Credit (image modified)
by Stephen Halbrook
Things are going just as I feared. As we get closer to reopening, Americans – including churches – are so eager to get some semblance of normalcy that they are willing to continue with some elements of slavery in exchange for semi-freedom.
One of those elements is “social distancing.” Seems pretty benign, right? Just maintain a six-foot distance from others.
No – it is in fact foundational to the dehumanizing Orwellian system that the Globalists are subjecting us to. And don’t think that it’s intended as a temporary measure. Remember the new slogan: “the new normal.”
Granted: there are occasions where it would be prudent for us to voluntarily distance ourselves from others. For instance, if we are ill.
I realize, too, that the matter may be complex in church assemblies, as here we want to maintain peace with those with various convictions. Church leadership will have to judge how to best navigate this challenge, but one thing to consider is that this might not even be a problem if church leadership would be willing to explain that all the hysteria is based on lies. (See our post on data manipulation, and other posts on the topic.) This first requires discernment on the part of leadership.
And of course, being wise as serpents: in rejecting “social distancing” (social conditioning), churches will need to discern the best course of action due to state persecution. Maybe the best course is open defiance, which can also inspire others to do the same. Or, maybe it’s meeting “underground.”
In any case, to make social distancing a regular way of life will spell disaster for the church. Here are some reasons why:
- Social distancing impedes natural herd immunity, prolonging the threat of COVID-19 to the vulnerable in the church. Knut Wittkowski, a Biostatistician/Epidemiologist who has modeled epidemics for 35 years, holds that the national lockdown and social distancing are prolonging the Coronavirus and therefore increasing deaths. Rather, those at risk — the elderly and vulnarable — should be isolated for a limited time, while the healthy should mingle and catch the Coronavirus (who would likely have mild or no symptoms at all), giving them immunity.
As enough people become immune, this would develop natural herd immunity, providing a shield to those at risk, and thus end the outbreak. If churches met and social distancing was not adhered to in the church (at least by the healthy), how many in the church might have natural immunity by now, providing a shield to the vulnerable in the church? Also, keeping healthy people from exercising their immune system can in turn weaken their immune systems, which can cause a spike in disease.
- Social distancing encourages a cold church atmosphere. The church should be the most humanizing institution, filled with the warmest people. It’s where people seek out a truly compassionate family, distinguished from the world. Social distancing impedes normal human relationships, contributing to a cold atmosphere and acting as a barrier to a compassionate community (and masks multiply this problem). If people don’t find a warm community in the church, they may seek it elsewhere. Just as Jesus warmly invites us, so we must do to others.
- Social distancing is dehumanizing. It discourages normal human interaction, despite the fact that God designed us as social creatures. The church should be about the restoration of humanity as God originally designed through the power of Jesus Christ – not maintaining philosophies of the world conceived by God’s enemies designed to render us sub-human.
- Social distancing negatively affects the development of children. One of the most important places for a child’s developmental experience is among the people of God. Churches mandating social distancing deprive a child of this. Children regularly subjected to social distancing — in churches and elsewhere — might become, in the words of Leo Hohmann, “socially stunted, anti-social adults who operate more like machines than human beings. Isn’t that what technocrats like Bill Gates would prefer?”
- Social distancing discourages loving one’s neighbor. Imagine if the Good Samaritan passed by the man in need and justified it by saying, “What if he has a contagious disease? The whole nation will die if I catch and spread it by tending to him. Better to avoid him for the greater good!” And yet could we as a church be destroying our witness by using the same rationale — for a clearly over-hyped pandemic at that?
How many church members are suffering spiritually because they lack contact with the church? How many isolated single people are contemplating suicide? How many of the elderly are dying of loneliness, because no one will come near them? “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)
- Social distancing is social engineering. This and other habits are being ingrained in us to behave more like herd animals, easily controlled by the state. Our movements and behavior are being carefully micromanaged. We are being conditioned into permanent habits of timidity, fearfulness, slavery, and a prison mentality. In short, we are being trained to into total compliance to a godless state. However, we must only give total compliance to the Lord Jesus Christ. We must not be mind-controlled; as Scripture says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2a).
- Social distancing was not applied in the ministry of Jesus. He touched (healing, foot washing), walked with others, ate with others, and taught crowds. This is despite the fact that disease outbreaks were a threat then, too.
