Coronavirus, Mass Murder

Killing you by Ignorance: Mask Experts on What they aren’t Telling you about the Dangers of Masks


See also:
Not “Just a Mask”: a Biblical Critique of the Coronavirus Maskuerade
Faceless! The Mask: Myths, Hazards, Superstitions, and Uses for Subjugation

The suppression of oxygen and the inhalation of your own waste (carbon dioxide) can have serious consequences to your health — and especially to children.

This is why precautions and very strict protocols must be done for surgeons and others to help reduce (but not eliminate) the harm that masks cause. Such information those behind the scenes who are ultimately behind the mask propaganda and mandates don’t want you to know. Your health, it appears, is a danger to their agenda.

  • Medical facilities are specially designed with climate control systems that help to decrease the dangers masks have on the health of masked workers
  • Employees who wear N95 masks must be medically cleared and get a fit test
  • Masks tax the cardiopulmonary system and can cause respiratory problems and heart attacks
  • Oxygen deprivation harms the immune system and increases risk of cancer
  • Special steps are taken by surgeons to keep masks from being a source of contamination that can affect others.
  • Masks can increase the likelihood of spreading a virus

Check out this info from mask experts and circulate widely. This might save your life and the life of others.

Exhibit #1: Interview with Whistleblowers Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan on the Highwire with Del Bigtree

From the Highwire with Del Bigtree:

“Government trained OSHA mask experts Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan join Del in-studio to break down vital info on masks, PPE, and their role in #Covid19 prevention. Every adult on this planet wearing a mask needs to hear this riveting discussion.”

Some quotes from the interview:

When you just tell someone to slap on a mask, you don’t know any of their medical history; and you don’t know the conditions in which they are wearing the mask; and you don’t understand what they may be doing.

The studies have been around since the 1970s that yes, masks can decrease oxygen by 20%. This is exactly why prolonged mask use is not approved in the workplace. If you were to wear a mask 8-10 hours a day, like some workers, that goes against OSHA law.

So now just to tell everybody to mask up, and it’s not a danger, is not only unethical, but it’s illegal. So it’s not legal in the workplace to allow an employee to work in a mask, or face covering, without first doing a medical evaluation to make sure that that employee can medically tolerate it.

Because we know it’s very taxing to the cardiopulmonary system [related to the heart and lungs] when you cover somebody’s mouth and nose and then you force them to do their work. Even if they’re not working and they’re just sitting, it’s going to tax their cardio-pulmonary system because it changes the way you breathe. … we’ve given people heart attacks by forcing them to do this. And that’s why OSHA created the respiratory standard in the first place.

Not only is this not going to decrease the spread of infectious disease, this will increase the numbers.

[It] is not only unsafe [to force employees to wear masks], but it is very unhealthy. It will create long term health effects. That oxygen deprivation over long periods, not only is it immediately — you have that acute immediate issue with headaches, and fatigue, and nausea, and things like that, but you’re creating long term health effects too when you deprive the body of oxygen for a long period of time. It reduces immune function, it causes cancer to be able to grow and thrive in a more acidic environment, because you’re increasing also the CO2 which causes hypercapnia and all that …

Exhibit #2: Article from Jim Meehan MD, a surgeon who has performed over 10,000 surgical procedures wearing a surgical mask

Below are some excerpts:

The environments in which surgeons wear masks minimize the adverse effects surgical masks have on their wearers.

Unlike the public wearing masks in the community, surgeons work in sterile surgical suites equipped with heavy duty air exchange systems that maintain positive pressures, exchange and filter the room air at a very high level, and increase the oxygen content of the room air. These conditions limit the negative effects of masks on the surgeon and operating room staff. And yet despite these extreme climate control conditions, clinical studies demonstrate the negative effects (lowering arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide re-breathing) of surgical masks on surgeon physiology and performance.

Surgeons and operating room personnel are well trained, experienced, and meticulous about maintaining sterility. We only wear fresh sterile masks. We don the mask in a sterile fashion. We wear the mask for short periods of time and change it out at the first signs of the excessive moisture build up that we know degrades mask effectiveness and increases their negative effects. Surgeons NEVER re-use surgical masks, nor do we ever wear cloth masks.

The public is being told to wear masks for which they have not been trained in the proper techniques. As a result, they are mishandling, frequently touching, and constantly reusing masks in a way that increase contamination and are more likely than not to increase transmission of disease.

