Coronavirus, Videos

WATCH: Why has the World Lost its Mind?


The video below by Good Patriot provides a deep and fascinating exploration of why so many are blindly going along with the Scamdemic.

According to the speaker, the social engineers have previously created a void in the lives of the brainwashed. Using mass fear as the catalyst, the engineers “fill” this void with the false COVID narrative and the connection it brings with others who believe it.

The susceptible part of the population will now cling to the story line with everything they have: no matter how unscientific, illogical, absurd, or dangerous that narrative becomes. …

Their plan for decades has been to create a void in the human spirit and then fill it with their narratives and their false sense of belonging to accomplish their plans. They now have a new compliant army ready to do whatever it takes to defend their new family and their crisis solutions. …

For that army it’s all about feeling like they belong to something bigger than themselves. A tribe with a purpose. The social bond of being part of the solution causes people’s brains to be so hyperfocused on keeping that bond that they will not care when their freedom, health, logic, children’s well-being, businesses, or whatever else is taken away. That is how the hypnosis works.

All of this breeds totalitarianism. Over time,

the person under hypnosis will even go so far as to let themselves be destroyed: the individual disappears, and the collective becomes the dominant entity.

And of course, all the accompanying persecution of those who oppose the false narratives.

To combat this, those who want to fight back must recruit most of those who are not under hypnosis, but go along with the narrative out of comfort and safety (see the graphic below the video).

Also, since the hypnotized are controlled by repetitive messages from the propagandists, repetitive messages from dissenters may help to lessen the control they are under.

Finally, Good Patriot makes these interesting comments at the end:

Remember that the people that are under their psychological control didn’t get there because they are weaker, or stupid, but they got there because they are broken. They were without purpose, and a strong family bond.

People need the light of Christ; they need Christ’s saving work to give their life purpose, and the bond that comes with a spiritual family of fellow Christians.

Disclaimer: I don’t endorse the artistic depiction of Christ near the end of the video, as I don’t like Christ being potrayed from man’s imaginations. But of course the speaker means well, and Christians differ on this. Still, a great video overall.

Turning the tide might require the 20-30% getting most of the 40% on their side

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of The mass hypnosis might also lose its control

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