- Social distancing impedes church attendance. By keeping people from sitting near one another, it can easily minimize the number of people in attendance by 50% or more.
- Social distancing impedes spreading the Gospel. When social interaction is minimized, so are opportunities to speak to others about the Good News of Jesus Christ. How many have, since this crisis of tyranny began, died and gone to Hell without hearing the Gospel due to social distancing? I think eternal salvation is much more important than simply saving one’s life from a disease — which is over-hyped anyway. We should not think like atheists, believing the temporal is more important than the eternal.
- Social distancing reinforces a spirit of fear. The fear of catching disease can easily deter people from attending church and fellowship with other Christians. A spirit of fear also harms one’s health, weakening the immune system and making one more susceptible to illness.
- Social distancing generally not in Scripture. The only example in Scripture relevant for today that I know of regarding social distancing applies to lepers; and perhaps those suspected of leprosy. Even if we extend this to other contagious illnesses, there is still nothing about social distancing for the general population. The healthy are not to be treated as lepers.
- Social distancing is an admission of inconsistency. The churches don’t enforce social distancing for the flu or other such diseases. Why the sudden shift? Because our consistently dishonest government and medical industry told us to? The same people who hate God, hate Christians, kill babies, and lie about vaccine dangers? We are called to be truth-seekers, Bereans — and not embrace whatever we are told, regardless of one’s official prestige.
- Social distancing grants the government power over the church. Christ is Lord over the church, not the civil government. The government is not to make rules for the church. If we were dealing with the Black Death, perhaps that might be one thing, but here we are dealing with an over-hyped virus. When the government sees us comply without even a fight, it is emboldened to escalate its program of persecution.
- Social distancing fuels tyranny. COVID-19 is way overhyped, a lie to get us to surrender our liberties and even our lives (e.g., vaccination, mass starvation). Social distancing is foundational to this.
- Social distancing fuels the deception. The great deception is that COVID-19 is the Black Death, despite the fact that it is, as far as viruses go, relatively benign — such that they purposely inflate the death rates to give the appearance otherwise. The deception is a pretext to destroy us in one way or another, and, apparently, the church itself. Of all groups of people, churches should be leading the way in truth — exposing the lies in boldness.
- Social distancing divides and conquers the church community. It causes us to view one another with suspicion, as dangerous disease vectors that must be kept at a distance.
- Social distancing is a means to persecute the church and invite wolves in sheep’s clothing. It limits assemblies, divides the people, restricts activity, and gives the state an excuse to arrest attendees with impunity for “improper distancing.” It invites wolves in sheep’s clothing to infiltrate the church in order to inform on members. Such persecution might end if churches throughout the land take a stand against this.
Let us pray that those in church leadership will see the deception for what it is, and boldly convey this to the church. Let us resume our obligation to lead the way in truth — not to be held captive to the traditions of men, and the deceits of Satan.
For further reading on the menace of social distancing, read this powerful piece by Leo Hohmann: ‘Social distancing’ is not the answer; it’s the problem
Image credit:
Richard Tennant Cooper, File:People scrambling to get away from a leper, in their haste t Wellcome V0017056.jpg (4-1-2018). Wikimedia Commons. CC BY 4.0. Change to original: Cropped.
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Thank you for writing this!
You’re most welcome! Soli Deo Gloria!
I am so appreciative of your effort with this article! It is well-reasoned, well–written, and timely. I have shared it with many friends. I also am applauding your mission of exploring the vaccine issue from a Christian worldview. Sadly, much of the Church has allowed Truth to become compartmentalized and fragmented. “Matters of faith” and “matters of science” are kept separate. Too many Christians feel unequipped to engage with science, even though it is a study of God’s creation that began as men seeking to understand God and know His character. They fail to hold man’s understanding of this natural world up to what God said about it in His Word. They fail to question scientists and doctors. Hence, church men and women are often unaware of the darkness that surrounds this issue. I appreciate your effort to shine Light on this darkness. Godspeed to you!
Concerned Mamma,
Thank you! Soli Deo Gloria.
Agreed! — Christ is Lord of all, and therefore His word applies to all things — everything from how we understand the world, to how we should act.
I have an ongoing series critiquing vaccines from a biblical perspective; I hope to add more posts when time permits:
You are right: “They fail to question scientists and doctors.” I pray that their eyes will open!
Great post! I hope many read it. Can I share it?
Thanks Tani! Absolutely — share away!