Christianity, Coronavirus

The “New Normal” is Old — Atheistic Socialism Cloaked as Coronavirus Eradication

Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin and his minions

by Stephen Halbrook
See also Lethal Lockdown: a Biblical Critique of the Coronavirus Fear Pandemic

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

History repeats itself — but it is not always obvious to the undiscerning.

While today the government is justifying its extreme measures in the name of eradicating the spread of the Coronavirus (using deliberately skewed data), there is much more significance to these measures than what is on the surface.

All law assumes a religious worldview

All law is a reflection of the worldview — the religion — of those who enact it. And what are we seeing now? Basically, atheistic socialism, as seen, for instance, in 20th century communism. (Sure, liberals have been pushing this for some time, but due to the “crisis,” we are seeing it manifest much more quickly.)

Atheistic socialism denies and defies God, seeing only this life as important. As such, the state attempts to take the place of God, seeing itself as the savior of mankind.

In so doing, it plays the role of a false, evil god; lording over the people, micromanaging their lives in any way it deems fit to usher in a paradise on earth. But instead, it becomes a curse; a horrific monster that causes tyranny and genocide. The natural consequences of opposing God.

It’s important to note that while there are self-conciously atheists, many are practical atheists; that is, they may acknowledge God, but view Him as irrelevant in certain spheres in life, such as civil government.

Indeed, we are seeing a revitalization of the atheistic 20th century communism; not in every single detail, but in many details — and in principle.

Note that henceforth, we will refer to those enforcing tyranny in the name of Coronavirus eradication as Coronacrats — those who want a “theocracy” of sort where God is ignored and the state is deified. In short, regarding morality and reality, the Coronacrats consider their word as supreme. No deviation from the party line, or you may be shamed and punished for daring to oppose their narrative and put the world at risk.

The atheism of national lockdowns and suppressing church gatherings

The key to destroying a society is to destroy its knowledge of God. It is no wonder that atheistic Communism has been the most tyrannical and genocidal ideology in history. The Soviet Union also worked to stamp out churches and destroy Christianity.

We need to carefully think about the worldview behind the mindset of closing churches today (under the “justification” of “eradicating the Coronavirus”). Churches are closed because they are deemed “nonessential.”

But to hold that churches are nonessential is to assume that only the material, temporary world is important; and that morality (which is defined in God’s word), corporately worshiping God, spiritual welfare and eternal life are neither significant, nor vital. But they are.

Online services, which pale in comparison to corporate worship, can only go so far — and maybe hardly anywhere in the future, as censorship increases.

Moreover, consider especially the Lord’s Supper, which cannot even be done online; it is in the context of a gathering. The Lord’s name is being suppressed, as the Lord’s Supper is a means to remember and proclaim the name of the Lord:

And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come. (1 Corinthians 11:24-26)

Only those such as materialistic atheists — either self consciously or practically — would suppress church assemblies. Church assemblies ingrain public morality needed for society, remind us that God comes first, glorify God, proclaim the name of Christ, and are a means of spiritual health for Christians.

Moreover, both the closing of churches and other measures (e.g., staying at home and social distancing) are keeping people from hearing the Gospel of eternal salvation in Jesus Christ.

If eternal salvation was considered an essential, then there would at least be exceptions made to the lockdown to maximize the number of people who might hear the Gospel. But, the Gospel is apparently considered “nonessential” — even though those who do not believe the Gospel before death suffer eternal damnation.

Last I checked, eternal hellfire is much worse than mere physical death. Priorities are backwards, focusing on protecting people from physical death (or pretending to do so) — to the exclusion of protecting people from eternal death.

To hold that it is necessary to protect one from physical death (via the lockdown) but not from eternal death is atheistic to the core. It says that only this temporary life is all that matters; that we are merely physical, material beings that will not answer to God after death.

Thanks to these vile policies, many are dying who haven’t heard the Gospel who may have otherwise.

If the Coronavirus is overhyped hysteria, then there is no logical reason to enact the various measures that hinder the spreading of the Gospel. And even it wasn’t over-hyped and is a serious danger, then that is all the more reason for the Gospel to be proclaimed in as many places as possible, as there would be countless people who need to hear the Gospel before dying.

After all that has been said, the practical atheism in the following statements by two of the most tyrannical governors regarding the shutdown is not surprising:

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam:

“This virus does not care who we pray to or how we worship––we must all work together in fighting against it.”

Ralph Northam, Twitter, March 23, 2020. Retrieved April 24, 2020, from

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo

“Our behavior has stopped the spread of the virus. God did not stop the spread of the virus.”

