for the “greater good.”
When it comes to defending human life, vaccination — which has insidiously injured and killed countless people — is, along with abortion, the biggest battle of the day.
As such, it is imperative that churches have official statements condemning vaccination — opposing its use and state-imposed mandates, and the need for the state to criminalize it (as it would any assault with a deadly weapon). Churches should also consider whether vaccination should be considered a disciplinary offense (at least regarding those who have been patiently educated on the matter) — whether regarding vaccinating others, being willingly vaccinated, or having one’s child vaccinated.
It is encouraging that some churches are taking this issue seriously — hopefully, others will follow their example:
New Covenant Baptist (Spokane, WA)
Condemns both mandatory vaccination, and the act of vaccination itself in its Doctrinal Statement:
We believe it is against God’s will to vaccinate and believe in medical freedom and right of parents to choose whether or not they vaccinate, especially considering that there are aborted baby DNA in many vaccines today. As such, we exert our 1st amendment right to refuse vaccinations, despite changing man-made laws.
The church’s pastor, Afshin Yaghtin, has a sermon critiquing vaccines here.
Fellowship of Christian Reconstructionist Churches (FCRC)
The FCRC opposes mandatory vaccination by either church or state in its About Us page:
A biblically faithful view of the civil sphere as well as the ecclesiastical sphere provides no jurisdiction for civil magistrates or ecclesiastical authorities to mandate or in any way coerce parents to inject vaccines, or any other substance into their children. Any civil or ecclesiastical authority who attempts to mandate that parents vaccinate their children, whether through any form of public banishment, fine, imprisonment or other forms of coercion are acting tyrannically and are in grievous sin. Any attempt to impede fellowship in the body for the unvaccinated by a believer is divisiveness and, unless repented of, is grounds for excommunication. We affirm that quarantine of the sick is a biblical and wise practice and that it is sinful to knowingly expose others to what is known to be a contagious disease. We deny that the unvaccinated can be assumed to carry diseases for which they have not been vaccinated.
After the statement the following are recommended: this sermon by Jason Garwood (a FCRC pastor) and this critique (by Jordan Wilson) of a pro-vaccine piece by the Gospel Coalition.
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