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ALERT: Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages and Strange Menstrual Cycles after BEING NEAR Vaccinated People


Hear this urgent message

In a disturbing twist of the COVID vaccine genocide program, women are reporting strange menstrual cycles, and even miscarriages, after being close to those who have been vaccinated — at least recently — for COVID-19.

What appears to be happening is vaccine shedding, which occurs with at least some kinds of vaccines. In shedding, one who is vaccinated can spread disease to others, at least for a period of time.

In the case of the COVID vaccine, women who actually received the shot have suffered from strange menstrual cycles and miscarriages. These symptoms, as we noted, are the same with unvaccinated women who have been close to those vaccinated for COVID. Thus is seems shedding is happening here.

So the shedding causes miscarriages — and perhaps infertility, which of course the globalists want.

But it gets even more disturbing. First, according to the report above, the shedding can even cause bleeding to those who are past menopause. And this could mean cancer of the uterus, cervix or vagina.

Moreover — who knows what else shedding from these gene-altering vaccine can cause?

Finally, what could such shedding be doing to men?

This is a bioweapon, folks. The murderous criminals behind the vaccine program have created an efficient depopulation tool. If they can’t kill you or your offspring directly with it because you won’t take it, they may do so indirectly.

In addition to the testimonials below, I have also heard personally from a mother who said that her daughter, who works as a nanny, has experienced strange menstrual cycles after working with one or more people who were vaccinated.

See this excerpt of an alert from InfoWars, followed by some screenshots of reports (thanks to InfoWars) and a video:

An Instagram user recently posted a personal message about suddenly missing her menstrual cycle two months in a row after years of normal cycles.

Next, the Instagram user saw mainstream media reports about women who took the COVID vaccine experiencing “heavier and more painful periods” and having “breakthrough bleeding in the middle of a cycle after getting the shot.” …

When the woman saw two separate testimonies from other females who said they weren’t vaccinated but had extremely unusual menstrual cycles, something clicked.

At this point, the Instagram user wondered if the issues vaccinated women were experiencing could be somehow transferred to unvaccinated women like herself.

After hypothesizing the spike protein in the experimental mRNA vaccine could potentially be shedding and causing illness in unvaccinated women, the woman’s Instagram was flooded with thousands of messages from people around the globe.

The account went from 9,000 to 30,000 followers in less than 24 hours and the woman started to post the hundreds of messages she received to her story.

The messages came in from around the planet in many different languages.

From unvaccinated pharmacists who administer COVID shots every shift having miscarriages to a woman claiming to have produced a positive pregnancy test while on her period, the testimonials are insane.

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5 thoughts on “ALERT: Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages and Strange Menstrual Cycles after BEING NEAR Vaccinated People

  1. Pastor JD Farag in Hawaii has been doing sermons against the COVID vaccine.

    Thanks for all you do to inform.

    1. Add me to the list, I’m an unvak$ed health worker, my coworkers are all vak$ed plus many patients…suddenly after a week of shifts, I’m having spotting between periods which I never ever do, plus wicked headaches and severe fatigue. It’s unreal, and it’s taking a toll on my life.

      1. Hi Kimmy,
        So sorry to hear this. Sherri Tenpenny says people behind the scenes are trying to figure this out — I really hope an antidote will be discovered soon.

  2. I read about the “shedding” yesterday on Health Impact News, I sent it to everyone I know. One of the gentlemen I sent it to said he had been around 4 people who had the injection, they were workers in his home. He told me after he was exposed to 2 of the men at the same time he experienced tightness/congestion in his chest. Initially I thought it could have been engineered to affect women exclusively, because I have read these weapons can be engineered to affect certain ethnic groups. Look up “self spreading nasal vaccines”, self spreading vaxes have been in the works for years.

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