Coronavirus, Videos

Still Think a Republican President will Save Us? Watch “A Brief History of Hopium”


If you think Trump, Desantis, or any establishment-approved Republican presidential candidate will save us, think again. They are not gods, but mere men — carrying out the wicked Globalist agenda. Watch this excellent video from The Corbett Report. From the description:

With all these decades and—in the case of the oldest democracies—centuries of broken political promises, you’d think that the public would have caught on to the game by now. But, if anything, recent events have revealed that people are becoming more addicted to this politician-peddled hopium even as the lies and broken promises become ever more ridiculous.

The Republicans and Democrats are two teams with the same owner: the Globalist elite. The Republicans are simply the controlled opposition wing. Look at where supporting them (especially beyond the local level) has gotten us: totalitarianism and genocide.

We must stop trusting in the Traitors in Washington. Christ, not man, is king. Look to the One True God for salvation (in every form) — not political idols who manipulate us via our desires for a better world.

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