
The Urgent need for the Church to Apply a Biblical Worldview to Matters of Health


by Steve Halbrook

Churches are plagued with health problems. As Christians, we are always hearing about fellow Christians suffering from one health challenge after another. There is a constant flood of prayer requests for health-related afflictions. It is a never ending cycle of sickness.

The sad thing is, many of the health problems wouldn’t exist if churches would apply a biblical worldview of health — instead of outsourcing their medical philosophy to the godless system of mainstream medicine.

Christians are called to apply the word of God to every situation — Christ is Lord of all. Christianity is not like the pagan religions, which compartmentalize different gods for different spheres of life. It is comprehensive of all of life.

To the extent God’s truth is not applied to any given situation, deception and death fill the vacuum. We either apply God’s truth, or embrace falsehood.

This is why a biblical worldview of health is crucial. It is long overdo. I have no idea when, if ever, the church as a whole consciously worked out and applied a biblical worldview of health. We can go all the way back to the time of the Black Death in the 14th century and see this problem:

Doctors struggling with the evidence could not break away from the terms of astrology, to which they believed all human physiology was subject. Medicine was the one aspect of medieval life, perhaps because of its links with the Arabs, not shaped by Christian doctrine. Clerics detested astrology, but could not dislodge its influence. Guy de Chauliac, physician to three popes in succession, practiced in obedience to the zodiac. While his Cirurgia was the major treatise on surgery of its time, while he understood the use of anesthesia made from the juice of opium, mandrake, or hemlock, he nevertheless prescribed bleeding and purgatives by the planets and divided chronic from acute diseases on the basis of one being under the rule of the sun and the other of the moon.

Barbara Tuchman, “This is the End of the World”: The Black Death, 6. Retrieved January 21, 2022, from

Too many in churches are suffering and dying because they take the advice of those who promote mainstream medicine. Yes, some of mainstream medicine has its place — especially in emergency situations — but it is not to be blindly relied upon. (Neither is all of alternative medicine. While much of it is biblical, some aspects are not.)

The blood poisoning ritual of vaccination is not only unnecessary, but probably by far the main reason Christians suffer so many health problems. And then there is the overuse and dependency on prescription drugs, despite their side effects. The effectiveness of natural remedies — which God has blessed us with in creation — are practically unknown in too many churches.

Since the COVID Scamdemic began, mainstream medicine has become more overtly genocidal than ever. The COVID shot seems to be the most deadly vaccine to date, and the hospitals — with their deadly COVID protocols (e.g., Remdesivir, ventilators) — are outright gas chambers.

Time for the church to learn about a biblical worldview of health

With mainstream medicine blatantly exposing itself as a murderous system, the time is ripe for the church to learn about and embrace a biblical worldview of health.

Some of the work of figuring out biblical principles of health has already been attempted. But more work needs to be done. In the meantime, however, we have plenty to chew on.

The keys to working out a biblical worldview of health are A) examining God’s created order, and B) Scripture. We are not only to figure out what works, but what is morally permissible.

In our biblical critique of vaccination series, we have applied both of these keys. You can read it here.

However, there is also the book Health for All of Life: A Medical Manifesto of Hope and Healing for the Nations by Pastor Jason Garwood. I highly recommend this handbook for Christians to begin developing a biblical worldview of health. You can purchase it from Amazon here.

Here is a description about the book from Amazon:

No doubt, over the past century, the Western world has seen tremendous advances in medicine and technology. But what if, in our insatiable urge to progress, we have lost what it means to be healthy? What happens when Big-Pharma and Big-Government work together in an unholy union of oppression and tyranny? The fact is, we are sicker than ever, and much of our modern “healthcare” has become nothing more than death-care. We have forgotten the natural, God-given systems in the body that can often be healed by simple protocols found in creation. Meanwhile, in an era long distanced from days where the church was unafraid to apply biblical principles to the stewardship of our bodies, Dr. Jason Garwood has written an indispensable manifesto on the intersection of faith, Christian doctrine, and health. It is scientifically and theologically informed as well as immensely practical while avoiding the pitfalls of a false “prosperity gospel.” If you want to regain a faith-filled vision of health and healing you simply must read this book.

Concluding thoughts

As Christians, let us not simply pray for sick fellow Christians (as important as that is), but also work to inform our fellow Christians of a biblical worldview of health — so that the plague of sickness in the church might be minimized.

If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? (James 2:15, 16)

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11 thoughts on “The Urgent need for the Church to Apply a Biblical Worldview to Matters of Health

  1. Thank you for saying what very few want to talk about and even acknowledge. Pharmakeia IS Babylon and people need turn from their wicked ways and stop giving their money, temples, and souls to Babylon to have their way with. We are in the sifting and the judgement for people willingly defiling their temple through the use of witchcraft vs the use of God’s Laws/Nature’s Laws when it comes to taking care of their own health. The “church” talks about not defiling your temple but have no idea what that even means because the use of witchcraft has become so normalized inside and outside the church.

