by Steve Halbrook
Vaccine research is a rabbit hole. Just when you think the deception and evil can’t get any worse, you dig down further and discover more. And more. And more.
Want to take a sudden, deep dive down that hole — and unearth some of the greatest evils and deceptions regarding vaccination? Then this post is for you — and all your friends who could be willing to take the red pill.
Topics include:
- Vaccine-induced antibodies do not live up to their hype
- Since the early days of vaccination, data has been manipulated to make it look effective
- Measles used to be considered a relatively benign illness
- Formalized Vaccine idolatry began shortly after its promotion
- Cancer, possibly AIDS connected with polio vaccine
- False official causes of death have hidden the Vaccine Holocaust throughout vaccine history
- Vaccination has continually normalized sickness and death
- Vaccination has been clandestinely used for miscarriages and abortion
- There has been suspicions of vaccination as a deliberate tool of murder and depopulation in even earlier vaccine history
- Vaccination has always been genocidal
1. Vaccine-induced antibodies do not live up to their hype
As we cover in this article, it has been observed that those with a condition that keeps them from producing antibodies recovered as well as anyone else with the Measles — and they developed immunity without antibodies. Antibodies were irrelevant.
Moreover, those vaccinated for the Measles can still catch the Measles.
All of this is devastating to the vaccine paradigm, and destroys the myth of protection by vaccine-induced antibodies.
2. Since the early days of vaccination, data has been manipulated to make it look effective
Throughout vaccine history, data has been manipulated to make vaccination look effective.
See this on the case of smallpox vaccination, and this in the case of polio vaccination. Of more recent history is the overtly manipulated data regarding the COVID shot.
Vaccination is also wrongfully given credit for the achievements of improved hygiene and sanitation.
3. Measles used to be considered a relatively benign illness
While more recently hysteria has been used to drive people to get the dangerours MMR vaccine, in America, Measles was once recognized as a relatively benign illness. (How many other “vaccine-preventable diseases” were likewise considered such?)
See this (at the 5:00 mark) and this (around the 3:10 mark) on how Measles was once viewed in popular culture (Brady Bunch, Flintstones, etc.), and these comments from Dr. Alexander Langmuir (1910-1993) “the father of infectious disease epidemiology.”
4. Formalized Vaccine idolatry began shortly after its promotion
It is hard to deny that vaccination is a religion. It is considered infallible, a savior, all-powerful, and cannot be blasphemed.
Normally, the vaccine religion is not formalized. It is like atheism in this regard. However, from the beginning of vaccine history, there has been formalized religious elements.
A surgeon named John Birch writes the following in a book published in the early 1800s — just a few years after the promotion of the smallpox vaccine:
When the Vaccine frenzy was at its height in England, repeated attempts were made to blend the praises of Vaccination with the ceremonies of religion; and from recent circumstances it must be inferred that this idolatrous disposition is not quite extinct.
Edward Jenner — popularizer of the smallpox vaccine — created a “Temple of Vaccina.”
Jenner vaccinated all the poor in his neighbourhood gratuitously ; for this purpose he had a special place erected in his garden, which he called the Temple of Vaccina.
- There has been hero worship of smallpox vaccine promoter Edward Jenner (a vaccine “prophet”?).
- The Center for the History of Medicine in Boston displays on its website a medal “honoring” vaccination in a way that the Israelites “honored” the Golden Calf.
- A “Global Health Summit” took place on September 12, 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. Hosted by the European Commission and the World Health Organization, this wicked conference names two of its roundtables as thus: In “Vaccines we trust” and “The Magic of Science.”
- More recently the Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, acting as a prophet of the COVID Death Cult, said from a pulpit of a megachurch that vaccination is from God and that attendees should be her “apostles” to spread her false gospel of vaccination.
More on vaccine idolatry here.
5. Cancer, possibly AIDS connected with polio vaccine
The “Vaccine giant” scientist Maurice Hilleman, who has been called “the most successful vaccinologist in history”, said that the polio vaccine caused cancer. For example, Hilleman states that the Sabin polio vaccine included SV40, a cancer-causing chemical:
[T]hat virus [SV40] has got to be in vaccines, it’s got to be in the Sabin’s vaccines so I quick tested it and sure enough it was in there.
According to The Lancet, before SV40 was removed from the vaccine, 98 million Americans were probably exposed, and hundreds of millions of Africans, Asians, and Eastern Europeans (via Soviet vaccine versions).
Dr. Hilleman also says this about certain monkeys imported for the vaccine:
So we brought African Greens in and I didn’t know we were importing the AIDS virus at the time.
Presumably, he is saying that the AIDS virus was spread from the monkeys via the vaccine itself.
Read more on the polio vaccine, cancer, and AIDS, here.
6. False official causes of death have hidden the Vaccine Holocaust throughout vaccine history
Over and over again, we find complaints throughout the history of vaccination of vaccines being overlooked (even intentionally) as causes of death. As William White notes in The Story of a Great Delusion in a Series of Matter-of-fact Chapters (1885):
Indeed, it is a commonplace with medical men, that no child dies of Vaccination; and hence Vaccination is not an admitted cause of death; and when the fact is insisted upon, there is no limit to the hardihood wherewith the truth is crushed down and covered up. Coroners refuse to hold inquests on children slain by Vaccination …
More info here.
