Deception, Russia

Are Russia and its “Enemies” Really on the Same Team – to Wage War on Us?


by Steve Halbrook

Here we go again. The Orwellian tactic of perpetual crises continues, as the “global threat” of Russia has suddenly replaced COVID in phase 2 of the road to the Great Reset.

Another excuse to generate global mass hysteria and give away our rights so governments can enslave and murder us.

Another great way to divide and conquer the people, another excuse to crack down on “dissent,” and a clever diversion from the need to bring Corona Fascists to trial for crimes against humanity. (What greater diversion than the threat of nuclear war?)

And of course, a way to shift the blame for economic collapse due to the COVID Scamdemic — and to further provoke economic collapse. Melt down the world’s economies so the Globalists can “build back better” via a global totalitarian state. And to further accelerate vaccine genocide.

This is not to say Putin and Russia are blameless. They aren’t — they are part of the genocidal Globalist system, and just as much as a threat to their people as all other Globalist-controlled governments are to theirs (as we’ll see below.)

Our point is that it is wrong to generate hysteria about Russia and hatred for Russians as another scheme to enslave and murder citizens; that is the scam. The real threat to most people of the world is their own governments and the Globalist Controllers. The threat thus is not uniquely Russian; it is ubiquitous and Globalist.

Yes, there is actual conflict occurring in Ukraine. But the world’s governments are not beyond mass murder to achieve their goals, just as in the COVID Scamdemic. We are all pawns for the Globalists. And unless I am missing something, the conflict is just another show to further accelerate the Great Reset.

As an analogy, political parties regularly put on a show of conflict to deceive the people and to attain the ends of the Globalists; here in America, it is the Republican and Democratic parties. War can easily be an international extension of such theater.

Sadly, some actually believe Putin is fighting against the Globalist system! As if the delusion that Trump would save us (which surely many are now waking up from) has been replaced by the delusion that Putin will do so; QAnon is now PutAnon.

Let’s put this to rest. Here are reasons why the Russian government, including Vladmir Putin, seems to be just as much a Globalist puppet as the rest of the world governments and leaders — and thus is ultimately on the same side as countries that it is now supposedly in conflict with.


1. Putin’s long-standing connection with Globalist leader and Great Reset spokesman Klaus Schwab

At the World Economic Forum’s 2021 virtual Davos gathering (a regular meeting of globalists promoted by Klaus Schwab), Putin opens his speech with the following:

I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organised by Mr Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus [Schwab] just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times. I would like to thank you for this opportunity today to convey my point of view to the expert community that gathers at this world-renowned platform thanks to the efforts of Mr Schwab.

2. Schwab has said that Putin was a Young Leader for the World Economic Forum — which “penetrates” governments around the world:

“I mention names like Mrs Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on; they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… I know that half of [Trudeau’s] cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are .. actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. … It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now…” (see these comments in the video below).

3. Putin and the Russian government have used the same false COVID narrative as the rest of the Globalist-controlled world

The COVID narrative, or Scamdemic, is of course a Globalist scheme to foster depopulation, economic collapse, and the Great Reset. If Putin and the Russian government are not Globalists, then why have they been implementing in lockstep the same script as the other Globalist-controlled countries?

Edward Slavsquat (AKA Riley Waggaman), an American writer and journalist based in Moscow, writes in Myth vs. reality in COVID Russia:

Alternative media has created an alternative reality about Russia. The Kremlin has embraced all the same soul-raping “public health measures” currently terrorizing the Western world—and people are either in denial or making excuses …

And yes, the vaccine program in Putin’s Russia is, like everywhere else, killing people.

Like a good little Globalist, Vladimir Putin has not only endorsed the genocidal vaccine program for his country, but for the entire world (That’s what globalism is all about, after all.) He said at the World Economic Forum’s 2021 virtual Davos gathering,

Of course, we need to coordinate the efforts of the entire world, as the UN Secretary-General suggests and as we urged recently at the G20 summit. It is essential to join and coordinate the efforts of the world in countering the spread of the virus and making the much needed vaccines more accessible. We need to help the countries that need support, including the African nations. I am referring to expanding the scale of testing and vaccinations.

