Cardiologist Daniel O’Roark, DO, FACC. has written an excellent followup piece to his analysis of COVID-19 from a Christian worldview (part 1 can be accessed here).
Read the followup piece here.
Christian readers can get a biblical perspective here that they will rarely find elsewhere. Topics include:
- An Update of Medical Considerations: Is the COVID 19 Pandemic a Public Health Menace So Severe and Threatening as to Rise to the Level of a Legitimate Providential Hindrance to Public Worship?
- How Should the Church Properly Apply Romans 13:1-7 and the Related Sections of the WCF (Chapters 20 and 23) to the COVID 19 Pandemic?
- How Should Christians Apply the “Love Thy Neighbor Principle” to the COVID 19 Pandemic While Avoiding Serious Unbiblical Infringement Upon the Christian Liberty of our Congregants?
- Why is the Heavy Hand of our Lord Now Upon the Nations?
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