
Refuting the Argument, “Christians should have the Freedom to Vaccinate because it is a Medical Procedure”


Vaccination is not a “morally neutral medical procedure” —
but a great evil that must be opposed.

by Stephen Halbrook

Vaccination is evil, a violation of God’s law, and should be criminalized. We have written on the immorality of vaccination here, and the criminality here.

For those of us concerned about Christians participating in this evil, how often have we heard, when addressing a fellow Christian, the following?: “Everyone should have the right to decide for themselves whether to vaccinate. As a medical procedure, vaccination is a matter of Christian liberty.”

Sure, some medical procedures are. It depends if they are permissible by God’s law. But the mere fact that something is (or labeled as) a “medical procedure” does not make it morally lawful.

Do we likewise say that unnecessarily dangerous and discredited medical procedures are morally lawful? They are “medical procedures,” after all. What about the vile medical procedures of abortion, euthanasia, and transgender surgery? And is vaccination much different than abortion and euthanasia?

Indeed, any conceivable atrocity can be committed under the guise of “medical procedures.” Just give someone a government-approved medical license (regardless of whether the government medical standards are corrupt), slap a white coat on him, and “voila” — like magic, anything this “doctor” does is now immune from moral scrutiny.

As we can see, then, the notion that a medical procedure is automatically lawful is utterly absurd. Indeed, the medical profession’s legacy of tyranny, torture, and murder should make us think twice about giving a blanket justification to “medical procedures.” So should the fact that man is finite and fallen.

Moreover, so should the fact that Jesus is Lord over all areas of life — not some. The medical profession is not exempt from His moral standards. Man is just as much accountable to God in the medical profession, politics, business, education, etc. as he is in matters of his “personal life”. To whatever extent we deny this, we are engaged in atheism.

And so Jesus is Lord of all — even over doctors and “medical procedures.” This means vaccination is not “just a medical procedure,” but, being a violation of God’s law, rebellion against God.

Forever stand firm, resist vaccination, and warn your neighbor about lawless “medical procedures”.

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4 thoughts on “Refuting the Argument, “Christians should have the Freedom to Vaccinate because it is a Medical Procedure”

  1. My mother trusted the white coats and was murdered with chemo poison. I trusted the white coats and was severely damaged.

    I now warn my family repeatedly to not trust doctors.

    1. Thanks for your comments. Sorry to hear about your mother.

      I hope your warning is not falling on deaf ears. So many are determined to believe the Globalist medical narratives, no matter how insane …

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