Deception, Paganism, Videos

WATCH: “The Covidian Cult” (a Global Cult Crisis)


It’s a Global Cult Crisis! Check out this powerful video on the cult of Covidianism.

There are, of course, different levels of indoctrination. Some are more entrenched in the cult than others. But I implore all Christians who have embraced the Covidian cult narrative to repent immediately. We are to be salt and light, not promoters of (however unwittingly) a genocidal, false religion.

Generally, a good video. However, note at the end it articulates a dichotomy between faith and facts. The Christian faith is not opposed to facts; in fact, the Christian religion is the only worldview that is 100% true to facts (which conform to God’s reality). However, to be fair, the video may just be making such a dichotomy in regards to the faith of Covidianism; which, like all false religions, is in fact opposed to facts.

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