Immune System

Bad Fruit of a Bad Tree: Unnatural Vaccination Produces an Unnatural Immune Response


The following post by Shawn Siegel discusses how the unnatural process of vaccination produces an unnatural immune response. Vaccination, at its core, is a foolish attempt to be wiser than God — Who created the immune system to work in a particular way — and as such, such an attempt can only result in disaster.

(As a social media post, the piece is untitled; the title above is mine.)

by Shawn Siegel
(republished with permission)

It’s really this simple.

The symptoms attendant infectious illness are the body’s healthy, cleansing response to the infection, just as nausea is a healthy response to food poisoning. They purge the body of toxins and bring it back to wellness. They’re discomforting, but essential. Yet they’re painted by the vaccine industry as the foe, and that misrepresentation’s used as the basic motivation to vaccinate.

Insult to injury, vaccines don’t support that natural wellness program, they thwart it. After subsequent exposures to the supposedly vaccine preventable illnesses, the reduction or absence of symptoms in the vaccinated isn’t a boon or benefit, as portrayed by the industry. It’s a disability. Because of the unnatural route of introduction – injection – vaccines interfere with proper immunological response, interfere with the display of symptoms the fundamental purpose of which is to heal, not harm.

The inclusion in vaccines of known neurotoxins and other noxious chemicals is insane, and should make the procedure illegal.

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