Christianity, Coronavirus, Videos

WATCH: “Christians Wake Up!” (A Powerful Biblical Critique of the COVID Vaccine)


See also:
Biblical Critique of Vaccines Series

This is a powerful video from Matthew Ryan Byers (whom I believe is a pastor) that cuts to the chase about the evils of the COVID shot. Highly recommended for those struggling with vaccine ethics.

This is one of the best biblical critiques I’ve seen of vaccination, and, while it focuses just on the COVID shot in particular, much of what is discussed applies to all vaccines.

Byers has put a lot of thought into applying Scripture to the matter of vaccination; as he shows, taking the COVID shot is NOT a moral option. He calls the vaccine for what it is: “murderous, vile, and abomoniable.”

Byers also discusses our Christian duty to warn others about the COVID vaccine, and notes that pastors cannot be lukewarm about the matter. But Byers doesn’t just condemn the shot, but prays for those who are deceived. This is very important, and something we as Christians should do.

If you got the COVID shot, you are not beyond hope for salvation. If you are not a Christian, trust in Christ and believe that He died for your sins. Vaccination and other sins will be forgiven by God. If you already are truly a Christian, you still are — but it is important that you confess this sin before God and repent of it, and no longer have anything to do with it.

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