Christianity, Coronavirus

God’s Judgment and COVID Vaccine Propagandists


by Steve Halbrook

We are in an age where it seems everything good is called evil — and everything evil is called good.

A glaring example is vaccination. Those who warn others about vaccination, instead of being credited for caring enough to want to save lives, are viciously maligned; as are those who simply don’t want to commit vaccine suicide.

Beware. If you have been repeating the twisted lie that vaccination is good and non-vaccination is evil, a curse may be upon you. Scripture says:

Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20, ESV)

Consider many who have pushed the COVID death shot — some of whom have mocked those who oppose it — and gotten ill or even died. Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News writes:

Pro-COVID-19 vaccine fanatics who criticize or mock in public those who refuse the COVID injections continue to experience the principle found in the Bible that states “you reap what you sow” or what others refer to as “karma” as they are struck down dead or injured, sometimes in full view of the public.

Shilhavy is a thorough researcher, and has compiled many examples of COVID vaccine promoters (some of whom mocked those who oppose the shot) who have been harmed or killed by the vaccine — has their sin come back to bite them? See examples here and here.

Granted — it might be argued that the deaths and injuries of such people may be the natural consequences of the sin of vaccination, which many who got the jab suffer who did not promote the shot to the general public. In other words, not all who suffer vaccine harm are propagandists; vaccinated propagandists and non-propagandists alike share the same fate.

And so maybe the mere act of taking the jab brings a curse — at least for some people. But even if so, the sin of vaccination is more aggravated when one tries to get others to take it — and when one mocks those who oppose vaccination.

Such propagandists, even if sincerely deluded that they are doing the right thing, are those who lead others astray to injury and death. And if such victims are not Christians, death leads to eternal damnation.

As for those who mock those who do not get the vaccine, they are mocking the law of God (“thou shalt not kill”) — and therefore mocking God Himself.

For these reasons, I think there is likely a particular judgement on pro-vaccine propagandists and mockers. Granted, not all may experience a temporal judgment for this in this life. But temporal or not, there is also the eternal judgment in Hell (which all who do not trust in Christ experience). I believe Hell has degrees of punishment — and promoting vaccine genocide and mocking God cannot help.

Coincidence — or Providence?

What is very interesting is the timing of certain episodes when vaccine propagandists suddenly get ill:

First, the most striking: when they faint publicly right after promoting the jab:

  • Moments after getting the COVID shot, Tennessee Nurse Manager Tiffany Dover faints during a press conference. Prior to passing out, she said, “Me and my team are excited to get the vaccine.” It has been debated as to whether she is still alive.
  • Comedian Heather McDonald boasts about having great health after getting vaccinated, uses the Lord’s name in the context of this, and suddenly falls over and hits her head. She fractured her skull, and later said, “I passed out on stage. I got up, I did one joke and I felt so dizzy.” She has since said that she won’t get a 4th jab.
  • A German reporter passes out right after allegedly promoting mandatory vaccination. That she was promoting mandatory vaccination is assuming that the English captions accurately reflect what she said. Maybe they do, since, while a “fact-checker” (Globalist propagandist) attempts to persuade you that vaccination had nothing to do with the fainting, she does not prove that the captions are inaccurately translated. If The COVID Blog is correct, the German reporter has supported tyrannical actions against the unvaccinated in the past.

Second, there are others who passed out on air who may not have promoted the jab immediately prior, but who have definitely or presumably taken the jab. Consider the following, who probably all work for news or TV channels that promote vaccine genocide:

These instances are still striking: of all times to faint, why when on air? Coincidence — or providence?

I can’t say for sure why God is having all of this occur in His providence; but could it be that, in at least some of these instances, God is exposing the lie for the whole world to see? That He is exposing vaccine propagandists as liars, and that their sin is returning to bite them?

Taking the timing of events seriously

It’s important that we take timing seriously. We may not be perfect at discerning why God has a certain event immediately follow another — but perhaps at times God is telling us something.

For purposes here, I mean especially in such cases where sin is immediately followed by calamity; situations which the world would call “strange coincidences.” Not that we are to read into such events and become self-appointed prophets, but that we should be driven back to God’s word to carefully consider what does and does not please God.

