But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. (Hebrews 3:13, ESV)
by Stephen Halbrook
Idolatry has a blinding affect. As seen in Romans 1, it leads people to engage in and approve of all kinds of foolish, unnatural, and wicked behavior. Elsewhere in Scripture, we read:
The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; they have eyes, but do not see; they have ears, but do not hear, nor is there any breath in their mouths. Those who make them become like them, so do all who trust in them. (Psalm 135:15-18, ESV)
And so when we engage in idolatry, we can be more easily deceived; we become blind like our idol. The idolatry of the Israelites who created the Golden Calf blinded them to the one true God – Who had very clearly delivered them from Egypt.
We all make an idol whenever we put anything before God. As John Calvin has said, our hearts are idol factories. No one is immune from idolatry on some level — not even Christians.
For too long, many, including Christians, have made an idol of vaccines. This is not to say that every supporter of vaccines has made them an idol; but it seems that there plenty of those who see vaccination as infallible – an attribute that only applies to God – by dismissing legitimate evidence that undermines their credibility.
Reports of deaths by vaccines in general, or the COVID shot in particular, do not seem to phase them. Evidence of corruption and data manipulation is like water off a duck’s back.
Pastors who should know better refuse to speak out against vaccination. Christian parents, perhaps against their better judgment, continue to inject their children with deadly poison. The autism and SIDS epidemic continues. Cancer skyrockets. Many in the church become unwitting persecutors of the church, which is escalating with all the hype around the COVID vaccine. This death shot is presumably killing countless Christians.
Maybe there are different reasons for the blind behaviors above — some more heinous than others. But when the reason is idolatry, the mental process may be something like this (even if suppressed): “I can never believe my precious vaccines can ever do wrong. Therefore, I will not consider anything that speaks ill of them. They are infallible.”
The idolatry, however, is not limited to vaccination. Many also seem to worship doctors (especially those who push the pharma-funded medical narrative). They are seen as all-knowing, who have grasped great secrets of the universe unattainable by anyone else — something that “mere mortals” can’t achieve. This can explain why so many accept what liars like Dr. Anthony Fauci says without question.
Idolatry blinds us to all of the evils associated with the idol. In the Aztec religion, the evils of human sacrifice to the sun-god were “legitimized.” In the vaccine religion, the evils of lying and murder are ignored.
Let’s remember Samson: even men of God can be blinded to the obvious by particular sin. In his case, his idolatrous lust for Delilah kept him from seeing what was so clear: that revealing the secret of his strength would be his undoing.
My guess is that many, if not most, of the cases where one is blind to the evils of vaccines, and that blindness is related to sin, idolatry is the reason. Much of our society just doesn’t want to hear counter perspectives on the historically accepted vaccine narrative. Criticisms are too often met with mockery and hostility — as if one’s religion has been challenged. People are as deaf as an idol made out of human hands.
The religious zeal of many who have bought into Corona Fascism is real: they are utter fanatics, accosting people for such things as not wearing a mask, and reporting on family members.
They want to persecute those who don’t want the COVID death shot. Is it not idolatry that drives these fanatics? During his earthly ministry, Christ warned His disciples:
They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me. (John 16:2, 3, ESV)
Could this also speak to churches that persecute members who oppose the COVID shot? Those who think they are doing a service to God by pushing the lethal COVID jab?
But also, it speaks to persecution within society as a whole. Covidianism is a religion, and has already been used by the state to keep Christians from worshiping publicly the one True God; or, if publicly, with absurd, superstitious restrictions. We must either stay home and bow in fear before The Corona — or syncretize our worship with this false deity.
Now, the physical well-being of Christians who don’t want the death shot is being threatened, while those who are deceived into taking it have become a human sacrifice.
Vaccination is the fatal fruit of idolatry. Repentance can go a long way towards ending this madness. May the churches wake up.
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