    We are in the beginning stages of starting our own ministry based on the this truth called Mission Vitality and hope to spread this exact message to the masses.

    1. Everett,
      Thanks for your thoughts. Glad you are offering an alternative to the pharma-system. We definitely need parallel medical systems in place! Maybe in this time of sifting the church will finally wake up to the evils of vaccination. Several centuries of this practice is enough …

  2. I must say, you are into something here. Nature does indeed provide her remedies and mammon is out of control in its deception to feed its insatiable appetite. The greed of mammon does not begin nor end with physical health and medications. Jesus made the point, in no uncertainty, that profiteering in all forms is an abomination.

    1. All that greed by the Corona Fascists .. and yet in Hell, they will have nothing but torment …

  3. You are a rare Christian. What you speak is truth. It may be a difficult reality for most Christians to hear, but it’s necessary. What is going on is satanic. It’s depopulation. The vaccines are injuring millions and killing tens of thousands, and it’s all censored. Been keeping track of the injuries and fatalities on my website since March 2020.

    I pray for the leaders, and even fast on occasions when I am given the grace to, but some days it’s easier to go along with the crowd and criticize. I am so convicted by this ungodly behaviour.

    About a month into this ‘virus’, I had to stop listening to Classical FM (which did help my mental illness) because of the constant negative news. I stopped watching mainstream news about 20 years ago, it was too upsetting. I put a leaflet together in 2020, one side contained this scam and warning of Agenda 21 depopulation and also links to articles by Mike Yeadon on the PCR scam, and others by Dr Vernon Coleman, empty hospitals etc, then the solution, which is Jesus Christ, and the gospel on the other side. I have been called dangerous by my husband’s mother, and yet this is the persecution that Jesus said would happen to us. We are the minority. Torture techniques have been applied and it’s caused this psychological psychosis that we see each and every day. I hate the masks and during the first time it was brought it, I made one out of a pair of knickers, with elastic bands over the ears, but it was my sister who encouraged me to join her and her husband in standing up for our rights. Got thousands of face mask exemption cards printed and for a while they were listed on eBay free, and just asked for postage to be paid, but they quickly got removed.

    I have written to all of the UK MPs and House of Lords (who had an email) and was called a goat by one House of Lords member who said he was Christian and my message was offensive and should be redacted to all it was sent to. None of them, NONE have spoken against the vaccines. Even sites like Talk Radio NEVER talk about the vaccines and mention genocide.

    Been banned by PayPal, Square, and Stripe for listing face mask exemption cards on website. Had videos removed from YouTube. The censorship is sad. And yet, if only people would take the beam out of own their eye and research the facts, instead of calling us all sorts of names like dangerous and selfish. It hurts because I’m sensitive and sometimes I just want to give up, but did Christ give up for us? NO HE WON. I can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me. The church buildings are weak and are slaves to Satan, and the sheep are not be cared for. Keep going. You are a rare soul, and I thank God for your courage and will be praying for more Servants of God to rise.

    Do you think anything will come of the talk of these ‘Nuremberg’ trials. I just think it’s the ‘light’ side of lucifer, with man thinking he can actually change reality. It is the Saviour people need. and pride has always been the problem.

    1. Hi Helen,
      Thanks for your encouragement. Well said. Even though they are murderous liars, Christ won the victory.

      I hope there will be Nuremberg trials; these wicked people must answer for the crimes. Of course, even if they escape man’s justice, they will not (unless they convert) escape God’s. They’ll be punished for all eternity. No escape!

      I like your website — thanks for sharing. Just subscribed. BTW, what do you think about the UK easing the restrictions? Looks like a ruse to me.

      1. That was my first thought as well. I think the evilness of this has been planned for many years and they have responses planned to different scenarios. They will likely have another shoe drop and impose restrictions. I hope I am wrong.

        1. MJ,
          Exactly — they are chess players. Next phase appears to be food shortages and energy restrictions, offering help to the “compliant.”

      2. I think they know they are in enough trouble with their breaking the rules, but are trying to win people back. Have people forgotten the fear, the divide, people jumping out of the way on the pavement (although I never did) when passing people in the street.

        The Police service, what an absolute joke. I am tired of being angry, but when I come into prayer with Jesus, the level of evil just send tears down my face. I never want to be desensitive to the evils of the world, even though it would be easier too. I said to Jesus, I would rather be labelled mentally ill to the world, and show my emotions than to be cold hearted and cruel. I mean, it even says that Jesus was beside himself in Mark 3:21, which is defined as to throw out of position, displace a) to amaze, to astonish, throw into wonderment, b) to be amazed, astounded, c) to be out of one’s mind, besides one’s self, insane.

        Some people speak of a false flag happening within the next six weeks. Maybe prepare with extra food, lighting, gas, water, and withdraw your cash.

        1. Yes, I’m surprised they haven’t pulled a false flag yet. I expect one anytime.

          In an insane world, the sane seem insane …

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