Audio, Christianity, Deception, Inoculation, Interviews, Mass Murder, Paganism, Vaccine Ingredients

Our Interview with Sons of Liberty Radio on “The Dark Idolatrous History Of Vaccines & Their Ties To Population Control”


This is my interview with my friend Tim Brown of The Sons of Liberty about the dark history of vaccination. Interestingly, it took place a couple months before the Scamdemic began (January 2020). Topics include vaccine idolatry, ingredients, deception, and genocide, as well as vaccination being against God’s natural design.

Listen, share, and get the word out!

Some info related to the discussion:

Before Vaccinating: Read these Countless Accounts of Vaccine-caused Deaths and Injuries

You’ve been Conned: Polio was Redefined, Making the Vaccine Look Effective

Statistics and Vaccination — a Tortured History

Was Vaccination used for Depopulation/Genocide in Early Vaccine History?

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 4: Covert use of Abortion-causing Vaccines Around the World

Vaccine Idolatry in History

The Increase of Cancer by William Tebb (1892)

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4 thoughts on “Our Interview with Sons of Liberty Radio on “The Dark Idolatrous History Of Vaccines & Their Ties To Population Control”

  1. I so appreciate your strong biblical stance on this topic. My spirit is very grieved and concerned that my pastor doesn’t touch topics such as abortion, vaccines and the need for parents to pull their children out of the God-forsaken public schools. Is there a way to find churches that aren’t afraid to bring up these issues with their congregation? I’m very close to leaving my church but I have no where else to go. I usually listen to Pastor Jack Hibbs on YouTube since he isn’t afraid to stand up against the culture.
    God bless you, brother.

    1. Janet,
      Yes, it is disturbing that many pastors won’t’ touch these topics; it seems vaccines is the last thing in the world they will touch, even though many in their church could die from them.

      There are some pastors out there who will publicly oppose vaccines; these can be difficult to find, and it gets more difficult when a certain percentage of these are wrong on fundamental Christian issues, such as the Gospel itself. (Some who are good on social issues can be bad on spiritual issues.) So I understand the frustration.

      Here are a few solid pastors who are good on both salvation by faith alone, and opposing vaccines: Joel Saint, Afshin Yaghtin, and Matt Trewhella. You can find some posts with material from them via a website search.

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