Biblical Critique of Vaccines Series, Christianity, Ethics, Vaccine Ingredients

A Biblical Critique of Vaccines: Part 4: Natural Food versus Unnatural Vaccine Ingredients


by Stephen Halbrook
Other posts in this series

Vaccination is the injection of unnatural substances into the body – that is, synthetic or toxic substances. Since such ingredients are not recorded in Scripture as being designed for man to ingest – much less inject – it is no wonder that vaccination produces such harm as allergies, autoimmune disorders, cancer, autism, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Let’s explore this topic further.

God created specific substances of creation for consuming

In Scripture we find that God provides man with specific substances of His creation for consuming; “natural food or ingredients.” Here is a sampling – one would be hard pressed to find the bulk of vaccine ingredients here:

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. (Genesis 1:29)

And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. (Genesis 9:2, 3)

And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. (Exodus 3:8)

A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey; (Deuteronomy 8:8)

Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof. (Ezekiel 4:9)

Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg? (Job 6:6)

And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. (Matthew 14:19)

And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the Lord your God. (Leviticus 19:10)

So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. (John 4:46)

Obviously, not all of God’s creation is fit for consuming. Because of the Fall, some things are deadly to consume, even some things that might appear to be food, such as poisonous berries.

Moreover, man, in his vanity, tries to tinker with God’s creation, making otherwise healthy food unhealthy. For instance, certain preservatives and genetically modified food. Finally, individuals may have unique intolerances to certain natural foods (much due to allergies caused by vaccines).

But while not all natural things are healthy, it seems that all healthy things are natural. Vaccines, by contrast, are full of unnatural ingredients that our bodies are not meant to process.

Unnatural Vaccine Ingredients

Contrary to substances of God’s creation that we are meant to ingest with our mouths, vaccination either puts into us things that are not meant for our bodies at all, or at best things that we should probably never assimilate via injection.

The National Vaccine Information Center lists many vaccine ingredients used today:

The Centers for Disease Control also publishes a list of vaccine ingredients. Here are some of the ingredients that may be in the vaccines your doctor recommends:

• live weakened viruses
• killed bacteria
• aluminum
• mercury
• formaldehyde
• phenol
• sodium borate
• Polysorbate 80
• Triton x-100
• Hydrocortisone
• Sugar
• Yeast
• milk and egg protein
• virus like protein particles
• Gelatin
• squalene
• antibiotics
• calf serum
• human, animal and insect DNA.

Barbara Loe Fisher, “Are Vaccine Ingredients Safe?” National Vaccine Information Center (January 26, 2018). Retrieved January 26, 2020, from

Again, much of the ingredients in vaccines our bodies are not meant to ingest, much less inject, which are fired into the bloodstream without a filtering process. And even a virus, which our bodies are intended to combat via natural assimilation (not in the bloodstream), cannot when injected be expected to be benign.

And so, no amount of such vaccine ingredients is “just a small amount.” “Small” implies “minimal” or “no risk” – but no amount of foreign substances injected into the bloodstream are safe, as the bloodstream is ill-equipped to combat unfiltered toxins. Thus any amount of vaccine ingredients is “too much.”

Vaccine ingredients are a witch’s brew of death including neurotoxins, infertility inducers, carcinogens, foreign DNA, etc. More about vaccine ingredients here and here.

The Madness of it all

When we think about it, the use of injecting vaccine ingredients into our body is sheer madness. This comes out clearly in this comic by Steve Hunter:

Ma’am, I want to inject your baby with mercury, aluminum, MSG, gelatin, peanut oil, egg embryo, aborted fetal tissue and formaldehyde!

What? No!!!

Don’t worry!! Those are just the ingredients of a Vaccine!

Oh! Well that’s okay then!

The only thing that stops the mom from seeing the obvious danger is a lifetime of brainwashing about vaccines.

