Coronavirus, Medical Tyranny

The “Real Virus” is not COVID-19 — but YOU and ALL of Humanity

Targeting certain people for subjugation and genocide for being a “disease” that
threatens society is nothing new. For the Nazis, it was the Jews. In our day —
the era of Corona Fascism — it is, for the power-hungry globalist elites, all of mankind.
(picture source)

by Stephen Halbrook

It’s high time we read between the lines: for the globalist manipulators behind the Coronavirus scamdemic, the real virus is not COVID-19 — but humanity.

It is not COVID-19 that must be isolated and, to a degree, eradicated; it is mankind. Such is obvious in the extreme, totalitarian measures being taken to combat a deliberately overhyped virus.

All people — not just the sick — are being treated as plague-carriers. Policies are obviously provoking global famine and thus genocide. And COVID-19 is suddenly not dangerous when rioters, looters, and murderers gather to burn the nation down — because that is the whole idea.

The goal is subversion and subjugation. The tool is COVID-19 hysteria. Don’t, by the way, be surprised to find a Concentration Camp (in the name of COVID) come to a neighborhood near you.

All of this comes from the same people who complain that the world is overpopulated — and willing to overtly reduce the population via the mass murder of unborn children. Not only this, but apparently covertly as well, with the countless observable deaths caused by vaccination.

Can we really trust such murderers with our health and life?

We no longer have to ask when World War 3 will happen or what it will be like. It began earlier this year, with countries around the world declaring war on their own people. World War 3 is a global assault on mankind — in the name of COVID — to control and reduce the “virus” of humanity. It takes many forms:

  • Putting us on house arrest via lockdowns
  • Restricting our movements
  • Desocializing and conditioning us via masks, social-distancing, and restricting social gatherings and access to public facilities
  • Destroying our health and immune system via fear and restrictions, and murdering via masks and social isolation. Global famine is to come (if not already here in some places), as is vaccine genocide.

And this is only what we see thus far. What do they have planned for us down the road?

The tactic of identifying those you want to subjugate and kill as a virus is nothing new.

In our day, the notion that man is a virus is more implicit. Coming in to the COVID scamdemic — where “the new normal” assumes humanity is a plague — we already had the climate change hysteria, which assumes the same. Mankind’s existence threatens the planet; “saving the earth” from the plague of mankind requires severe population reduction. Really, “saving the earth” protects the power of the globalist elites.

But whether implicit or explicit, seeing targets of subjugation as disease is nothing new. Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch, writes:

One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder.[1] 

In Latin America, an Indian group called the Ache, hunted by the Paraguayans, were considered “‘rabid rats’; and rabid rats must be exterminated.”[2]

Prior to his suicide,[3] Dr. Mehmed Resid, complicit in the 1915 Armenian genocide and known as the “butcher of Diyarbakir”, wrote:

Even though I am a physician, I cannot ignore my nationhood. Armenian traitors … were dangerous microbes. Isn’t it the duty of a doctor to destroy these microbes? My Turkishness prevailed over my medical calling. Of course my conscience is bothering me, but I couldn’t see my country disappearing. As to historical responsibility, I couldn’t care less what historians of other nations write about me.[4]

Robert M. Kaplan comments:

Resid’s statement is a crucial example of doctors who see their historic obligation to care for their patients as secondary to their responsibility to the state, where they turn their skills at saving lives into mass murder. Whether they knew of Resid or not, this was the same defence used by the German doctors in the Nuremberg medical trials.[5]

Thus, in Germany, “many medical professionals … began identifying Jews as carriers of disease and in fact as disease themselves.”[6] And so,

Medical metaphor blended with concrete biomedical ideology in the Nazi sequence from coercive sterilization to direct medical killing to the death camps. The unifying principle of the biomedical ideology was that of a deadly racial disease, the sickness of the Aryan race; the cure, the killing of all Jews.[7] 

I urge everyone to stop complying with COVID tyranny. Compliance reinforces the “man is a virus” narrative — a narrative of slavery, suffering, and death. Acquiescence enables totalitarianism.

Deliver your neighbor from slaughter — work to peacefully resist. As Trump White House Coronavirus adviser Scott Atlas urged the people to do about Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s shutdown orders,

“The only way this stops is if people rise up. You get what you accept.”

THIS IS WORLD WAR 3. It has been declared on YOU, your LOVED ONES, and FELLOW HUMANS — those created in God’s image. What will you do?

Image credit:
File:Bundesarchiv Bild 119-11-19-12, Adolf Hitler bei Ortsgruppenfeier der NSDAP Rosenheim.jpg (1935). Wikimedia Commons. CC-BY-SA 3.0.


[1] Gregory H. Stanton, “The Ten Stages of Genocide,” Genocide Watch. Retrieved July 20, 2015, from
[2] Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide (Basic Books, 1986), 489. Citation from Eric Wolf, quoted in Kuper, Genocide, 40.
[3] Robert M. Kaplan, Medical Murder: Disturbing Cases of Doctors Who Kill (Australia: Allen & Unwin, 2009), 187.
[4] Cited in Ibid., 188.
[5] Robert M. Kaplan, “Monstrous Complicity: Doctors and the Armenian Genocide,” ABC (April 21, 2015). Retrieved July 20, 2015, from 
[6] Alex Alvarez, Genocidal Crimes (New York, NY: Routledge, 2010), 52.
[7] Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, 16.

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1 thought on “The “Real Virus” is not COVID-19 — but YOU and ALL of Humanity

  1. Great information and so true. I am now a Christian after spending 25 years in the occult world ? and now can see the spiritual battle ? taking place in the heart and minds of Humanity. Thanks I will be sending this message out to everyone.

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