Adrienne Vogt, New York governor says “phased reopening” of the state will take months,” CNN (April 14, 2020). Retrieved April 24, 2020, from

Censorship of truth

Just as censorship was prevalent in the Soviet Union, so it is today. Anyone that spends any time on social media knows how prevalent it is. And it is only increasing.

The globalists behind the Coronavirus Scamdemic want total control of information to keep us from seeing through their deception.


Brainwashing was a staple of Soviet Union tyranny. From the article This Is How Propaganda Works: A Look Inside A Soviet Childhood:

Our families gathered around dining tables over boiled potatoes, kolbasa, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, and everyone did their best to enjoy themselves. We also repeated party lines, like little parrots: Proletarians of all countries, unite! All power to the Soviets. Peace to the People. Land to the peasants.

Zina says they didn’t know about propaganda, they believed everything blindly and believed that tomorrow would be better than today, and certainly better than it had been in the past.

Katya Soldak, This Is How Propaganda Works: A Look Inside A Soviet Childhood, Forbes (December 20, 2017). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from

This is like today, where brainwashing is everywhere. Every movement is micromanaged. Signs on the road indoctrinate us with slogans. Our distance to others is dictated. We are told to stay inside. We find ourselves endlessly parroting or thinking such slogans as:

“End the spread.”
“Flatten the curve.”
“Stay inside.”
“Wash your hands.”
“Maintain social distancing.”
“We are end this together.”
“Wear a mask.”

They do not want us to think with a biblically informed mind — but be swayed by every wind of doctrine.

Snitch on your neighbor

In an atheistic society, hating one’s neighbor comes naturally. For to love one’s neighbor, one must first love God, the source of love. Atheists, of course, hate God. Thus, in an atheist society, snitching on your neighbor for doing nothing wrong is a practice we would expect.

An article about a resurgence in snitching in Russia describes this practice in the Soviet Union:

The phenomenon of informants appealing to state bodies such as the Investigative Committee has become rife in recent years, prompting some pundits to draw parallels with the purges of the 1930s, when people would denounce their neighbors, colleagues and love rivals to improve their living conditions, advance their career or curry favor with the authorities.

“Everything is sliding back to 1937: denunciations, secret informants and squealers,” said Irina Khaly, a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Ivan Nechepurenko, “Soviet Tradition of Snitching Makes Comeback in Russia,” The Moscow Times (May 31, 2015). Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

The Coronacrats encourage informing on one’s neighbor as well. A godless totalitarian system cannot lord over every part of our lives without citizen recruits. There are plenty of those who hate their fellow man (because they ultimately hate God) who are all too ready to imprison their neighbor.

Some snitches may be sincere but deceived; but deception, too, is a characteristic of a godless totalitarian system.

Appeal to compassion to enact subjugation

The Communists appealed to compassion for the poor to justify their actions. They would “deliver the poor from oppression” by means of a totalitarian state. The actions would result in oppression and poverty for all — save the ruling elite itself.

Today, the Coronacrats, in supposedly combating the Coronavirus, appeal to compassion for potential Coronavirus victims to justify their actions. They, too, will “deliver those susceptible” by means of a totalitarian state.

In the process, all are being tyrannized, and measures are being put into place that harm the health of all (having people avoid sunlight, be inactive, and live in chronic fear; denying essential medical services in place of COVID-19 patients; probably killing many COVID-19 patients with ventilators; fostering food shortages; threatening to poison the population with a vaccine; and provoking a great depression that could cause mass starvation, a lower standard of health services, and lower hygiene and sanitation standards which fosters disease).

In the end: total subjugation.

Note the article Ukraine’s Coronavirus Lockdown Invokes Memories of Life in the Soviet Union:

Parliament’s current decisions on quarantine … are a purely Soviet measure to subdue society,” said Viktor Zherditskiy, 63, a resident of Kyiv.

Ukraine’s older generations remember everyday life under Soviet rule, with its myriad restrictions and deprivations. …

When the government authorities start stroking the heads of their citizens, and in a quiet voice try to convince them that everything will be fine, the more I begin to worry,” said Sergiy Tsyhipa, 58, a Red Army veteran and former special operations soldier.

Nolan Peterson, Ukraine’s Coronavirus Lockdown Invokes Memories of Life in the Soviet Union, The Daily Signal (March 18, 2020). Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

Genocide on the way

But, you say, there is no genocide, like in the Soviet Union, right? But there are at least two kinds of genocides on the way — and maybe many more.

Vaccine genocide
The Coronacrats have seemingly from the outset been pushing for a vaccine as the “solution” for the Coronavirus (we could more fittingly refer to it as the “Final Solution”). Will probably be mandatory for all.

