Medical Tyranny, Opposition, Videos

A Way to Subvert Vaccine Genocide without the Internet


Between the increasing government-mandates to force vaccination on the populace, and the persecution and vitriol against those who refuse to murder their children with vaccinations, the similarities between Nazi Germany and America are becoming increasingly vivid.

Speaking of which, I recently saw the movie “Alone in Berlin.” What an inspiring movie!

Based somewhat on a true story, it is about a German couple whose child dies while fighting for Nazi Germany. This turns the couple into a determined force to end the reign of Adolf Hitler by turning public opinion against him. They attempt to do so by placing anti-Nazi postcards anonymously around the city.

For instance, one postcard warns, “Mothers, Hitler Will Kill Your Son Too”.

Gloves were used in writing the postcards, to prevent the Nazis from getting their fingerprints. The couple was eventually caught and executed, but not before having the opportunity to oppose the Nazi machine and to inspire future generations in opposing tyranny.

This tactic of using postcards can be used a means to subvert the ongoing vaccine genocide. It requires no Internet — which is especially important as true information about vaccines is becoming more and more censored online. Someday, we may be shut down completely.

(What about the prevalence of cameras today? Currently, in most situations it seems that cameras are not proactively looking for this; they seem to just be running passively for evidence if there is an assault, theft or such. However, it could get to the level of monitoring for what we are discussing on a large scale. In this case, we’d have to get out as much info as fast as possible before possibly facing arrest.)

Card topics can include the dangers and lies regarding vaccines, how to detox from vaccination (as much as possible), and not complying with vaccine mandates.

Cards can either be homemade, or ordered. sells cards (here), as well as (here). I remember hearing an opponent of vaccination discuss placing anti-vaccine cards randomly in grocery stores and such.

Never underestimate the seeds that can be planted by simply distributing cards! As Otto Quangel, the husband in “Alone in Berlin,” says in the movie,

“A little sand in the gears will not stop the machine. But, if a person throws a little more sand and then more, the motor begins to stutter. The assembly line stops.”

Now — internet or no internet — if thousands work to disseminate the truth about vaccines (whether by cards or some other way), potentially we’re not just talking about a little sand in the gears — but a relentless sandstorm.

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