Fellow Christians: if you do not warn others about the dangers of the COVID shot, you may some day regret it. It is better to do the right thing now than to live a life of regret for complicity in genocide (at least by one’s silence). Most importantly, God is honored when we protect others.
Pastors: due to your authority, you have an especially heightened responsibility. We have written about your responsibility here.
We are of course seeing parallels between today and Nazi Germany. People are being lured to their deaths in the name of health as the Jews once were. The COVID shot is deliberate genocide.
What about ignorance of vaccine genocide? Well, if some of us can learn the truth about vaccine genocide via research and/or talking with others, then maybe everyone else should be able to as well. This site, for instance, has more than enough info.
Watch the video below, where Traudl Junge, who was Hitler’s secretary, confesses to her complicity with the Nazis despite her ignorance. She could have inquired diligently as to whether Hitler was a genocidal monster.
Learn more about Traudl here. She states:
Of course the horrors, of which I heard in connection of the Nuremberg trials, the fate of the 6 million Jews, their killing and those of many others who represented different races and creeds, shocked me greatly, but at that time I could not see any connection between these things and my own past. I was only happy that I had not personally been guilty of these things and that I had not been aware of the scale of these things. However, one day I walked past a plaque that on the Franz-Joseph Straße (in Munich), on the wall in memory of Sophie Scholl. I could see that she had been born the same year as I, and that she had been executed the same year when I entered into Hitler’s service. And at that moment I really realised, that it was no excuse that I had been so young. I could perhaps have tried to find out about things.
She has also said,
I have learned to admit that in 1942, when I was twenty-two and eager for adventure, I was fascinated by Adolf Hitler, thought him an agreeable employer, paternal and friendly, and deliberately ignored the warning voice inside me, although I heard it clearly enough. I have learned to admit that I enjoyed working for him almost to the bitter end. After the revelation of his crimes, I shall always live with a sense that I must share the guilt.
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