by Stephen Halbrook
see also Was Vaccination used for Depopulation/Genocide in Early Vaccine History?
As of late we are learning about the COVID vaccine alarmingly working as a bioweapon, where the vaccinated are “shedding,” or transmitting, vaccine effects to others.
For instance, women who actually received the shot have suffered from strange menstrual cycles and miscarriages. These symptoms are being transmitted to unvaccinated women who have been near those vaccinated for COVID.
Historically, this is nothing new. For instance, “shedding” is known to occur with live virus vaccines. Polio vaccination spread polio. We can actually go all the way back to the beginning, with smallpox variolation, the first form of smallpox inoculation.
Note: the word inoculation is used to describe both vaccination (initially against smallpox) and its forerunner and analogous procedure, variolation. Both procedures claim to protect one from naturally catching smallpox by infecting one with a certain amount of smallpox itself (in variolation), or cowpox (in vaccination).
The origin (or at least one of the origins) of smallpox variolation is in India. Here, smallpox variolation was derived, not from scientific experimentation, but from a superstition practiced by the common people in India dating to the sixth century. In 1721, a modified practice of inoculation would be introduced to England and America.
This practice proved deadly. Indeed, the inoculated became walking bioweapons. As Duncan Neuhauser and Dr. Lee Slavin note, the person inoculated could not only die from smallpox, but also spread the disease to close contacts.[1] “Opponents were quite correct in seeing a danger to public health—one careless inoculation patient could trigger a major epidemic.”[2]
[I]noculation perpetuated smallpox as an endemic disease that occasionally broke out in epidemic form, when inoculated patients mingled too soon with their neighbors, especially in towns that had lax controls. One physician, writing in the nineteenth century, remarked that inoculation “spread smallpox just as the natural disease did” and “often with great virulence.” … An 1866 American Medical Association report explicitly linked the decrease of smallpox epidemics in the nineteenth century to the abandonment of inoculation … In 1871, British smallpox expert J. F. Marson testified before Parliament that “the discontinuance of inoculation [in the form of variolation], rather than the practice of vaccination, was the cause of the lesser prevalence of smallpox” from 1800-30.
Karen Walloch, “A Hot Bed of the Anti-vaccine Heresey”: Opposition to Compulsory Vaccination in Boston and Cambridge, 1890-1905 (Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, 2008), 25, 26.
More about variolation here. Variolation was eventually criminalized, but by that time, vaccination was in use, so such criminalization was giving with one hand while taking with the other.
Smallpox Inoculation as a Bioweapon!
This brings us to the use of smallpox inoculation as a bioweapon. Now, there is nothing new under the sun. Whatever fallen man imagines today in his wicked heart, he has imagined before. The idea of using inoculation shedding to depopulate was with us long before the COVID vaccine; it was with us almost at the outset of inoculation in American and England.

Indeed, it didn’t take long after England introduced inoculation that the “value” of this procedure for killing people was recognized. In the Revolutionary War, it appears the British likely had individuals inoculated (via variolation) so that they can infect and debilitate the American army:
Of course, many colonists believed the British army planned to intentionally introduce small pox to the Massachusetts population. One Boston resident noted as early as January, 1775 that “soldiers try all they can to spread the smallpox but I hope they will be disappointed.” Seth Pomeroy wrote in May 1775, “If it is In General Gages power I expect he will Send ye Small pox.” On December 3, 1775, Robert H. Harrison noted that “four [British] deserters have just arrived at headquarters giving an account that several persons are to be sent out of Boston . . that have lately been inoculated with the smallpox, with the design, probably, to spread infection to distress us as much as possible.”
Washington received reports in early December, 1775 that the British army was exploring germ warfare to weaken the American siege. However, the general suspected that any biological attack was not … designed to decimate the Massachusetts countryside but rather cripple the American army outside of Boston. On December 14, 1775, Washington complained to John Hancock, that “smallpox rages all over the town. Some of the military [British] as had it not before, are now under inoculation. This, I apprehend, is a weapon of defense they are using against us.”
Washington’s suspicions were corroborated when he received a report that “General Howe is going to send out a number of the Inhabitants. … A Sailor says that a Number of these coming out have been inoculated with the design of Spreading the Small pox through this Country and Camp.” Three days later, the general grimly reported to Congress “the information I received that the Enemy intended spreading the smallpox amongst us, I could not suppose them capable of; I now must give some credit to it, as it has made its appearance on several of those who last came out of Boston.”Alexander R. Cain, “With the Design, Probably, To Spread Infection” – Rumors of Biological Warfare During the Siege of Boston, Historical Nerdery (June 2, 2017). Retrieved November 26, 2019, from http://historicalnerdery01.blogspot.com/2017/06/with-design-probably-to-spread.html
According to Stephen Carr Hampton,
This, along with the comings and goings of the war, led to the largest single smallpox outbreak in North America.
