Audio, Christianity, Sermons

Pastor Andrew Barnes Warns about Vaccines in Sermon on Abortion and Infanticide


Earlier this year Pastor Andrew Barnes of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA)​ delivered a sermon titled “Abortion, Infanticide, and the Gospel” where he warns about the dangers of vaccines after discussing the evils of abortion.

Pastor Barnes sets a good example of not compromising truth even if there are those who vehemently disagree:

“Some of you might very vehemently disagree with what I’m about to say, but it doesn’t matter; look at what they do. Research what they do.”

Barnes discusses the use of aborted baby tissue, and also says:

“You must be warned about these vaccines … there’s children who are dying because they take these vaccines, and you never hear about it. They die. And they blame it on some other cause. But it’s almost always the cause being the vaccine.”

Hear more in the sermon here (starts about where the vaccine discussion begins):

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4 thoughts on “Pastor Andrew Barnes Warns about Vaccines in Sermon on Abortion and Infanticide

  1. Thank you Pastor Barnes! You are one of the only pastors who have dared speak out against the use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines. The horrific thing is that the organs used are “harvested” when the baby is still alive. Thank you for warning people to avoid these toxic and immoral vaccines. I also am vaccine injured, and thankfully God put it on my heart to NOT vaccinate my three, healthy children.
    God bless you and your congregation,

    1. Jen,
      Thanks for your thoughts. It is definitely encouraging to hear Pastor Barnes speak out, and Lord willing, many more will follow his example. Prayers that God heals your vaccine injury. It is great to hear you are doing the right thing for your kids!

  2. Thank you for speaking out. It is disgraceful that more Christians do not do their research on the ingredients in vaccines, including cells from aborted babies, both male and female, regardless of the sex of the recipient of the vaccine. W1-38 is from a female fetus, and MRC-5 is from a male baby. They are all listed on the CDC list of “excipients” which will probably soon be removed from the internet, because we researchers now know too much of the demonic ritual of poisoning. The cells of animals and insects are also used, which is an abomination, altering the DNA of our God given children.

    1. Bev,
      There is something perverse about all of this, and one wonders how such things could be mutating us over time. Agreed, such info may be scrapped from the internet soon. They can’t have us thinking for ourselves.

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