Indeed, is formadehyde (a carcinogen) equivalent to the herbs God gave us to eat? Is MSG (which could cardiac problems) equivalent to natural fruits? Is phenol (a toxin) equivalent to God’s provision of seeds?

Consider also the use of metals, polysorbet 80, and DNA in vaccines:

Vaccination injects metals into the body, including mercury and aluminum. Aluminum and mercury are known neurotoxins, and their danger is multiplied when combined in a vaccine.

The closest thing I see in Scripture to consuming metals is when Moses had the Golden Calf (made of gold, see Exodus 32:2-4) ground to powder and required the Israelites to consume it as a punishment (Exodus 32:20) – not for a health benefit.

Polysorbet 80
Polysorbet 80 is linked to infertility. Consuming it reminds me of consuming the “bitter water” in Numbers 5. In this law for Old Testament Israel, wives suspected of infidelity were to be given this to drink; if they were guilty, God would punish them with what appears to be barrenness (Numbers 5:11-31). Polysorbet 80, on the other hand, is indiscriminating and can produce infertility in anyone (at least females, although other vaccine ingredients may do the same in males).

Thus no one in their right mind would deliberately seek the ill-effects of this “bitter water.” And yet, to be vaccinated with Polysorbet 80 is to risk this very thing. And so while God’s law in Numbers 5 was just, man has no moral authority to render himself or others sterile. Indeed, those who marry must seek to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:22).

Animal and Human DNA
It should be obvious that we should not inject another’s DNA into ourselves, whether human, animal, or insect. God did not authorize the unique DNA code of His created beings to be combined with another’s, and become a genetic hybrid – man/woman, human/animal, etc. (If a blood transfusion — not without potential consequences — is ever lawful, it would obviously only be so in a life or death situation. Vaccination, however, is not a medical emergency.)

For instance, God gave us animals to eat (Genesis 9:2, 3), not to inject. Mankind was never intended to genetically combine with the creatures of the earth. The creatures of the earth are meant to reproduce “after their kind,” and mankind is set apart from them by being created in God’s image (Genesis 1:24, 25, 27). A man mating with an animal is a perversion (Leviticus 18:23) – and one might think the same of creating a man/animal “offspring” via genetic combining.

Moreover, the closest thing in Scripture I can think of to injecting aborted baby DNA is cannibalism, not spoken well of in Scripture. It is a curse in the context of Deuteronomy 28:56, 57, and while spoken of symbolically in Micah 3:3, appears condemned by implication. Of course, it is often done in the sinful context of murder or human sacrifice.

If there is an exception to this prohibition (note “if” – not even sure if this case is lawful), it would be when one is starving to death, and didn’t get his food via foul play. In short, a life-saving emergency.

Now, how close to the prohibited practice of cannibalism that the use of aborted baby DNA is, readers must judge. For sure, when it comes to health, injecting a person into your bloodstream is more dangerous than eating a person. Moreover, cannibalism is often done in tandem with human sacrifice, just like attaining aborted baby DNA is; that is, a child is killed to use for vaccines.

(Blood transfusions contain some DNA, but cannot be likened to vaccinating with aborted baby DNA on a few counts: the former — not without risk — is for someone with a medical emergency, is never [I hope!] in the context of murdering someone to attain the blood, and must be compatible with one’s blood type. Not sure about blood transfusions, but aborted baby DNA in vaccines includes DNA fragments, which causes insertional mutagenesis and may contribute to transgenderism.)

But it’s even worse than you might think …

There are official and non-official vaccine ingredients. We really don’t know what we are getting, even when we do the research. If you get vaccinated, you may be the victim of vaccine contamination, a test subject in a vaccine experiment, or the target of a clandestine depopulation or military operation.

Even if accidental, vaccines can be contaminated:

If you as an individual are too busy to read this brief summary in one sitting, please be aware there is ample evidence in the scientific literature that serious viruses, bacteria; or components and toxins there from; as well as foreign animal or cancer-related proteins and DNA are finding their way into the commercial vaccines intended for humans, pets, and agricultural animals.

