But the wicked are like the tossing sea;
for it cannot be quiet,
and its waters toss up mire and dirt.
There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”
(Isaiah 57:20, 21, ESV)
If it seems like our Corona Fascist oppressors have it better than us, consider this: the life of the oppressor is one of a constant state of anxiety, even torment. He has to worry about vengeance from those he has wronged, betrayal from his corrupt companions, and the wrath of God Almighty.
Let’s start with the first part. Oppressors live in fear of reprisals from those they have wronged. We’re not endorsing vigilante violence (vengeance belongs to God), but we are simply pointing out this reality — which they have brought upon themselves for their own wickedness.
Note what Plato said centuries ago about the tyrant always looking over his shoulder:
Plato, as is told in the histories of the gentiles, when he saw Dionisius the tyrant of Sicily surrounded by his bodyguards, asked him, “What harm have you done that you should need to have so many guards?”
John of Salisbury, The Statesman’s Book of John of Salisbury, John Dickinson, trans. (NY: Russell & Russell, 1963). Retrieved December 11, 2021, from https://constitution.org/2-Authors/salisbury/policrat456.htm
The sixteen-century French writer Étienne de La Boétie wrote this in his masterpiece, Discourse of Voluntary Servitude:
Xenophon, grave historian of first rank among the Greeks, wrote a book in which he makes Simonides speak with Hieron, Tyrant of Syracuse, concerning the anxieties of the tyrant. This book is full of fine and serious remonstrances, which in my opinion are as persuasive as words can be. Would to God that all despots who have ever lived might have kept it before their eyes and used it as a mirror! I cannot believe they would have failed to recognize their warts and to have conceived some shame for their blotches. In this treatise is explained the torment in which tyrants find themselves when obliged to fear everyone because they do evil unto every man. Among other things we find the statement that bad kings employ foreigners in their wars and pay them, not daring to entrust weapons in the hands of their own people, whom they have wronged.
Étienne de La Boétie, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (Auburn, AL: The Mises Institute, 2015), 63.
Now, just imagine the anxieties the tyrants — and those who aid and abet them (at least those who aren’t deluded about the reality of the situation) — must increasingly feel.
Every single day, more and more people have been wronged by their Corona Fascist policies, including the destruction of the economy and livelihoods; and the destruction of health and lives via COVID “treatments” (e.g., ventilators, Remdesivir), mask mandates, and vaccination. Every single day, enemies of the Corona Fascists increase.
People will inevitably snap. Doubly so now that young children are being targeted by vaccination. I’m not endorsing violence — I’m just describing what many may very well resort to. When you are violent to people, they often respond back in kind — especially if they see no recourse to justice.
Imagine all the vaccine-injured people whose health — and therefore life — has been irreparably robbed from them. How might some respond, who feel they have nothing left to lose? What about those who have lost loved ones?
What about those whose children have been murdered because they were told that the death shot was “safe and effective”? Or — those whose children were murdered by being vaccinated at public schools without their permission?
Surely the oppressors realize such scenarios, and dread them. Graham Dugas wrote the following on Gab. He of course doesn’t endorse the scenarios he discusses (neither do I), but is simply describing what can likely occur:
Their lies are failing on a massive scale. Soon the masses will turn on their seducers and they won’t be able to contain the fallout. There will be many cases of vigilante murders and assaults on media propagandists, medical profiteers and Big Pharma hacks. Parents whose children were sacrificed to the madness of “the narrative”, those who lost loved ones to vax caused death and lastly those who will never regain full function and health will themselves “go out in a blaze of glory” taking the liars with them. Why do I say this? Because these propagandists simply cannot bring themselves to confess that they were wrong, that they just chanted the party-line mindlessly and denied all contrary evidence. So now these perpetrators are wed to their lies and cannot extricate themselves. Repentance and confession of guilt is outside of their ability. Thus they will be put to silence by the loved ones of those they have directly harmed, killed or maimed. It will be vigilante justice because all lawful remedy is being denied to the aggrieved.
Graham Dugas, Gab, December 5, 2021.
And so having said all this, again imagine the daily anxiety the Globalist manipulators and their puppets must feel every day regarding reprisals from their fellow man. Sure, some may feel invulnerable with all of their security — but what if they anger the wrong person — one who happens to be resourceful and well connected?
The more they tyrannize us, the more they do so to themselves. The more you wrong people, the more you must hide from them. And so when the Corona Fascists restrict our movement, they restrict theirs. When they try to isolate us, they must isolate themselves. When they tell us to distance from people, so must they. When they tell us to mask up and hide our faces, they must hide theirs. When they jeopardize our lives, they jeopardize theirs.
Added to that, the Globalists are in a race against time to pull off their extremely ambitious goal of the Great Reset — before enough people wake up to put them on trial for crimes against humanity (Nuremberg 2).
But not only do those complicit in the Scamdemic have to live in constant fear of the people they oppress; they must also do so with their fellow oppressors. They live in the middle of a pincer movement of fear between both groups.
Oppressors lack loyalty; they are by their very nature dishonest backstabbers. They are self-serving. Thus they live in constant fear that their fellow oppressors will backstab them for their own gain. They realize that they can be easily thrown under the bus by their peers if it suits them.
What if, sensing that the tide is turning, some Globalists publicly expose the crimes of other Globalists, resulting in their arrest and execution to appease an awakened and angry public?
