Coronavirus, History, Mass Murder, Medical Tyranny

COVID Vaccine Genocide: the Same Trick used to Get People into the Gas Chambers


by Stephen Halbrook

Vaccine genocide is here as countless people are eagerly lining up for their deaths — thinking that they are getting “safe and effective” protection against COVID-19 (the most over-hyped virus ever). Those who initially survive the jab could drop dead in the near future from viral exposure.

What comes to mind is the trick used to get people into the Nazi gas chambers — which were deceptively called “shower rooms.” Both the “shower rooms” and the “COVID vaccine” have been deemed “necessary” for health reasons. The victims aren’t told they are marching to their deaths. It is an effective con to massacre people without having the inconveniences that come with resistance.

(If you don’t believe the wealthy globalist manipulators have a plan to kill you, you haven’t been paying attention to all the talk about death panels and the earth’s supposed “overpopulation.” These are the same criminals who have been for some time behind the abortion holocaust; what we are seeing now is simply an extension of that holocaust. And really, they have also been behind genocide via other vaccines.)

Regarding the Nazi gas chambers, a 1945 report reads:

They were taken into the courtyard or, in winter, to a large hall of the crematorium and required to undress under the pretext that they were to take a bath followed by hot coffee.

Then came a wait for the gas to arrive, said the witness. …

Then the doors of the two-roofed gas chambers would be opened and the victims, who by this time realised that they were going to their death, herded in with blows from whips and sticks. Finally the guards would succeed in locking the doors. “You would hear cries and shouts as the people within began to fight against each other and to beat at the walls. This goes on for two minutes-then complete silence, nothing more.

“, Doctor describes routine of gas chambers: How slaughter was accelerated, Tuesday 2 October 1945. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from,,127738,00.html

And as summarized elsewhere,

The SS men kept the people fated to die unaware of what awaited them. They were told that they were being sent to the camp, but that they first had to undergo disinfection and bathe. After the victims undressed, they were taken into the gas chamber, locked in, and killed with Zyklon B gas., The extermination procedure in the gas chambers. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from

And yet, while countless people continue to be harmed and killed by the COVID vaccine, the politicians, media, technocrats, doctors, and talking heads in power pretend otherwise. They whitewash the truth so you don’t know you might be killed. We peasants are pests for the ruling class to exterminate. The vaccine is the insecticide.

(Those who survive the game of vaccine roulette will have the privilege of serving the ruling class as a replaceable worker drone — at least until their health gives way, or the next round of safe and effective treatments.)

One of the main ways to whitewash the genocide is to tap into our brainwashed idea that the ruling class never conspires to oppress those under it (which is really stupid, when you think about it). Conspiracy-denialism likewise brings to mind Nazi Germany:

Asked how the Nazis came to power when Hitler had spelled out death to Jews by poison gas in the book he wrote in 1923, “Mein Kampf,” Breitman replied, “They thought, `This is nonsensical! Why should we take it too seriously? If Hitler ever gets into a position of power, he’ll learn to be more mature.’ “

Karen Boren, “Historican Sheds Light on Enigmatic Hitler Deputy,” Deseret News (April 26, 1992). Retrieved March 27, 2021, from

If you ever plan to go along with a government treatment “for your health,” you may want to reconsider.

Image credit:
File:Bundesarchiv Bild 119-11-19-12, Adolf Hitler bei Ortsgruppenfeier der NSDAP Rosenheim.jpg (1935). Wikimedia Commons. CC-BY-SA 3.0.

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