Benjamin McRearden, What Is Coming Through That Needle?
The Problem of Pathogenic Vaccine Contamination.
Retrieved February 4, 2020, from

Maurice Hilleman, a major vaccine scientist (the “vaccine giant”) noted that the polio vaccine was contaminated by the cancer-causing chemical SV40.

It gets worse, though. Not only can we thank polio vaccines for spreading cancer, but for possibly AIDS as well. In the same interview where he connects polio vaccines with cancer, vaccine scientist Maurice Hilleman blames the polio vaccine for importing AIDS into the country.

For more about SV40 and AIDS being spread by the polio vaccine, click here. Also hear vaccine scientist Maurice Hilleman discuss this here.

Moreover, while officially approved vaccines are dangerous enough, you never know when you are the unwitting recipient of an experimental vaccine – and who knows what the ingredients are. Read more about this here, and hear the “godfather of vaccines,” Stanley Plotkin, admit under oath to experimenting on orphans, the mentally handicapped, babies, and “almost a million people” in the Belgian Congo here.

And, to further a depopulation agenda, you never know when a vaccine is clandestinely laced with an ingredient to cause infertility, abortion, or to hasten your death (above and beyond the current official ingredients which already do the same.) As we discuss here, vaccines have been used throughout the world to covertly cause miscarriages.

Vaccines might also be a military weapon, and so if even one were to blindly trust his own country not to use vaccines to kill him, a certain amount of our vaccines are made by America’s arch-enemy, China. China isn’t known for the greatest safety standards, and why would you trust that it wouldn’t lace its vaccines with ingredients to kill or sicken Americans?

Vaccination as Snake Poison

The closest thing I can find in Scripture to assimilating vaccine ingredients via injection is a poisonous snake bite. Both actions pierce the skin and inject the bloodstream directly with poison.

Like vaccination, a poisonous snake bite is obviously not conducive to health; it is cruel:

Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. (Deuteronomy 32:33)

Moreover, in the following passages attacks by venomous snakes are considered a curse:

And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. (Numbers 21:6)

They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust. (Deuteronomy 32:24)

If such is a curse, how much more might vaccination be, with deaths and injuries occurring throughout the world on a daily basis, century after century?


If there is any place for the use of unnatural substances regarding health, it would obviously only be in the context of a life-saving emergency. Sometimes, one has to cut off a limb to keep gangrene from spreading. However, vaccination is not for medical emergencies – but it does create them.

Not vaccinating is a no-brainer when we consider that vaccination is the injection of unnatural substances into the body. It is a witch’s brew of death.

While God blessed man with certain natural things of His creation to ingest for his health and life, fallen man, via vaccination, curses man by injecting him with poison and death. Vaccine propagandists would have us prefer synthetic snake venom to God’s natural order.

May we seek God and His ways for health and protection – not the cruel, unnatural ways of fallen man.

Appendix: Vaccination as the Poison of Asps (1878)

Vaccination rejects assimilating natural substances of God’s creation for what amounts to snake poison. With this in mind, see the following from “V–RS (Vipers) and V–RS (Vaccination). To the Editor of the N.A.V.C. Reporter,” The National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Reporter, vol. III, no. 2 (November 1, 1878). Excerpts below; topic titles mine.

