Good sermon by Pastor Joel Saint on the importance of recognizing and confronting conspirators, including tips on how to defeat them.
In the sermon, he points out what too few are — that the Globalist elite want to kill us:
“Our pulpits are full of pastors who are telling us that if we just get vaccinated, everything will go back to normal. They [the Globalist elite] want to kill you — understand this.
audio version here
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God bless you for your honesty. I attempted to warn a pastor about the vaccine and he said “I’ll be first in line to get it!” So being in a ‘position’ of influence doesn’t guarantee that one has spiritual discernment. Remember that Christ chose unlearned fishermen as His disciples – not the Pharasees.
Discernment is the one huge skill lacking in today’s ‘Christians’ or worse, I fear that there are those who truly never did belong to Christ.
The state of the church today on this issue is indeed depressing … that kind of response you got must have been maddening to hear.
Amidst the pressures of today, Lord willing, we’ll see a crop of bolder, more discerning leadership rise up. Maybe in time the majority of Christians will come to have a biblical view of health and medicine.
This pastor nailed it. I tried getting Christian friends to contact legislators and stand with me against tyranny and one batted her eyes and said condescendingly “God never sleeps!” It was an excuse for her and her husband to sit on their fannies watching Netflix instead of getting involved. I have no use for people like that anymore as they’re failing their fellow believers, they’re failing God, and they’re failing this next generation or generations to come. It finally made sense to me when I recalled the verses “many are called but few are chosen” and “broad is the way that leads to destruction, narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it.”
I even had one ‘Christian’ friend who was double vaccinated try to convince me to get it by saying ‘Charles Stanley got it’ as she knows I like him. When I asked how she knew that she sputtered ‘I think he must have gotten it.’ Nothing but another liar.
I am not saying I alone will find that narrow path but I’m trying awful hard to. My friends are too content with the easy life of going along to get along and that was not what Christ called us to. At first I put up with my friend putting me down for ‘having so much trouble that I must be doing something wrong.’ As time went on I began to see through her and her husband. Their son hit a black woman, denting her car. They exchanged phone numbers and my friend triumphantly announced they weren’t paying for the damage because the couple didn’t have insurance. It was an excuse because it costs to do the right thing.
So I saw that the people who I thought were so righteous were actually pharisaical. After being in the church many years I’ve seen how widespread it is. I think when we stand before Christ that many will hear “Depart from me…I never knew you.” Just make sure it isn’t you.
Good comments. I certainly hope I never hears those words too Shan. Very sobering message here.
Afghan refugees are given Ivermectin but not Americans:
God help us.