7. Vaccination has continually normalized sickness and death
Since its beginning, vaccination has “normalized” sickness and death. This is what happens when you flood the bloodstream with poisons. For instance, cancer rates surged after the smallpox vaccine was unleashed (see see here and here). The following is attributed to a one Dr. W. B. Clarke of Indiana (1909):
Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with at least two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.
Of more recent history has been “autism” (vaccine-induced brain damage) and “SIDS”. See tons of testimonies of deaths and injuries from vaccination here. With young athletes dropping dead left and right from cardiac problems from the COVID shot, expect heart attacks to be “normalized” for the young.
8. Vaccination has been clandestinely used for miscarriages and abortion
In our article Abortion-causing Vaccines Openly Promoted in Pro-Vaxx Circles, we show the push for vaccines that cause spontaneous abortions in the name of population control. To achieve this wicked design, vaccinations have been reportedly used around the world to covertly cause sterilizations and abortions.
More on this here. To give just one example, according to a statement released several years ago by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly were advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine.
9. There has been suspicions of vaccination as a deliberate tool of murder and depopulation in even earlier vaccine history
It is obvious that vaccination is a deliberate tool of genocide and depopulation today. Just look at all of the COVID vaccine deaths. But when did vaccination begin to be used for such?
Here are some suspicions of vaccination being a deliberate tool of murder in earlier vaccine history:
- In the Revolutionary War, it appears the British likely had individuals inoculated (via variolation) so that they can infect and debilitate the American army. (Smallpox variolation is the forerunner to vaccination, and vaccination in all but name.)
- In the March 1890 edition of the Indian Medical Gazette, the author, a pro-vaccine doctor, says that certain Indians believed vaccination was used to “thin the number of its poor subjects”.
- The 1872 edition of the Journal of the Gynaecological Society of Boston discusses an event that led to blacks believing vaccination was a tool of depopulation; or, “was really part of a deep laid plan to get rid of the ‘negro question,’ by quietly getting rid of the negroes through means of variolous inoculation.” The Journal of the Gynaecological Society of Boston, Volume 6, January, 1872, No. 1, 427,428. (More on the persecution of American blacks with vaccination here.)
It also seems pretty clear that smallpox vaccination was in fact deliberately use to depopulate certain Canadian Indians. More on this, and the question of vaccination as a tool of depopulation in history, here.
10. Vaccination has always been genocidal
That vaccination is genocidal is most clear today. But it has always been genocidal — whether due to ignorance, greed, malevolence, or a combination of reasons. Just some examples:
- In the 1800s, arm-to-arm vaccination spread syphilis in England and leprosy elsewhere (see here).
- The smallpox vaccination slaughtered inhabitants of the Philippines after being introduced in 1905 (see here).
- Australian Aborigines have been hunted down for vaccine extermination (see here).
- Africans have often fleed from the their homes to escape the murderous oral polio vaccine (see here).
This, from 1877, is just like today — vaccination murders children, and the doctor is too ignorant or dishonest to admit it:
On Tuesday the Leeds coroner held an inquest on the body of a child fifteen weeks old, which, it was alleged, had died from vaccination. The facts disclosed are but a repetition of the old, old story. The child is perfectly healthy, gets vaccinated, erysipelas sets in, speedily ending in convulsions and death. Mr. Malcolm’s great anxiety appeared to be to shield himself from blame in having consented to ho’d an inquest to protect Mr. Sharpe, the vaccination officer. In fact, both the coroner and the doctor seemed to us not to act like men who were earnestly seeking the truth, but as those who knew it, and were determined to hide it. It is perfectly clear to the most superficial observer, that the primary, or real cause of death was vaccination. Mr. Malcolm’s anxiety to shield the public vaccinator from blame is perfectly absurd. It is not the operator, but the operation itself, that does all the mischief. If you insert poison into the system it must poison, whether the operation be performed skilfully or unskilfully. When a child dies from vaccination, it is amusing to observe how careful the doctors are to avoid naming the real cause, and how adroitly they lay the blame on some secondary cause, or on something that has not the remotest connection with the death.Cited in The National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Reporter, Vol. II, No. 3, Dec. 1, 1877, in National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Reporter, Vol. II, from October 1877, to September, 1878, 48.
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My son-in-law’s friend’s girlfriend was twice vaxxed and just had a miscarriage. I knew it would happen. It’s a holocaust and many believers are walking right into it. Not only have they sold their souls to the vaccine god they want us to! I lost friends over this but they were deceived and tried pressuring me. Misery loves company I guess.
Sad but true. And many still can’t connect the dots after vaccine injury or death.
A post on social media, discussing the vaccine holocaust in Israel, said, “What the Nazis started the Israeli government is finishing.” All countries are Nazi regimes now.