Dr. Jim Meehan, “If masks don’t work, then why do surgeons wear them?”, MeehanMD. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from

Exhibit #3: More from Whistleblowers Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan

PPE Professionals Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan Talk Masks with Reinette Senum

Some quotes from the interview:

We are the PPE experts. … we are the ones who do the testing and we are the ones who tell the doctors and nurses and healthcare workers what exactly they need to be wearing and why. Then we come in and we perform the medical test and fit test and evaulations and all of that, to make sure that they are truly being protected from the pathogen or the chemical the exposure. None of that has happened with face masks.

Even a surgical mask worn in a surgical setting is not designed to prevent viral transmission, nor do they prevent viral transmission
. … There has been a lot of studies done on the efficacy of surgical masks. And we know that they do not prevent the spread of infectious disease. If a doctor or nurse has a virus, they are supposed to stay home. … surgical masks that are being worn by healthcare workers are designed in the first place to be worn in a sterile environment. They are only to protect the patient who is being operated on who has an exposed area of their body from bacterial infections where if the doctor or nurse coughs or sneezes, that would be spewed out — that would be bacteria transmission. … but [the face masks] they are not going to stop a virus that is so tiny from escaping right through the boundaries, the membrane of the mask, or from the side, because they are not a tight fitting sealed respirator.

Surgical suites and doctors offices have standards of relative humidity, oxygen level, pressure exchanges, air exchanges, there’s so many parameters
… they’re working in cooler environments; they have air conditioning and it’s designed to where those masks do not soil as easily. And those masks are actually supposed to be changed out per task or per process. … [Host: and in a bio hazard bag, correct?] Exactly. And you must don them correctly. … When you remove your mask, you can aerosolize whatever your mask has caught.

These facilities — medical facilities — are actually built — the heating, cooling, mechanical systems are designed and built because of OSHA standards.
Okay so the architects, the engineers, the HVAC, the mechanical contractors, build very different systems in medical facilities than they do in other buildings in the … general environment. … There is increased airflow … The air is being cycled much more frequently in medical facilities, because we have to keep between a 68 and 71 degree temperature range, we know it has to stay cooler in there because … we don’t want the doctors and nurses overheating, and we don’t want moisture building up in the mask, we’ve got to keep the humidity levels at a certain temperature; all of this is designed for infection control.

If you’re going to wear a respirator [mask], we know how it taxes the cardiopulmonary system
. Because before the OSHA standards were in place … we’ve had people die of heart attacks. Because when you cover the mouth and the nose, and you’re breathing in an exhaling — even if it’s just a dust mask — a lot of people are finding this out with just a face cloth — it stresses the cardiopulmonary system because you’ve got to forcibly inhale and forcibly exhale. Because people have died just from covering the mouth and the nose from a simple face covering, OSHA created the respiratory standards. That if you’re going to wear a mask — like an N95 — you have to have a medical evaluation. We have to determine, first of all, if you’re even medically fit enough to work in one. Because when you start exerting energy, your breathing with your mouth and nose covered all day, and then you do your job and start exerting energy, you are going to significantly impact the cardiopulmonary system.

A lot of people … are able to medically tolerate it, but over years of working in that condition, they develop these long term debilitating issues, like pleurisy, like asthma, like some of the other respiratory illnesses … We’re throwing babies now — two year olds — in diapers, with pacifiers … they’re going to be strangled — we’re going to start hearing about strangulation, suffocation … their little nasal passages … are so much smaller than ours, and they are not getting the amount of oxygen that they need. The cells in our body need a certain amount of oxygen to reproduce. And when the body is starved of oxygen, you start seeing all kinds of side effects. The very first one is headaches, nausea, light headedness, dizziness; why do you think people are fainting?

When you have that mask on and you allow the exhale, the moisture in your breath, and the exhaled virus to accumulate, some of that begins to then accumulate on that face covering, well over time what you are doing is re-breathing it. So instead of getting it out, you’re re-breathing in more virons, which increases your viral load, and then your immune system cannot function as well. In addition, when you are not breathing in sufficient oxygen over time … it does reduce your immune system function. So in addition to the increased viral count — the increased virons you are now re-breathing — you are also suppressing your immune system so it is setting you up for infection. … So we know these masks do nothing to stop the spread of it, but they actually increase your risk of becoming symptomatic and sick.

More info on Mask Hazards:

Neurologist: COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse

“To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed.”

Watch: device shows that masks sound warning alarm regarding toxic air quality

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1 thought on “Killing you by Ignorance: Mask Experts on What they aren’t Telling you about the Dangers of Masks

  1. Some of us wear masks 12 hours per day in the hospital. I have asthma and the masks make me wheeze and feel Short of breath all shift- so when I am on my own time I cannot wear a mask. The ADA protects us, but stores are breaking the law by requiring masks for everyone and telling those who cannot wear a mask to “stay home”. What if we told wheelchair bound individuals to “stay home” rather than build ramps?

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