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Pray for Christians in the Totalitarian Hellhole of Australia


Anyone who has been following the COVID-1984 situation in Australia knows that it has become an outright totalitarian hellhole. Christians must pray for their fellow Christians here, that their liberties would be restored and they would not be taken to a concentration camp or mass murdered with the COVID death shot.

The totalitarian state of Australia is a template for the rest of the Western nations. Watch carefully. This can happen to the rest of us.

This video covers the insane condition of Australia:

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7 thoughts on “Pray for Christians in the Totalitarian Hellhole of Australia

  1. Thank You very much – wholeheartedly! Thank You!
    With Loving Blessings for good health & joyful days with all your Families, Friends, Companions & Colleagues here, there and anywhere on this fragile Planet Earth, right back from the beginning of time.

    Also for enduring Courage, the Virtue we all need to enable us to practice any of the other Virtues.

    The majority of Australian citizens are to blame for being such obedient robots …. running along to be tested…and poisoned by any Corona Virus Disease EXPERIMENTAL shot! No questions asked! OBEY! is the order of the day.
    The sadistic, unspeakably IGNORANT Australian MEN and WOMEN in UNIFoRM and politicians in Parliament, are a sample of the majority of people else where in Australia and in the rest of the world!

    They are the product of our Families! They are “us”! The majority.
    Till we train all Boys & Girls well in our compulsory school system … nothing will change for the better.

    Agree? If not, see the statistics @ the Family Law Courts.
    The rest of the crimes add to it.

    After 2 thousand years of Christianity …. we are….? NOT TRAINED to live a virtuous life.
    Hence the magnitude of the unholy mess we are in

    1. Luciana,
      Understood — while our governments have betrayed the people, the people have ultimately betrayed themselves for going along with this madness. Agreed, public schools have trained all into compliance … I pray things will get better for you there, and the people will wake up and turn to Christ. And, for these criminal politicians and police to be put on trial.

    2. Luciana
      Grace to you!
      In the matter of training and teaching…. besides the school systems, unfortunately Hollywood is our children’s most influential teacher, and not only the children’s but the adults along with them.
      Eye gate and ear gate……
      James said :
      Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
      James 1:27
      In the name of “entertainment” we eat and drink hours of brainwash that is diametrically opposed to Yahweh’s commandments.

    3. Lucinda
      Grace to you!
      In the matter of training and teaching…. besides the school systems, unfortunately Hollywood is our children’s most influential teacher, and not only the children’s but the adults along with them.
      Eye gate and ear gate……
      James said

  2. The churches of our God and Saviour Christ Jesus are to blame for not questioning the state governments!
    When the State is using excessive force and violating individuals’ rights to bodily autonomy (i.e. the right to decide how to care for your own body), then the Church should be questioning and demanding the basis upon which State is dictating, and demand it’s justification in line with God’s laws.
    Unfortunately the church allows the state to decide what’s right or wrong instead of the church telling the state what’s right or wrong.
    So we now sit with right being wrong and wrong being right because the churches have allowed themselves to be blackmailed and bribed avoiding persecution for the name of Jesus Christ.

    1. I know here in America, I’m not hearing much from church leadership against this madness. Very disheartening. We’ve let comfort and ease render us docile! Perhaps hardship will wake us up.

      1. Bonhoeffer said there’s three ways the church can act against the state:
        1) question the state regarding it’s actions and their legitimacy
        2) church must aid the victims of state’s orders (which renders the victim, disempowered to provide for himself)
        church has an unconditional obligation to the victims of any ordering of society, even if they don’t belong to the Christian community….
        3) church must “Put a spoke in the wheel”. It’s sometimes not enough to help those crushed by evil actions of the state, at some point the church must directly take action against the state to stop it from perpetrating evil!

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