Biblical Critique of Vaccines Series, Christianity, Ethics, Natural

A Biblical Critique of Vaccines, Part 1: Vaccination Vainly Attempts to Improve Upon God’s Design


by Stephen Halbrook
Other posts in this series

God is the all-wise Creator of all things, and therefore has a good reason for designing things the way they are. God made all things good, in wisdom:

“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31a)

“O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.” (Psalm 104:24)

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” (Psalm 139:14)

Naturally, Scripture does not speak fondly of attempts to change God’s natural order. See, for instance, Romans 1:26, 27 and 1 Corinthians 11:13-15.

But when it comes to protecting one from disease, the vaccinators vainly think they are wiser than God, and that they can circumvent God’s natural order.

First, by injecting diseased-matter and substances that the body is not meant to assimilate, vaccination disregards God’s design for the skin as a protective barrier from such things.

Second, God designed the body to initially fight disease and foreign substances (as they are normally acquired via nose, mouth, etc.) – through saliva, the gastrointestinal tract, etc. These are elements of what is called the innate immune system.

But vaccination, being by injection, bypasses the innate immune system (which also includes the skin) and thus our first line of defense in fighting foreign substances that make it into our system.

If contaminants that pass through the innate immune system reach the bloodstream, they have at least been detoxed to a degree via the gut and liver. But vaccination, which bypasses the very mechanism for keeping vaccine ingredients out of us, has no such filters — and thus poisons the blood.

And so, while in God’s design, vaccine ingredients should stay out of our bodies, vaccination not only puts them into our bodies, but in a way that the body is much less able to deal with.

Finally, by bypassing the innate immune system, vaccination triggers another unnatural process — a different immune response than how God intended; a process that actually weakens the immune system.

This is in contrast to the natural immune response to disease, which is designed to provide more or less lifetime immunity, strengthen the immune system, and confer health benefits.

Injecting air and snake venom

Why it is taken for granted that injecting disease (let alone other vaccine ingredients) into the bloodstream is safer than naturally acquiring the disease? We must inhale air to live, but to inject it into the bloodstream can be fatal. The reason is that we are not designed to absorb air in this way.

Moreover, snake venom that enters the bloodstream via a snake bite is much more likely to kill than if swallowed. Here, like in vaccination, the body has a much harder time tolerating poisons injected directly into the body.

Can’t emergency procedures be unnatural processes?

Sure, some emergency procedures could be unnatural processes, such as heart-surgery. This would involve cutting one open and perhaps other unnatural processes.

But note: these involve fixing what is broken — not breaking what already works, as vaccination does. Legit surgical procedures attempt, as much as possible, to restore the body to God’s original design. (Of course, while sometimes necessary, surgery is not without risk — for the very reason that it is an unnatural process.)

Necessary surgery is an attempt to offset as much as possible a less than ideal, or unnatural, situation. Vaccination, by contrast, deliberately brings about a less than ideal situation (blood poisoning and a compromised immune system.)

Lawful use of technology and science

Technological and scientific advances are to make use of the wisdom of God’s creation – not by vainly altering it. The body of man does indeed break down and die since the Fall, but that does not give us license to recklessly alter how the body works; rather, we are to maximize how our body should properly work based on God’s original design.

When it comes to diseases, then, we ought not to work to change how our immune system works (via vaccines, etc.), but to strengthen our immune system (via diet, exercise, etc.).

Vaccination is no more lawful a use of science and technology than attempts to create human/animal hybrids or “terraforming the earth” via geoengineering.

Concluding words – God knows better than us

God is wiser than man, and to the extent that man tries to usurp God as the ultimate source of wisdom, one can only expect death and destruction. This we see in vaccination — a vain attempt to teach God that His design of the immune system is inferior to man’s.

“Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught him?” (Isaiah 40:13)

To all of these attempts to improve upon God’s design, we quote God’s question to Job:

“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?” (Job 38:4a)

In Part 2, we plan to discuss vaccination as a violation of the Sixth Commandment.

Appendix: Reverend William Hume-Rothery on Vaccination opposing God’s established order of nature (1872)

Reverend William Hume-Rothery was an Anglican minister in the Church of England and served as president of the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League. In 1872, he published the book Vaccination and the Vaccination Laws: a Physical Curse and a Class-tyranny.

In this book Rev. Hume-Rothery says the following about vaccination opposing God’s established order of nature:

“The practice called Vaccination is in violent opposition, as any one may see, to the Divinely-established order of nature, the effect of which, in every living organism, is always to expel an invading evil, never to engraft one, to promote perfection. It must, therefore, be injurious to the nature which the All-good and All-wise Creator has given us. Surely no conscientious man, with his mind open to this fact, would be a party to the perpetration of this unnatural deed upon the tender body of a helpless babe.” (p. 1)

“The blood, which is the life of the flesh, is so jealously guarded from whatever might be injurious to health, that nothing from without immediately enters it. The skin, the lungs, and the digestive apparatus, which are the organs provided for conveying nourishment to the blood, are endowed with a discriminating and sifting power, so that they may exclude or reject, as is done in normal conditions, whatever might be detrimental to the system, and accept only what is necessary to repair and sustain it. Now, by lancing or tattooing the skin, and putting the product of a sore directly into the blood, the protection established by the All-wise Creator is infringed, and the bodily organism deprived of its right of selection of such substances as are needed for its well-being, whilst a poison, which has been expelled by Providence in nature is nevertheless forced into the blood of a healthy babe. A practice which begins by outraging some of the simplest laws of physiology, to say nothing of the insanity of its fighting against God, is self-condemned, and can be productive of nothing but mischief.” (p. 2

By the right of the analogy as here presented, it may be seen how exceedingly dangerous is the practice of wounding the arm of a babe, and putting an animal poison, called vaccine, directly into its blood. With this truth upon his heart, no good man could consent to be a Vaccinator, or approve the venomous practice of Vaccination.” (p. 2)

Reverend William Hume-Rothery, Vaccination and the Vaccination Laws: a Physical Curse and a Class-tyranny (Manchester: W. Tolley, 1872), 1, 2.

For further research

A Safe Vaccine? Why there never has been, and there never will be
Dr Suzanne Humphries (video)

Bad Fruit of a Bad Tree: Unnatural Vaccination Produces an Unnatural Immune Response
Shawn Siegel

Vaccines Destroy Immune Balance Through Abnormal Route Of Entry & Toxic Ingredients
Dr. Andrew Wakefield (video)

Shawn Siegel on the Unnatural Consequences of Vaccination

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