Coronavirus, Mass Murder

BLOOD CEMENT: Why we can’t expect the Corona Fascists to Back Down

The Corona Fascists are caught together in the web of their wickedness; on this road, it is hard to turn back. This brings to mind the idea of “blood cement,” which the Nazis applied. In blood cement, oppressors become “blood brothers” — bound together by criminal acts. They are tied by mutual guilt, mutual blackmail, and mutual fear of retribution from those they oppress.

by Stephen Halbrook

Only the Great God Almighty can deliver us from this totalitarian nightmare.

We cannot rely on the Corona Fascists changing their minds for deliverance. This is because we cannot expect the vast majority of them to ever admit they were wrong and relent of their war against humanity.

By their atrocities, the fate of the Corona Fascists is tied together. Their crimes are such that they have destroyed the possibility of being accepted in a free society. They must, then, bring humanity to permanent submission; they must war on humanity to the bitter end — to keep society from holding them accountable for crimes against humanity.

A look at the Nazis and Blood Cement

The Corona Fascists are caught together in the web of their wickedness; on this road, it is hard to turn back. This brings to mind the idea of “blood cement,” where oppressors become “blood brothers” — bound together by criminal acts. They are tied by mutual guilt, mutual blackmail, and mutual fear of retribution from those they oppress.

The Nazis, who are very similar to the Corona Fascists, applied Blood Cement. By examining this idea historically as used by the Nazis, perhaps we can better understand the mentality of our oppressors today.

On the Nazis and Blood Cement, the cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker writes:

If, as we have seen, the group comes ready-made to the leader with the thirst for servitude, he tries to deepen that servitude even further. If they seek to be free of guilt in his cause, he tries to load them up with an extra burden of guilt and fear to draw the mesh of his immorality around them. He gets a really coercive hold on the members of the group precisely because they follow his lead in committing outrageous acts. He can then use their guilt against them, binding them closer to himself. He uses their anxiety for his purposes, even arousing it as he needs to; and he can use their fear of being found out and revenged by their victims as a kind of blackmail that keeps them docile and obedient for further atrocities. We saw a classic example of this technique on the part of the Nazi leaders. It was the same psychology that criminal gangs and gangsters have always used: to be bound closer together through the crime itself. The Nazis called it blood cement (Blutkitt), and the SS used it freely. For the lower echelons, service in the concentration camps accomplished this loyalty; but the technique was also used on the highest levels, especially with reluctant persons of prominence and talent whom they wanted to recruit. These they induced to commit extra atrocities that indelibly identified them with the SS and gave them a new, criminal identity. … And, as the Nazi epoch wore on and the toll of victims mounted, the leaders played upon the fears of reprisal by those who would revenge the victims the Nazis had made. It was the old gangster trick, this time used to cement together a whole nation. Thus, what may begin as the heroic mission of a Hitler or a Manson comes to be sustained by bullying and threats, by added fear and guilt. The followers find that they have to continue on with the megalomanic plan because it becomes their only chance of survival in a hostile world. The followers must do what the leader wants, which becomes what they themselves must want in order to survive. If the leader loses, they too perish; they cannot quit, nor does he allow them to. And so the German nation fought on until the final destruction of Berlin; the Manson family held together under persecution and his threats, to flee to the desert and await the end of the world.”

Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1973), 140.

Regarding Blood Cement, Becker draws on the work of Dr. Leo Alexander, a medical adviser in the Nuremberg Trials who wrote part of the Nuremberg Code. In War Crimes and Their Motivation, Dr. Alexander notes,

[A]n important fact concerning motivation and with which we are so familiar in ordinary crime applies also to war crimes and to these ideologically conditioned crimes against humanity-namely, that fear and cowardice, especially fear of ostracism by the group, are in a number of cases more important motives than simple ferocity or aggressiveness.

Leo Alexander, War Crimes and Their Motivation: The Socio-Psychological Structure of the SS and the Criminalization of a Society, Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Volume 39, Issue 3 (1948-1949), 306.

Dr. Alexander says that those in the SS had to choose between Blood Cement or death:

In the SS as in all criminal organizations there existed that inclined plane where nobody could stay at the brink for long, but all had to roll down into more crime, or be killed or eliminated.

Ibid., 300.

Dr. Alexander further notes how in Blood Cement, initial atrocities served to prove participants’ “reliability” and get them used to sadistic acts — which some would come to enjoy:

The concentration camps were the main places within the confines of Germany where SS members were expected to acquire blood cement, until they were considered reliable enough to be sent abroad into the occupied countries where they could then be relied upon to perform similar crimes inside and outside the confines of specific camp areas.

