Audio, Christianity, Coronavirus

Christian Culture Expert: the COVID Shot is Mass Murder, taking it is NOT an Option


It seems rare that any Christian with any significant public following will call the COVID shot for what it is: an instrument of genocide, of depopulation. Or who will also tell it like it is regarding Christian liberty and the shot: there is no liberty to harm yourself and others.

Howeover, Geoffrey Botkin — who is well informed about Christian culture and history, and who hosts the inspirational Stand Up and Lead videos — has courageously made both of these points. He also discusses solutions for dealing with the tyranny.

Check out the embedded audio below in an interview on Kevin Swanson’s Generations Radio program. (I agree with much of what Swanson says about the vaccine, but not at every point. Botkin I find total agreement with.)

When asked if governments are serious about bringing the world population down a couple of billion people, Botkin says point-blank:

Do they really want to kill a couple billion people? Yes, they do.

Too often, those on our side who recognize vaccine genocide still wrongfully say vaccination is a matter of “choice” or “liberty.” Thankfully, Botkin demolished this perspective regarding the COVID shot, saying:

There is enough data out there if you look and you uncover it … you will be picking these things up that will tell you, you really don’t have the freedom to take this — to take something that will harm you, harm your body, even harm those around you, with spike proteins being shed by you. … It’s not even an option for someone to do it. Suicide is not an option.

Botkin also discusses the COVID concentration camps in Australia, and solutions for surviving the tyranny.

Check out his videos here. I also recommend signing up for his weekly newsletter, which has helpful information about the Scamdemic and tyranny.

Interview with Geoffrey Botkin

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3 thoughts on “Christian Culture Expert: the COVID Shot is Mass Murder, taking it is NOT an Option

  1. Yes , i’m networking trying to find people in location britain, who’ve not had the vaxx, to make some new (traditional) survival mode and i do already have some land ready with water supply to start growing food , if interest find me here … Biggest challenge i encounter is most people have already caved-in, submitted, cowed, acquiesced, even church people who should’ve known better. once they’ve taken that sacrament, the HEK-293 in the Vaxx, into their body, i don’t see how even God can help them. They really were asleep on the job. In some ways this situation is cruel, I see the people in queue outside the Vaxx Center, i try to talk to them but its like they are mere shadows of people that once did exist but now they have already been carried away and now offer no substance, no determination and no resistance. Its sad.

    1. Andrew,
      Good to hear you are taking steps to survive. It is discouraging that folks seem so blind. But, God can definitely help them, if it’s His sovereign will. Keep praying for them! Of course, whether or not He helps, is up to His Infinite Wisdom. The COVID scam really seems to be a demonic mass delusion. Agreed, it is a cruel situation. Many are broken people in need of a Savior … anyways, glad you care taking the time to talk to them. Perhaps seeds are being planted.

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