We see that mass vaccination is accessible today, primarily to people in the developed countries. Meanwhile, millions of people in the world are deprived even of the hope for this protection. In practice, such inequality could create a common threat because this is well known and has been said many times that it will drag out the epidemic and uncontrolled hotbeds will continue. The epidemic has no borders.

4. The timing of the war with Ukraine

Russia’s attack on Ukraine came just in time as countries around the world were getting increasing push-back for the Scamdemic. The timing very conveniently diverts attention away from the crimes against humanity that world leaders are guilty of, while simultaneously giving them an excuse to increase their totalitarian control. This benefits Russia and its “enemies” alike.

5. The casual manner in which all sides provoke nuclear war

C,mon — why would the world’s nations walk in lockstep to provoke mutually assured destruction via nuclear war — unless it is theater? Just look at their words and actions. NATO “provokes” Russia by its increasing expansion. Russia “provokes” the pro-NATO countries by invading Ukraine. Then there are the attacks on Russia via sanctions and cutting it out of the world economy. There is also the endless barrage of hostile comments from both sides.

If you fear being brutalized in a rough neighborhood, you don’t march into that neighborhood and start trash-talking its inhabitants — and threaten to destroy them.

This recklessness in the face of death tells me that this is a scam. It is treated as another political game — as if they know they’ll be safe. These are men who do not serve God, and thus who would naturally fear death. The last thing they want is to obliterate each other. Thus charging headlong into mutually assured destruction doesn’t make sense.

Unless — there is mutual assurance on both sides of the dispute that this is all a big show; no nukes will actually be deployed. Or, if nukes are deployed, they would only be so on agreed-upon targets — targets that will not kill or destroy the Globalist elites or infrastructure and assets important to them. (The rest of us are expendable.)

6. More info

Still unconvinced that Putin and the Russian government are Globalists? We previously quoted comments from Putin at the World Economic Forum’s 2021 virtual Davos gathering. Read the entire transcript for more Globalist nonsense from Uncle Vlad.

See also the Moscow 2030 Smart City plan here and here. Sounds like part of the Globalist Plan for the Great Reset to me.

Concluding thoughts

In the Star Wars prequels, Darth Sidious comes to become the Emperor of the galaxy after manipulating a war between two factions that he secretly controlled. They were two armies with the same leader. The war was a scam to enslave the people and achieve totalitarian powers.

In this war, one of the leading enemies of the Republic was General Grievous, a horrific-looking cybernetic creature who was the face of evil. It was as if Sidious put him in place to further motivate the Republic to fight the war — and to continue to grant Sidious “emergency powers.”

Star Wars seems to be coming to life today. Like Sidious, the Globalist Controllers appear to manipulating the world’s governments into a war of their own design. It is a scam to further enslave the people, commit mass genocide, and achieve totalitarian powers over their own countries. They are building their Death Star.

The “General Grievous” — at least for one side of the war — is Vladimir Putin. He is portrayed as the ultimate face of evil, leading Russia in a cause that is detrimental to the Republic. Anti-Putin propaganda is widely disseminated to convince the public that their governments are right to join the conflict — and to adapt whatever “emergency powers” they desire. (Powers to really escalate the war on us.)

Let’s remember that when it came to the COVID scam, Russia and its enemies alike have applied the same script written by the Globalist Controllers. It was a shared collusion, as the nations worked together to deceive us. And so if they’ve been colluding all this time about the Scamdemic — it seems unlikely that they’ve stopped colluding now.

All the while, during (and even before) the time of COVID collusion, the nations have been building the narrative that led to our current war. And so, while it is remotely possible, I don’t think that Putin and Russia suddenly decided to break away from the Globalists to launch a sincere war.

Considering the global destruction and genocide our countries have already inflicted with the Scamdemic, should we really think they are incapable of deceiving us about the war? Especially since it attains the same results as in the COVID Scamdemic — censorship, theft, inflation, shortages, tyranny, and murder? All of which paves the way for the Great Reset?

And remember America’s “War on Terror”? And how that bait-and-switch conveniently turned towards a war on American conservatives?

Maybe, then, the war our nations are waging are not ultimately with one another. Just maybe, they want us to look the other way as they continue to wage war on us.

Klaus Schwab says Putin was a Young Global Leader of The World Economic Forum

Corbett Report: Moscow-based journalist on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality

Tucker Carlson: War with Russia will be Devastating

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