Announcement, Coronavirus

Prepared for What is to Come? Check out the “County Before Country Express Talks”


With all the bad news today about tyranny and the economy, where do we go from here?

An extremely important event is planned on November 30th in Hartford, Wisconsin, to address this very question in very specific ways. Titled “County Before Country Express Talks – teaching Christian localism,” the event covers several important areas that Christians need addressed.

This is just what the body of Christ needs. And, a great way to network with like-minded Christians!

Topics include:

  • The Authority of a County by Matt Trewhella
  • The Duty of Elders in the Face of a Tyrant Government by Derek Carlson
  • Building Christian Medical Structures by Gordon Donaldson D.O.
  • The Fragile Food Supply and Food for Life by Mike Brabo
  • Confronting and Defunding Government Schools by Paul Dorr
  • Freedom, Bravery, & Firearms: Lexington and Lessons for Today by Jason Storms

The event has limited seating, and will be general admission with donations accepted. Children 11 years-old and up are allowed.

Learn more and reserve tickets here.

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