Debate, Videos

Watch the Great Vaccine Debate in Harlem (Pro-vaccine Narrative Crushed Again)


Here is the recent vaccine debate in Harlem. Four combatants on each side. Pro-vaxxers vs. those who are either anti-vaccine, or at least advocate “safer” vaccines (as if vaccines can ever be safe enough).

The side of those who question vaccines (includes Del Bigtree) clearly win the debate. They have substance and heart. Repeatedly the crowd cheers in their favor.

It’s as if the other side didn’t show up. One on their side resorts to yelling throughout the debate (but he gets a taste of his own medicine at the end, when a new participant weighs in).

This loud participant also ironically calls the anti-vaccine movement an anti-African movement, even though many Africans hide from the vaccinators to protect their children, AIDS in Africa has spread through dirty vaccine needles, and vaccines are used to clandestinely cause miscarriages in Africa. Then, there is the confession of CDC Senior Epidemiologist William Thompson that findings linking Merck’s MMR vaccine to an explosion in autism among African American boys (under 3) were suppressed.

I wish all sides in the debate would get away from referring to evolution as if it’s a scientific fact. It hurts anyone’s credibility to say you have science on your side, and then turn around and embrace this obvious fiction. Still, a good job on the part of those who question vaccines.

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