Snake and vaccine idolatry

Permit me, at this crisis, to direct your kind attention to a fact or two which may afford useful lessons in the Anti-vaccination controversy. A weekly paper states that: “In Europe every means is taken to exterminate vipers, and in France a reward is given to every one who brings a viper’s head to the authorities.” But there is a country–Senegal, in Africa—where the reptiles are held in such honour that a Frenchman barely escaped being massacred for having killed one which threatened to bite him, under the following circumstances :—“A French naturalist travelling in Senegal, having crossed over to the Island of Su, upon the Niger, to collect some remarkable birds that built their nests there, was very well received by a native chief who had invited him to a meal at his house in a neighbouring wood. …

“[T]o the horror of the naturalist, a viper of immense length, and of the most venomous kind, descended from the straw roof and began to crawl towards him. He, terrified, sprang up instantly, siezed his bamboo stick, and gave the viper a blow on the head which killed it at once. Immediately the whole company raised loud cries, advanced furiously upon him, and threatened as though they would kill him. One would have thought that he had just committed some crime.(!) The chief had the greatest difficulty to prevent his being stoned to death.(!!) The naturalist afterwards learned that [they] regard serpents and vipers as deities. They treat them with the greatest veneration, and even allow them to multiply in their houses, even to get into their beds and to eat the fowls of their farm yards.”

Macaulay says “The old Britons, among other idols, worshipped serpents.” It appears, however, that they kept at a respectable distance from them. But the modern Britons, those who are called Vaccinators, worship, not indeed serpents, but a highly concentrated venom called “vaccine,” which causes far more suffering and death than “the poison of asps”; for with lancets tipped with this venom they stab and poison all they can “all the year round” for so much a head!

Persecution by the “venomous vaccinators”

[T]here is no denying the fact that we, or those belonging to us, are in constant danger of being attacked by these venomous vaccinators, who are, as we know to our sorrow, suffered to roam at large, and are strongly protected by our Government, who act quite as foolishly as the natives of Senegal in their protection of the viper, for, if we defend ourselves from being wounded and venomed, we are set on as absolute criminals and prosecuted according to law!

Lest you should think the above illustration far-fetched, or lest any should think it inapplicable, the following statement from the Daily News of last Friday (Sept. 20), may prove that we are not entirely exempt from such dangers in our own country: “Three young men, Mortimer, Forbes, and Gordon, were crossing the Downs to Amberley, yesterday morning, when they stopped in a copse for luncheon. As they were sitting on a bank, Mortimer was bitten on the hand by a black viper. The reptile was killed, and no further notice was taken of the matter. Before Amberley was reached Mortimer was seized with serious symptoms, and expired in great agony at a village public house. All three were engaged as clerks in the city.”

The sufferings of this poor banker’s clerk, the viper’s victim, were soon terminated, whereas the lingering torture of the vaccinator’s victim often continues for weeks, months, and years ! and for one viper’s bite many thousand venomous stabs from the vaccinators are continually inflicted. Indeed, I often think that the British nation is in a similar position to that of the ancient people in their plague of serpents, and that it is high time that we began to look for deliverance.

The “fatal results” of vaccine venom

We have to deal with results, and we are well aware that inoculation spread small-pox to such an extent that it was suppressed, and is now made a criminal offence; and vaccination is none the less criminal because enforced by law, for, as Dr. Noble, of Manchester, says—what, indeed, Jenner said before him—“The vaccine disease is not the preventive of small-pox, but the small-pox itself.” While as to its fatal results, Mr. Adair, of Maryport, states: “When from home recently, in Scotland, a minister told me he had buried, on an average, one child per month that had been killed by vaccination!”

Instances of the misery and mortality occasioned by these destructive vaccinators are of daily occurrence. What is to be done? Is this alarming state of things to be allowed with impunity ?

Repent, vaccinators!

I presume that your valuable paper is read by parties on the other side—let me briefly address these words for their edification: “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape, &c.?” If there be such a principle as justice, your condemnation, though it linger long, is sure as the return of day. We know men who were public vaccinators who have been wise enough to give it up for conscience’ sake. Let me commend their example to your notice.

The National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Reporter, “V–RS (Vipers) and V–RS (Vaccination). To the Editor of the N.A.V.C. Reporter,” vol. III, no. 2 (November 1, 1878), in The National Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Reporter, Volume III, 31.

For further research

A parody of the dangerous ingredients in vaccines

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