minister on how promoting inoculation bringing reproach upon the church (1722):
But Satan may have another end in it, to wit, the making the Means of Grace unsuccessful, in bringing the first Venders and Abettors, and Promoters of Inoculation, which every Body knows were certain Ministers of this Town) into Contempt …
But to return and show how Satan may be carrying on his old Work by this new way. The Town daily resents your Abuses, and many blacken your Character, which you ought to preserve as sacred; and they say, If you are so defective in your Morals, how shall we believe you, when you speak of divine Things? And so you have accrued unto your selves an odious Character in the Minds and Mouths of too many, ay very many, of your Hearers and Contributers. They are prejudiced against your Persons, & consequently against whatever you teach. …
OUR Town seems to be chased in their Minds, against some of the Ministers of the Gospel, for their intermedling with things which do not belong to their Function; and do say, that there is not that Care taken to keep them in their proper Sphere, that they may be useful to the People. …
Again, It is observ’d, that the Ministers are generally of a contrary Party to the Bulk of the People, with respect to the publick Affairs here in this Town; and so there is an ill Understanding between the Mi|nisters and the People, as some have complained. …
Again, the Ministers complain, that this People in the midst of Judgment are not bettered thereby, but wax worse and worse: Here is great Divisions among us. Now we say, that several Ministers have set up the Doctrine of Inoculation in Publick, and think we do not do well that we do not believe it and practice it, but on the contrary, set light by their Advice: And indeed, we have reason so to do; for they prove it not from the Word of God to be our Duty; and till they do, let them resent it how they will, we cannot comply with them; and so we differ in Judgment, as they did in Ahab’s Time. And now the Dispute is no longer, whether there is Animosities and Contentions between the Ministers and the People but it lies here, to know where the Fault is. The Ministers say, it is because they are opposed and set light by. The People say, they oppose and set light by them, because they teach that which is not good but evil unto them. …
Now, had not the Ministers went out of their Sphere, both in England and here too, People would not have opened their Mouths against them for being the Starters and Promoters of Division. …
From AN ANSWER To a Late PAMPHLET, INTITLED, A LETTER to a Friend in the Country, attempting a Solution of the Scruples and Objections of a Consciencious or Religious Nature, commonly made against the new Way of receiving the Small Pox. By a Minister of Boston. Together with A Short History of the late Divisions among us in Affairs of State, and some Account of the first Cause of them. (1722) (Read here or here.)
Also from Rev. Williams:
Several arguments, proving, that inoculating the small pox is not contained in the law of physick, either natural or Divine, and therefore unlawful. (1721) (Read here or here.)
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My son-in-law works in national security and they forced all workers to get vaxxed. Three of his co-workers have died. His friend’s wife lost their baby, and his step-father-in-law died of a stroke. Statistics are actually much worse than what is even being reported.
I tried warning a pastor who belligerently said “I’ll be first in line to get it!” People are brainwashed.
These Christian leaders are moral gatekeepers. They should be having more insight in the spiritual and moral perspective of things, seeking a more profound truth, not just be first in line following narratives. Perhaps you may consider sending this letter to your pastor:https://www.minoritycheck.com/letter-to-clergy-or-religious-leaders/
I am sad but not surprised to hear about that.
In my experience, many church leaders are wilfully blind when they are faced with inconvenient truths. They have their own agenda and they don’t want facts to get in the way – but they will have some serious explaining to do the Lord Jesus Christ when he returns. They will not be able to plead “I didn’t know”. The Lord knows that they were offered the evidence and he also knows that they refused to look at it. They will be held fully responsible.