Again we quote Étienne de La Boétie:
The fact is that the tyrant is never truly loved, nor does he love. Friendship is a sacred word, a holy thing; it is never developed except between persons of character, and never takes root except through mutual respect; it flourishes not so much by kindnesses as by sincerity. What makes one friend sure of another is the knowledge of his integrity: as guarantees he has his friend’s fine nature, his honor, and his constancy. There can be no friendship where there is cruelty, where there is disloyalty, where there is injustice. And in places where the wicked gather there is conspiracy only, not companionship: these have no affection for one another; fear alone holds them together; they are not friends, they are merely accomplices.
Étienne de La Boétie, The Politics of Obedience, 77.
Those who serve oppressors must always worry if they have done enough to please them. Imagine, for instance, the constant worry our politicians must have as to whether they are pleasing the rich Globalist puppetmasters. Once more, we quote La Boétie:
To be occupied night and day in planning to please one person, and yet to fear him more than anyone else in the world; to be always on the watch, ears open, wondering whence the blow will come; to search out conspiracy, to be on guard against snares, to scan the faces of companions for signs of treachery, to smile at everybody and be mortally afraid of all, to be sure of nobody, either as an open enemy or as a reliable friend; showing always a gay countenance despite an apprehensive heart, unable to be joyous yet not daring to be sad!
Étienne de La Boétie, The Politics of Obedience, 79.
Being or aiding oppressors is like living as a member of the mafia: you always wonder which “friend” will betray you first. This a problem, no matter where one is in the Corona Fascist hierachy: a politician, someone in the news media, a doctor, a billionaire like Bill Gates, etc.
With something as ambitious as the Great Rest — which involves a horde of corrupt and powerful men all around the world — everyone involved must realize that his life is constantly at stake.
Thus at any given time, Corona Fascists may turn their swords on one another. Everything in their life is about betrayal — betrayal of their fellow man, and betrayal of God.
Speaking of the latter, the Corona Fascists should have much greater concerns than their fellow man. They should be concerned about the temporal and eternal wrath of God Almighty.
Those who have not completely suppressed their conscience must feel a never-ending affliction — even terror — of conscience. Moreover, as Timothie Bright (1550-1615) noted,
OF all kinds of miseries that befall unto man, none is so miserable as that which riseth of the sense of God’s wrath, and revenging hand against the guilty soul of a sinner.
Timothie Bright, A treatise of melancholie. Containing the causes thereof, & reasons of the strange effects it worketh in our minds and bodies: with the physicke cure, and spirituall consolation for such as haue thereto adioyned an afflicted conscience (London: Thomas Vautrollier, 1586), 184.
The Corona Fascists risk being struck down by God — and if they continue in their path without turning to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, they will burn in hell for all of eternity. Burn, burn, burning forever. Scripture warns:
Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
and cast away their cords from us.”He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
and terrify them in his fury, saying,
“As for me, I have set my King
on Zion, my holy hill.”I will tell of the decree:
The Lord said to me, “You are my Son;
today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron
and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
be warned, O rulers of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear,
and rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son,
lest he be angry, and you perish in the way,
for his wrath is quickly kindled.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
(Psalm 2:1-12, ESV)
Even if it means suffering under the Corona Fascists, it is better to have the peace of a clear conscience in not joining with them, and the forgiveness of sins that comes through Jesus Christ, than “enjoying” the spoils of the Corona Fascists while enduring their spiritual and physical torments (in this life and the next).
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:17, 18, ESV)
The bus of Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, swarmed by opponents of vaccine tyranny
Vicki Susan O’Halloran, administrator of the Northern Territory in Australia, put on notice for crimes against humanity
San Diego, California Board of Supervisors meeting: Matt Baker warns politicians of the penalty for violating the Nuremberg Code
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Yes! Great post. I have been scouring the Psalms repeatedly over the last few months and I had never realized just how much trouble the “enemies of God” are in! And, you may disagree, but I’ve found in the Psalms that it is scriptural for those who love the Lord to pray for his Justice in the lives of those who hate Him. I pray that every one of these monsters come to know Christ (imagine that witness!), but if they continue to openly mock God on the world’s stage, murder people (including children) and oppress the people in unimaginable ways, according to the word, they are the enemy of God and (forgive me for not quoting) God *hates* them and as it says in one Psalm (which I don’t have at the ready) “so I hate them”. Now I know we have to be careful here because according to the word God wants no one to perish. But I believe (as I work out my salvation with fear and trembling) that it is absolutely ok for me to yearn for God’s perfect judgement and retribution for these devils who are doing everything in their power, up to and including, literally shooting gene therapy in people’s bodies to “change them”. If the church started crying out in prayer, in unison, for God’s perfect will and justice to be done in the lives of these demons I truly believe in my heart that God would act according to his word. It’s coming. It’s happening. I expect some *amazing* things very soon.
We’re pretty much of the same mindset. It seems to me there is a place for praying for judgment — especially on such vile monsters who work to genocide the entire planet.
Agreed — they are in huge trouble! Considering degrees of punishment in Hell, just imagine what is in store for them … Along the lines of what you said, a pastor who supports at times praying the imprecatory Psalms against God’s enemies says that by neglecting to do so, the church has lost a powerful means in fighting evil.
But it’s safe and effective. . safe for the manufacturer to be held liable and effective for an eugenics program.
Indeed! After one dies from the shot, he is 100% immune from COVID.