Christianity, Coronavirus, Mass Murder, Videos

WATCH: David Knight to Christian Leaders Promoting the COVID Vaccine: God will Hold you Accountable


Despite genocide due to the COVID vaccine, there is no shortage of ignorant Christian leaders promoting it. (And sadly, at the same time, there is a shortage of Christian leaders condemning it.)

Thankfully, David Knight, of the David Knight Show (an excellent news show — highly recommended), has recently spoken to the problem of Christian leaders promoting the genocidal vaccine. They should SHUT UP, or DO SOME RESEARCH, as God will hold them accountable:

You should look to God as your Savior, not to these government authoritarians … they don’t respect you. They want to take away your freedom and your dignity. They want to control you, they want to kill you. It is a program of mass control and depopulation.

And any Christian pastor who jumps in on this, I just, for the life of me, cannot understand how anybody can be that dense to jump in on this. But, you know, to be charitable, say maybe they are just completely uninformed. In which case, if you’re uninformed about something, you should shut up about it. Because you will be held to a higher standard. …

If [these Christian leaders are] going to talk about vaccines, then do a little research about it first. Or just shut up. Because you’re going to be held accountable for what you say. The people that are injured because of what you tell them to do, you’ll be held accountable for that.

See the full segment below. Also includes comments on the importance of Christians meeting for worship.

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1 thought on “WATCH: David Knight to Christian Leaders Promoting the COVID Vaccine: God will Hold you Accountable

  1. David Knight is spot on, thanks. Very disappointing about Franklin Graham, but MacArthurs stand on vaccines are well documented and he has my respect

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