Opposition, Videos

Don’t let Accusations of “Controlled Opposition” Splinter the Vaccine Awareness Movement


In the course of researching the truth about vaccines, many will hear accusations against several figures (some who are very influential) in the vaccine awareness movement as being “controlled opposition” that are actually harming the movement. For instance, these figures are insisting on vaccine choice instead of criminalizing vaccines.

While it is true that vaccines should be criminalized (as any assault with a deadly weapon should be), we can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater and splinter the movement over such a difference. This plays into the hands of the pro-vaccine propagandists — a “divide and conquer” — which can make it even harder to keep mandatory vaccination at bay. And with this in mind, one wonders if some who level accusations of controlled opposition are themselves controlled opposition.

There is no reason why those of us who believe vaccines should be criminalized can’t work to influence this very important goal (likely a long-term goal) while also working alongside those who believe differently to influence the public to see the dangers of vaccination. The influence of those who insist on “vaccine choice” who also point out the harm of vaccines often has the effect of convincing people not to vaccinate anyway. In this case, vaccines wouldn’t need to be criminalized to keep such people from vaccinating themselves or their children.

Is there ever an occasion to point out controlled opposition? Sure, but it must be based on evidence and not speculation. And, there may be some who are detrimental to the movement who are not technically controlled opposition who may require public criticism. But, we must avoid as much as possible splintering the vaccine awareness movement.

This video has some good points about the “controlled opposition” controversy.

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2 thoughts on “Don’t let Accusations of “Controlled Opposition” Splinter the Vaccine Awareness Movement

  1. I very very much agree with you, and I am finding it concerning and suspicious that so many people are suddenly bringing up “controlled opposition” directly following the vie event. We don’t have to be robots who agree with each other on every point, but right now, awareness about vaccination danger and the loss of physical, bodily, constitutional rights are the common goal all share and needs to stay the focus.

    1. RebelMinn,
      Yes! That’s exactly it. I don’t see how one can be “controlled opposition” can be waking up countless people to vaccine dangers. If they are controlled opposition, they’re doing a bad job!

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