The peculiar process of indoctrination in crime and cruelty which young men went through in concentration camps after they had joined the SS constituted the “hardening process,” the “brutalization course” which the SS organization regarded as essential for transforming its personnel into willing and reliable tools for its criminal purposes. While many joined willingly, no doubt others were seduced by a double appeal-one in the form of a rationalization that this was for the best interests of Germany (actually for the interests of the SS), and the other in terms of a far more sinister and direct process of seduction, that of letting the novices taste the satisfactions obtained from release of repressed destructive primitive and sadistic drives.

Ibid., 300, 301.

“[A]n important fact concerning motivation and with which we are so familiar in ordinary crime applies also to war crimes and to these ideologically conditioned crimes against humanity-namely, that fear and cowardice, especially fear of ostracism by the group, are in a number of cases more important motives than simple ferocity or aggressiveness.”
— Dr. Leo Alexander, medical adviser in the Nuremberg Trials and
co-author of the Nuremberg Code.

Blood cement in the era of Corona Fascism

So how might Blood Cement be working today in the era of Corona Fascism?

I suspect it works something like this: the Globalist Billionaires (such as Bill Gates) who control the COVID narrative control those who perpetuate the narrative (politicians, those in big tech, the media, doctors, etc.). They do so using positive incentives (money, power, etc.) as well as negative incentives (blackmail, demonization, etc.).

These Globalist puppets were really already controlled long before the COVID scam. They were already used to plundering the people via socialism, and promoting murder via unjust wars, abortion and vaccination. And so getting them to radically accelerate the war against mankind via the Scamdemic wasn’t terribly hard.

But the Scamdemic is outright totalitarianism, and a very overt war against all of humanity. Thus since it began, the Globalist puppets have had to start worrying about humanity seeking justice against them for their misdeeds. Nevertheless, the Globalist Controllers have kept their puppets going with the positive and negative incentives that we mentioned.

And this is where we also arrive at Blood Cement: in the process of being incentivized into initiating and perpetuating the Scamdemic, the Globalist puppets are being tied together by crimes against humanity and mass murder. It began with the shutdowns, where livelihoods and businesses began to be destroyed, and “health” practices were pushed that are really detrimental to one’s health (mentally and physically), such as masks and social distancing, as well as self-isolation taken to an extreme.

All of this led to suicides and began fostering conditions for global starvation. There was also the nursing home scandal, where sick people were admitted to nursing homes, possibly causing large numbers of deaths.

Ever since the beginning of the Scamdemic, hospitals have been murdering people with their financially-incentivized protocols. This includes the use of the drug Remdesivir and ventilators. This is in addition to the horrible practice of isolating dying people from their loved ones, condemning them to lonely deaths (deaths which may have had “assistance,” seeming that no one is around to protest).

Eventually the mass genocide accelerated radically with the rollout of the COVID vaccine. Now, they are prepping us for Concentration Camps (“Quarantine Camps”). They have already begun in Australia. Those who refuse the death shot are being regularly maligned, just as the Jews in Nazi Germany were.

In each step in this destructive and murderous process, the Globalist puppets pushing and promoting it are getting further to a point of no return. They are hardening themselves spiritually, and increasing the amount of blackmail the Globalist Controllers have over them. They are increasingly in a place where if their false narrative fails, and their side loses sufficient coercive government power, they could be tried and executed for crimes against humanity (Nuremberg2).

This Blood Cement applies to both sides of the political spectrum — whether it is those mandating the evil, or those who claim to oppose mandates, but still fund and recommend the evil. Murder is murder, whether by coercion, manipulation, or deception. They are all in this together, bound by the blood of the innocent.

The Blood of Christ versus Blood Cement

Those of us who are Christians, however, are not tied together by Blood Cement, or engaging in murderous acts, but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ — Who died for the sins of His people. We have eternal salvation that can never be taken away.

This is unlike the Corona Fascist oppressors, who are caught in the web of their wickedness, and have nothing to look forward to other than a short, miserable live and eternal damnation (unless they turn to Jesus). The misdeeds of adherents to Blood Cement come back to destroy them. As it destroys them, so shall it destroy their tyranny.

The nations have sunk in the pit that they made;
in the net that they hid, their own foot has been caught.
The Lord has made himself known; he has executed judgment;
the wicked are snared in the work of their own hands. (Psalm 9:15-16a, ESV)

An evil man is ensnared in his transgression, but a righteous man sings and rejoices. (Proverbs 29:6, ESV)

Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by safely. (Psalm 141:10, ESV)

Whoever misleads the upright into an evil way will fall into his own pit, but the blameless will have a goodly inheritance. (Proverbs 28:10, ESV)

So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. (Esther 7:10a, ESV)

In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor; let them be caught in the schemes that they have devised. (Psalm 10:2, ESV)

They set a net for my steps; my soul was bowed down.
They dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen into it themselves. Selah
(Psalm 57:6, ESV)

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