That vaccines regularly injure and kill needs little discussion. Many are now aware of this, and all the evidence one needs is at the link here. A Coronavirus vaccine would escalate the already-existing holocaust.

Many (especially babies and the elderly) will probably die shortly after the vaccine. A great many others may die later, such as by cancer. Everyone will be harmed to some degree, as vaccination is the injection of toxic substances through the bloodstream.

Mass starvation
In the self-inflicted economic depression imposed by governments around the world — all in the name of combating the Coronavirus — mass starvation is coming. The United Nations reports the following about upcoming global famine and poverty (but note how blames it on the Coronavirus instead of the policies of the Coronacrats):

Hundreds of thousands of children could die this year due to the global economic downturn sparked by the coronavirus pandemic and tens of millions more could fall into extreme poverty as a result of the crisis, the United Nations warned on Thursday. …

The United Nations said an estimated 42 million to 66 million children could fall into extreme poverty as a result of the coronavirus crisis this year, adding to the estimated 386 million children already in extreme poverty in 2019.

Michelle Nichols, “U.N. warns economic downturn could kill hundreds of thousands of children in 2020,” Reuters (April 16, 2020). Retrieved April 25, 2020, from

We see this trajectory even in America. The headlines of the following articles speak volumes — people in long lines to get food, just like in the Soviet Union:

Thousands of cars line up to get into a Los Angeles food bank as droves of desperate Americans continue to wait for hours across the country amid the coronavirus pandemic (Daily Mail, April 14)

Thousands Of Cars Line Up At One Texas Food Bank As Job Losses Hit Hard (NPR, April 17)

Hungry Americans are waiting in miles-long lines as food banks struggle to keep up with demand. Here’s a look at how rising unemployment and dwindling volunteer pools are impacting US food pantries.(Business Insider, April 16, 2020)

Other possible genocides

One can imagine other kinds of genocide due to the policies of the atheist Coronacrats:

  • Death by government. Genocide due to adopting an atheistic socialistic state; the more power a non-Christian government has, the more potential is has for murder. The Coronavirus hysteria has resulted in a totalitarian state.
  • Neighbor killing neighbor. As society breaks down and the economy collapses, expect neighbor to start killing neighbor for food, differing political views, or plain sick pleasure. This might also happen in the context of roving gangs and mob violence.
  • Disease hysteria. Groups of people might be targeted by the government and/or civilians for being actual or potential disease carriers. At this point, anyone’s a potential target, since everyone is now considered a danger for the mere fact they could be a carrier. Those who don’t wear masks might be targeted, or especially anti-vaxxers, who have been slandered as disease-spreaders and threats to their community for some time. (See the article Disease Hysteria: a Precursor to Violence and Genocide.)
  • Medical neglect. As the madness continues, one hears more and more of medical neglect of those with medical needs but are not diagnosed with COVID-19. Treatment for non-COVID-19 conditions — even emergency conditions — has taken a backseat to the supposed Coronavirus pandemic. Moreover, unwarranted fear about COVID-19 instilled into people is causing them to forgo emergency treatment out of fear of catching the Coronavirus. How many will die for these reasons, time will tell, but it will probably not be insignificant.

Conclusion — what can the church do?

What we are being told is that the tyrannical measures by the Coronacrats are the “new normal.” They’re not. They’re just a repackaged version of the older atheistic socialism cloaked as Coronavirus Eradication.

Worshiping God and the eternal salvation of man are considered “nonessential”; this temporary life is deemed as all that matters. Eerily reminiscent of the Soviet Union, as are other characteristics of a godless, socialistic state: censorship of truth, brainwashing, snitching, and appeals to compassion as a pretext to subjugating one’s neighbor.

Genocide is on the way: mass vaccination, global starvation, and probably other causes.

To avoid blood from being on their hands, Christians need to speak up and oppose this tyranny — and not continue to go along with injustice, as they similarly did in Nazi Germany. They need to pray, fight the information war, support biblical resistance, and continue to assemble. They need to be salt and light by outright defying evil, all the while being wise as serpents.

Perhaps God will bless the church for starting to fulfill its duty to love its neighbor on a societal level. If God in His infinite wisdom decides not to immediately end the tyranny, then at least the church can go down swinging, so to speak, and can say it was faithful.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.

If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.

But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. (Daniel 3:16-18)

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2 thoughts on “The “New Normal” is Old — Atheistic Socialism Cloaked as Coronavirus Eradication

  1. Excellent analysis and writing! I’ll be sharing this article with my friends. Keep up the good fight!

  2. Concerned Mamma,
    Thank you! Soli Deo Gloria.
    We definitely need to get the word out. It’s insane that today, one is considered “selfish” for not accepting tyranny!

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