Stephen Carr Hampton, “The strange truth about smallpox and Native Americans,” Memories of the People (June 15, 2019). Retrieved November 11, 2019, from https://memoriesofthepeople.wordpress.com/2019/06/15/the-strange-truth-about-smallpox-and-native-americans/
Just a couple years later, the following was recommended by a British officer:
In 1777 a British officer, Robert Donkin, published in New York a little book entitled Military Collections and Remarks. In a footnote he offered a suggestion:
“Dip arrows in matter of smallpox, and twang them at the American rebels, in order to inoculate them; This would sooner disband these stubborn, ignorant, enthusiastic savages, than any other compulsive measures. Such is their dread and fear of that disorder!”Harold B. Gill Jr., “Colonial Germ Warfare,” Colonial Williamsburg Journal, Spring 2004. Retrieved November 25, 2019, from https://www.history.org/foundation/journal/spring04/warfare.cfm
And so we see that almost from the outset, smallpox variolation, or inoculation – vaccination in all but name – was recognized and likely deliberately used as a tool for killing large numbers of people.
Now, if intended, it probably wasn’t to be used to “depopulate” a large number of American civilians so much as to cripple the American Army near Boston. But now we turn to the outright decimation of Canadian Indians.
Smallpox Vaccine shedding and the Decimation of Canadian Indians
Researcher Tom Swanky discusses the use of smallpox inoculation to depopulate Indians in CanadaWas vaccination a tool of genocide against Indians in the Americas in the 1800s? This appears to be the case in at least Canadia. Kevin D. Annett, an educator who has worked with aboriginals in Canada, wrote in 2009 the following for the Republic of Lakotah website:
Last week, many of the aboriginal people in the remote west coast village of Ahousaht were innoculated with the tamiflu vaccine. Today, over a hundred of them are sick, and the sickness is spreading.
In the same week, body bags were sent to similarly remote native reserves in northern Manitoba that have also received the tamiflu vaccine.
On the face of things, it appears that flu vaccinations are causing a sickness that is being deliberately aimed at aboriginal people across Canada, and this sickness will be fatal: a fact acknowledged by the Canadian government by their “routine” sending of body bags to these Indian villages.
Before you express your shock and denial at the idea that people are being racially targeted and killed, remember that murdering Indians with vaccinations is not a new or abnormal thing in Canada. Indeed, it’s how we Europeans “won the land”, and it’s one of the ways we keep it.
In 1862, Anglican church missionaries Rev. John Sheepshanks and Robert Brown inoculated interior Salish Indians in B.C. with a live smallpox virus that wiped out entire native communities within a month, just prior to the settlement of this native land by gold prospectors associated with these missionaries and government officials. …
In 1969, native children who escaped from the Nanaimo Indian Hospital on Vancouver Island described being inoculated with shots that caused many of them to die “with bloated up bodies and scabs all over”, to quote one survivor.
Knowing this history, it’s not surprising when Indians on isolated Canadian reserves start sickening and dying en masse from sudden illnesses, after receiving flu shots. After all, it’s still the law in Canada, under the apartheid Indian Act, that no on-reserve Indian can refuse medical treatments or experimentation. So it’s small wonder that these reserves are the places being targeted first to be injected with untested, unsafe and potentially lethal flu vaccines.
Kevin D. Annett, “The Mask Slips, for Those with Eyes to See: Preparing for the Real Pandemic,” Republic of Lakotah (September 19, 2009). Retrieved December 13, 2019, from http://www.republicoflakotah.com/2009/the-mask-slips-for-those-with-eyes-to-see-preparing-for-the-real-pandemic/
And so if what Annett says is correct, at least as early as 1862, vaccination was used to depopulate the Indians. (I will reserve judgment on the motives of the involvement of Christians in these examples, as they may have had good intentions; but that doesn’t mean that there weren’t those who influenced their actions who had bad intentions.)
Annett could be drawing to some degree on the work of Tom Swanky (a pro-vaxxer, by the way), who has written much about the use of smallpox inoculation as a means of genocide against Indians in earlier Canadian history.
