Mass Murder, Videos

Man Warns CDC Vaccine Committee of Nuremberg-like Trials “after your Crimes against Humanity are Uncovered”


Hear Kevin Tuttle, President of the Adverse Events Recovery and Information Center, confront the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for its role in crimes against humanity, namely, the Vaccine Holocaust.


You people are going to be in a heap of trouble when the Nuremberg tribunal-like trials happen here, after your crimes against humanity are uncovered. … My grandmother survived the Nazi regime that eventually crumbled due to what the world finally saw what was happening — mass murder. Your tyrannical regime is also crumbling. The people are rising up against the slow holocaust you are inflicting upon us. You can’t hide the truth from parents who have witnessed vaccine harm.”

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2 thoughts on “Man Warns CDC Vaccine Committee of Nuremberg-like Trials “after your Crimes against Humanity are Uncovered”

  1. Jure,
    I look forward to that day too. And even if they escape this, there is still the Final Judgment, where the hearts of all men will be exposed, and it will be a terrifying day for those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ.

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