A new post from Reformed Health has lots of important info on the vaccine issue. This is great material for quickly learning more about the topic, and for helping someone see the truth about vaccines. Especially relevant for Christians.
Topics include:
- Coincidence or Cause?
- What’s in a Vaccine Anyway?
- Have Vaccine Safety Naysayers Looked at These Ingredients?
- Aborted Fetal DNA Fragments in Vaccines
- Who Are (or were) MCR-5 and WI-38?
- Embryonic Stem Cell Conundrum
- Vaccine Safety Concerns Due to Fetal DNA
- Additional Proof of Fetal DNA Fragments in Vaccines
- An Important Question: Are Vaccines Safe?
- The Gold Standard for Scientific Safety Studies
- What Vaccine Safety Studies Exist?
- Placebo Controls in Vaccine Safety Studies
- What Can You Do to Increase Vaccine Safety Awareness?
- Christians Should Be Leading The Vaccine Safety Cause
- Have Vaccines Eradicated Childhood Disease?
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