Call to Action, Christianity, Ethics

Christian Magazine by Pastor Afshin Yaghtin has Entire Issue Exposing Vaccines


Pastor Afshin Yaghtin is the most active pastor I know of in exposing the evils of vaccination. He has preached against it, opposed it in his church’s doctrinal statement, and testified before the Dept. of Health and Welfare (Idaho) about it.

Pastor Yaghtin has also released an entire magazine dedicated to the topic. “Saved” Magazine number two includes several vaccine-related articles, including:

Also summaries on

  • What’s in vaccines
  • The escalating vaccine doses for children since 1962

Also a piece on chemtrails, or geoengineering. Yes, they are not only poisoning our bloodstream via vaccination, but our air as well.

This is an excellent tool for getting the word out about vaccines. Purchase a few and hand them out to fellow Christians. I have a copy — it is very well-designed, making it very engaging. (Saved magazine with Del Bigtree here.)

Order a single issue here, or a set here.

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