When it comes to timing and God’s providence, consider the fate of Herod:

And the people were shouting, “The voice of a god, and not of a man!” Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him down, because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and breathed his last. (Acts 12:22, 23, ESV)

Herod should have glorified God and publicly opposed the idolatry of the people. But he doesn’t — and “Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him down.” This is an example where publicly opposing God has immediate consequences.

Likewise, the vaccine propagandists should glorify God and oppose vaccine idolatry. Instead, they promote it. They are playing with fire.

Another example in Scripture is Ananias and Sapphira — both of whom, after lying to Peter about the amount of money that they sold their property for, died immediately. This caused people to think. Each of their deaths was followed by great fear:

When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and breathed his last. And great fear came upon all who heard of it. (Acts 5:5, ESV)

Immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last. When the young men came in they found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her beside her husband. And great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard of these things. (Acts 5:10, 11, ESV)

And so, we must be sober-minded about what we are seeing publicly happen to vaccine propagandists. Is God telling us something? There is even more to think about when we consider all the vaccinated athletes publicly passing out and even dying.

I just don’t see how we are not seeing God’s judgment related to COVID vaccination and its propagandists. Vaccine promoters are passing out on camera. Mockers of those who refuse the death shot are dropping dead. Could it be that, in at least some cases discussed or linked to above, God is showing us His power in His judgments per Romans 9?:

For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” (Romans 9:17, ESV)

What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, … (Romans 9:22, ESV)

(see more context here)

Speaking of God making His power known, William Goldwin, Vicar of the Church of England, wrote this in the 1700s:

Now though God does not willingly afflict the Children of Men, nor play with their Miseries, as Tyrants do upon Earth ; yet, when thro’ the abundance of Iniquity, the love of many waxes cold, when Atheism and Profaneness get ground, then the Honour and Justice of God is obliged to make his Power known among Men ; And since neither his Works of Creation, nor Providence, nor the Testimonies of Himself and Son, given us by his Miracles, nor the Light of Revelation, can persuade us to believe; then is he forced to correct the World in his Anger, and send Judgments, as convincing Proofs of his over-ruling Power, and such Judgments too, as make even the best Physicians cry out, … ’tis the Hand of God that strikes such Blows. Thus Pbaroah derided God in all his Ways, ‘ till the Egyptian Plagues brought him to a better sense of Things. The first End then of publick Visitations, is to keep up the Belief of a Deity, and Faith on Earth.

William Goldwin, God’s Judgements on a sinful People. A Sermon Preached on the 8th of December, Being the Fast-Day, Appointed to Implore God’s Protection against the Plague now in France (Joseph Penn, 1772?), 13.

While God can judge rebellion (which there always is) at any given time, in light of what Goldwin says, could we be at a time where God’s wrath is especially being poured out? Could we see much more?

As we see in Romans 1, all men naturally have a knowledge of God; and yet the rebellious suppress that truth in unrighteousness. We live in one of the most wicked ages ever — where the knowledge of God is especially being drowned out in wickedness. Including mass murder in the name of health. We need a wake-up call.

Churches — wake up. Give heed to what is happening. We need to return to the fear of God instead of embracing the fear of man by burying our heads in the sand while God’s enemies commit vaccine genocide on your own flocks. Choose this day whom your will serve.

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2 thoughts on “God’s Judgment and COVID Vaccine Propagandists

  1. This was Biblical and insightful as always. The timing of it is very significant and I don’t believe it is chance. Another Biblical account that comes to mind is the King Ahab where it says “Now a certain man drew a bow at random, and struck the king of Israel between the joints of his armor.” This was not chance but God’s direct action.

    The vaccine propagandists and globalists that attempt to persuade the viewers that vaccination had nothing to do with the fainting shoot themselves in the foot. They have eliminated the possibility that this may be the natural consequence of vaccination.” This leaves an alternative: That God directly intervened by sending another sudden affliction live in public view. This leaves them with a very difficult choice and they don’t win either way.

    1. Christopher,
      Great points! I may add one or both to the article.
      I was thinking something of the same thing about the vaxx. Denying that the vaccine had anything to do with it doesn’t refute the timing of fainting — and thus the possibility that it is God’s direct action. I tend to think that if it is God’s direct action, God is using vaccine side effects as the means for public judgment. But if it is not this means, it could be another ..

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