Swanky authored the book “The True Story of Canada’s ‘War’ of Extermination on the Pacific.” In an interview he states the following:
During the regime change period between the time when the ingineous nations were sovereign in what’s now British Columbia — and when Canada became sovereign — the settlers deliberately spread smallpox as the primary means for the de facto imposition of British institutions. …
Smallpox was also used to disposses them of land and resources, and it’s used to depopulate the area so that it can be repopulated with Europeon settlers. …
Now the alleged smallpox genocide took place in 1862 and 1863 and native death toll is about 100,000 from what I can tell from eye witness accounts and so on. Now the spectacular thing is that these 100,000 people all died in about nine or ten months. …
It seems to me that this event that took place in 1862 … is the greatest human tragedy that ever took place on Canadian soil. … There’s nothing else that compares to it … in terms of the death toll. … Most natives off the coast, for example, they died in inoculation epidemics….
When they do these inoculation epidemics … one of the ways is to send people who have been inoculated to visit villages and circulate in the villages. … the other way to do it is with what I call selective inoculation programs. You go to a village and you say, “Well, I’m here, I’m going to help you out,” and then you inoculate 10 people or 15 people out of a village of 200. Those people then in ten days they come down with smallpox and they spread it to the remaining 200 people.
Gorilla Radio host Chris Cook interviews author Tom Swanky about his book, “The True Story of Canada’s ‘War’ of Extermination on the Pacific”. Aired August 27, 2012. Retrieved December 14, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd37MwL2bAk&list=PLNdeEkS3tHiJrQ7XVMHbONcvelrHZlDv3&index=10
In the interview Swanky holds that Indians were murdered by the form of inoculation called smallpox variolation instead of smallpox vaccination. In his reasoning he shows that he is deceived about the danger of smallpox vaccination, believing that it cannot increase the incidents of smallpox. Vaccination was actually notorious for spreading smallpox — consider, for example, the epidemic in the Philippines, and the town of Leicester, England, where smallpox declined after vaccination was abandoned. Swanky also wrongly considers smallpox variolation safe and effective for the recipient – although rightfully holds that one inoculated in this way can spread the disease to someone else.
It is for the reason that Swanky wrongly presumes that smallpox cannot spread as a result of vaccination that he holds that the Indians must have been given smallpox variolation instead. Granted, either scenario is possible; both are capable of spreading smallpox. In either case, since variolation is vaccination in all but name, if Swanky is correct about the genocide (I believe he is), vaccination in one form or another is to blame.
Very interestingly, the Indians rose up to defend themselves from further smallpox outbreaks by going to war. Drawing on archival material titled “The Tragedy of British Columbia: Genocide at its Founding,” Swanky discusses
how the largest war ever conducted by Indians against Europeans in western Canada, besides the Riel Rebellion – the Chilcotin War of 1862-68 – was in reality an attempt by the Chilcotin (Tsilhqot’in) natives to halt the men who were spreading smallpox among their people.
Kevin D. Annett, Hidden no Longer: Genocide in Canada, Past and Present (The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State and the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared, 2010), 271.
Parting Thoughts: Time to Criminalize Vaccination
The time to criminalize vaccination is long overdue. Vaccination is genocide, as we have seen throughout vaccine history, and are especially seeing with the COVID shot. Making vaccination optional doesn’t go far enough, as it is like making euthanasia and abortion optional.
And as we have seen — and are seeing today — allowing for vaccination does not only endanger the health of individuals and their children; it threatens the entire country via “shedding” or transmission. With the global push for COVID vaccines, it actually threatens the entire planet.
We simply cannot trust the peddlers of vaccines to not use vaccination for genocidal purposes. So don’t even make vaccination optional. Ban it. That’s what governments are for — to protect their citizens from evil (Romans 13). Otherwise, vaccine makers will use their monetary clout to corrupt politicians into promoting and even mandating this wicked and genocidal practice. Like we see today, on a global scale. How many must die before we get the point?
“Thou shalt not kill.”
[1] Duncan Neuhauser, and Lee Slavin, “The Self-Evidence of Benjamin Franklin,” in Mark A. Best, Duncan Neuhauser, and Lee Slavin, Benjamin Franklin: Verification and Validation of the Scientific Process in Healthcare As Demonstrated by the Report of the Royal Commission on Animal Magnetism & Mesmerism (Trafford Publishing, 2003), 76.
[2] Rebecca Jo Tannenbaum, Health and Wellness in Colonial America (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2012), 96.
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